"The second wave of fierce objects began to reward Shenwu coins," Zhan Ming shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong with this forbidden area..." Another God said so.

It's not unusual to get the reward of Shenwu coin for killing a murderer in the canyon. Once upon a time, a warrior even got the treasure of faith.

But in general, the rewards of Shenwu coins are often given when the seventh and eighth waves of fierce objects attack, and only sporadically. The number of Shenwu coins is far less than that of today

As they have understood before, the more rewards, the higher the difficulty and the greater the risk.

"Well, if you can get a good reward here, it's better not to go to the second floor of the time sea forbidden area, or we'll just give up later," Zhan Ming shrugged, and then his heart burst into battle.

At the same time, a tattoo appeared on his shoulder, which was a majestic blue lion's head.

When his fighting spirit is boiling, the lion's head will be quietly revealed, emitting a blue light, lifelike.


In the blink of an eye, Zhan Ming rushes into the group of poisonous wolves and scorpions.

The poisonous needles of these poisonous wolves and scorpions are really powerful, but they are usually caught when they are not ready to defend.

The real gods on the scene keep a high vigilance. With their speed advantage, it's not difficult to avoid them. For example, the upper real gods such as Zhan Ming, like entering a no man's land, collide with the poisonous wolves and scorpions.

He didn't want to avoid the thin poisonous needles. Even if they didn't get close, they were shattered by the war spirit attached to his body.

Kill a poisonous wolf scorpion, there will be a Shenwu coin. In the face of thousands of poisonous wolf scorpions, all the true gods are crazy.

These real gods ignored the power of the poisonous wolf scorpion and rushed to kill them. Then they quickly involved thousands of Shenwu coins on the ground in their own Xumi ring!

One shot is equivalent to their wandering in other small forbidden areas for several years. Who would like to miss such an opportunity?

Luo Zheng is not slow to kill the poisonous wolf scorpion. He takes the lead after the first shot. He makes a gap from the poisonous wolf scorpion and rushes to the distance.

The poisonous wolves and scorpions wrapped him like a torrent of blood, and the poisonous needles with deadly venom shot at him.

However, he didn't pay attention to these poisonous needles at all. He saw a watermelon sized thunder ball in his hand. There were four or five small thunder balls in the center of the thunder ball. The small thunder balls collided with each other and made a sharp cracking sound, which would explode in his hands at any time.

He grabbed a watermelon sized thunder ball and fell to the ground!


A round thunder burst at his feet. With him as the center of the circle, all the poisonous wolves and scorpions were hit by the spreading lightning. The bright red watch case suddenly turned into burnt black, and then turned into a pile of black powder


Hundreds of Shenwu coins were turned over from the ground.

With a wave of Luo Zheng's hand, all the Shenwu coins were rolled up by the invisible wind. After two feet off the ground, they quickly revolved around Luo Zheng and finally got into his Xumi commandment.

"12000 Shenwu coins," Luo Zheng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and flew up to another group of poisonous wolves and scorpions.

Only Luo Zheng, Zhan Ming and other gods dare to play like this in the Canyon

The median true gods like Han cangyan and Leng linyue may have such abilities, but they are not sure to avoid all the poisonous wolf scorpion needles, so they can only rely on the goddess to kill the poisonous wolf scorpion group, which naturally slows down a lot.


Luo Zheng jumped up and stepped into the group of poisonous wolves and scorpions again. When he stepped down, hundreds of poisonous wolves and scorpions around him were smashed. He did the same. In his hand, he condensed a thunder ball and hit the ground heavily!

Those poisonous wolves and scorpions disappeared in front of him again, leaving only pieces of Shenwu coins waiting for his harvest.

But Luo Zheng didn't have time to put these Shenwu coins into the Xumi ring. A real God with a solid figure suddenly rushed over and gave a cold drink, "go away!" Then a layer of earth yellow Daoyun appeared on his fist. The Daoyun was very solid and deep, and the fist hit the ground suddenly.


The ground around him began to wriggle continuously, and the Shenwu coins converged towards the middle God along with the wriggling of the earth. Then he waved his hand suddenly, and these Shenwu coins were sucked into the ring of Xumi.

This series of actions are extremely fast. After the middle God took all the Shenwu coins, he also looked at Luo Zheng with a slanting head and a light look. "These poisonous wolf scorpions were originally killed by me. I don't blame you for robbing them. Go away, hehe!"

Luo Zheng lightly swept this middle position true God one eye.

"Don't you agree? Boy The middle God looked at Luo Zheng and sneered, with a provocative look on his face.Although Luo Zheng showed extraordinary strength in the temple of time, he was still not worth mentioning in the eyes of the middle God. He obviously did not put Luo Zheng in the eyes of the lower God.

Not far away, Zhan Ming and others frowned when they saw this scene, but they didn't intervene.

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light killing opportunity flashed away from his pupils. Then he turned his head and jumped up and rushed into another group of poisonous wolves and scorpions again.


Huge thunder balls spread out, and a large group of poisonous wolves and scorpions turned into carbon powder.

But what Luo Zheng didn't expect was that the middle real God rushed over again and punched the ground. Under the creeping of the ground, he robbed those Shenwu coins again. At the same time, he said with complacency: "I forgot to remind you that the Shenwu coins here are also mine!"

Luo Zheng didn't pay any attention to this middle true God. He continued to rush into other poisonous wolf scorpion groups and killed them with xuanlei Shinto. He didn't even pick up those Shenwu coins. After killing the poisonous wolf scorpion group, he continued to search for the next target. Then the middle true God still followed and sucked all the Shenwu coins.

At the beginning, everyone was in a hurry to kill the wolf and scorpion. No one noticed the strange movement of the two.

With fewer and fewer poisonous wolves and scorpions gushing out of the four sides of the pass, many people noticed this strange scene.

"The poisonous wolf scorpion that Luo Tianxing killed seems to have been robbed by Dongfang Yang!"

"That guy can swallow his anger..."

"What else? If he dares to resist, Dongfang Yang will kill him. "

The gods whisper.

Dongfang Yang, the genius of Dongfang family.

He won one hundred and seven times in the battle with Fuzhen!

If it wasn't for anonymity, he would be the most dazzling person in the floating island ranking.

Mu Ning stands with a negative hand. She looks at Luo Zheng with heroic eyes and doesn't speak. She wants to see how Luo Zheng responds.

Han Chuyue and Han Biluo are both depressed and worried. What's depressing is that they can't help. Dongfang Yang comes from Dongfang family. Originally, it's a rich family that Han family can't provoke. Besides, Dongfang Yang's strength is unfathomable.

Tassel frowns and stares at Luo Zheng. Although she is extremely indifferent, she still pays close attention to Luo Zheng silently all the way. She knows Luo Zheng's temperament. If Dongfang Yang is forced by each other, Luo Zheng is bound to do something. But Luo Zheng is only the lower true God. How can she get the benefit from the middle true God?

Leng linyue was overjoyed to see this scene. He had already had a chance to kill Luo Zheng, but he didn't have a suitable time to do it. Now this temporary team is dominated by Zhan Ming. Luo Zheng saved Zhan Ming's life. If Leng linyue did it directly, Zhan Ming would intervene.

Now Dongfang Yang has found Luo Zheng. It's enough for him to drink a pot!

Luo Zheng continued to rush to another group of poisonous wolf scorpions as if he hadn't seen them. He just killed them, but Dongfang Yang still took all the Shenwu coins.

Now most of the poisonous wolf scorpions in the whole Canyon have been killed, and only fragmentary poisonous wolf scorpions slowly climb towards the goddess statue.

Dongfang Yang showed a satisfied expression, turned around and prepared to return to the bottom of the statue. Then he heard a faint voice behind him, "are you going to leave like this?"

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