Looking at the statue for a long time, Luo Zhengcai asked, "who is this statue carved with?"

Han Chuyue and Han Biluo shake their heads at the same time

After all, they entered the forbidden area of time sea for the first time. Although they had done their homework before they came here, they also knew that there was a goddess statue here, but they didn't know so much about it.

"There are two guesses about the identity of this woman," Zhan Ming's voice rang coldly in front of Luo Zheng. "She may be the matriarch of the blind clan."

"Matriarch?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows are slightly picked.

The matriarch of the blind never shows herself.

No one, even a saint, has ever seen her in the ages of gods.

As the master of the time sea forbidden area, it is possible for the matriarch to erect her statue here, but it is difficult to explain why she should erect her statue here.

"The second kind of speculation is the leader of the time Guardian clan," Zhan Ming continued, "but this kind of speculation is also shadowy. After all, no one knows exactly what kind of time Guardian exists. We only know that there is this race, but the specific existence of this race can not be verified."

"I see," Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Zhan Ming knows a lot about the forbidden area of time sea. I'm afraid that most of the true gods don't know as much as he does. He can't give a definite answer. It's hard to verify the identity of the goddess.

After Zhan Ming finished, he went with Han cangyan to decorate the star gate.

Han Chuyue saw that Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of disappointment. She blinked her eyes and said, "do you think this goddess looks familiar?"

Luo Zheng looked at Han Chuyue strangely, "how do you know?"

"Look at your reaction. Where did you meet this woman? Or does she look like your family? " Han Chuyue asked with a smile.

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally

"I don't know the identity of the statue, but if you look at it carefully, don't you think it's similar to you?" Han Chuyue asked softly.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the goddess's face again.

As Han Chuyue said, he is a bit like him.

It's not surprising.

the goddess as like as two peas and Luo Yan is almost the same. He and Luo Yan are brothers and sisters.

However, Han Chuyue's words reminded Luo Zheng.

It can't be a coincidence that the statue of Goddess looks like Luo Yan.

Is the goddess really Luo Yan and her mother?

It's just a statue in front of him, but Luo Zheng has actually seen this woman, and now his mother has only one head?

For a moment, Luo Zheng was a little hard to accept this conjecture

Looking at Luo Zheng's complicated face, Han Chuyue smiles a little. She knows that Luo Zheng's life experience is complicated. This statue has something to do with his imagination. Seeing Luo Zheng's tangled appearance, she comforts: "don't think so much. There are many things in the world that are not in your control. Maybe the truth is not what you think?"

"You're right," Luo Zheng nodded silently.

No matter how much he thinks about these things, it's useless. Sooner or later, he will know the truth. Then he turns his eyes to the bottom of the statue.

Cangyan opened a scroll under the statue of Goddess and opened another star door.

After the blue star gate appeared, the smoke ran through it, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

After a while, I saw the smoke coming from the high slope, and waved to the crowd. The two star gates connected with each other, and a temporary transmission array was successfully built.

When Han cangyan returned, Zhan Ming suddenly raised his voice and said, "now that the star gate has been successfully built, there is a way out. This time, the guardian goddess statue may be more difficult than any other time, but we will get more rewards from it than any other time, so I hope you will do your best!"

With that, Zhan Ming took the lead in walking towards the statue of the goddess, stretched out his palm and patted it gently under the statue, leaving a complete handprint on the statue.

Next, the other upper true gods also walked over and left a light handprint on the base of the statue. Soon it was the middle true God and the lower true God Finally, Luo Zheng, including tassels, including Chuyue and others.

Just as Luo Zheng reached out and patted the statue of the goddess, outside the forbidden area of time sea, the eyes under the mask of the blind patriarch flashed slightly, showing a trace of concern.


After that, Luo Zheng clapped his hand lightly and patted it under the statue of the goddess. Like other people, he just left a light handprint without any other abnormality.

The matriarch looked at her for a long time, and there was a trace of doubt in her eyes, which was soon replaced by disappointment and regret

The change of the female patriarch's look is not known by other saints. These saints are focusing on those big round real gods. A group of real gods, led by Mu Xuerong and other big perfect gods, are frantically escaping from the third layer of the sea of time. They seem to annoy some giant in the forbidden area of the sea of time.Below the statue, all the real God's handprints are printed on it. The tall statue suddenly blooms a light green light, which is like a green liquid, rising slowly from the bottom of the statue, filling the whole statue.

"Attention, everyone. Although it's not the first time for many people to enter the forbidden area of time sea, I still want to remind them that we are only qualified to enter the second level of the forbidden area through here. There will be a massive attack of evil spirits in a moment. We should do everything we can to protect the goddess. Once the goddess is completely destroyed, we will lose the chance to enter the second level! If you really can't support it, you can send it outside through the star gate to have a rest, and then please return to fight immediately... " Zhan Ming was speaking in a calm voice. Suddenly, the canyon trembled, and a ring-shaped seven color light curtain appeared around it, enveloping the whole canyon. Seeing the changes in the canyon, Zhan Ming faintly laughed, "it's already started!"

"It turns out that after the activation of the goddess statue, the canyon becomes a closed space," Luo Zheng's eyes flickered slightly. The reason why he wanted to leave a star gate here is to leave a way out for himself. Otherwise, once he was defeated, he would not be able to run out.

It's no wonder that some gods clamored that they didn't want to move on without the gate, which was a way to save their lives.


The whole Canyon began to shake up. At the same time, a large area of black things emerged from the four passes around the canyon.

At the same time, there was a strange rhythm in everyone's ears, as if countless people were breathing heavily, and the breathing was uniform.

"Black butterfly," Luo Zheng said faintly.

"This is the first wave of fierce beasts. The fierce butterfly is a kind of evil spirit in the dark fire forbidden area. You should be careful. The fierce butterfly is not powerful, but the flame after death is very difficult. Don't be surrounded by them," Zhan Ming reminded.

There are four groups of butterflies coming from the four passes of the gorge. They are spiraling towards the statue of goddess, and the breath rhythm is more and more intense!

"Up At the command of Zhan Ming, he rushed out first.

All the real gods around the statue also rushed towards the fierce rhymed butterflies, and Luo Zheng was no exception.

"Hum, it's just a fierce rhyme butterfly. You look like you're facing the enemy. I've been wandering back and forth in the dark fire forbidden area for several times. These butterflies are not worth mentioning!" Leng Lin Yue chuckled. He turned his single palm into a claw, and immediately raised it high above his head. After his fingertips burst out a bloody light, he waved out a claw.

"Brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush.

All the butterflies that touch the blood line are cut to pieces, and the broken black wings are flying around

At the same time, Leng Lin Yue's body retreated rapidly.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

The fierce rhyme butterfly of death burst into a blazing white flame behind him.

As Zhan Ming said, lieyun butterfly itself is not powerful, but every lieyun butterfly will burst out a flame called "fire of burning spirit" after death. The fire of burning spirit can cover the area of several meters, even if the real God is swallowed by the fire of burning spirit.

Leng Lin Yue is really experienced. After killing hundreds of lieyun butterflies, he immediately retreats to avoid being engulfed by the flames.

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