The real gods at the scene naturally understood Dongfang Ning's words, but they still had no bottom in their hearts.

But Dongfang Ning is always on his own. Although he is very powerful, he is not as good at commanding as Zhan Ming, nor has he the leadership temperament of xuanyue Xiaolou.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Dongfang Ning's face showed helplessness. He only said to Zhan Ming, "you can command. The first step is to slow these guys down as much as possible. In fact, it's not difficult..."

Zhan Ming nodded and glanced at the crowd. "Xiaolou, you lead a team to deal with the abyss envoy in the East!"

"Dongfang Yanghe Fangyin, and..."


In the blink of an eye, Zhan Ming divided the real gods into four teams, and then the real gods surrounded the four abyss demons.

Luo Zheng was assigned to Dongfang Ning's team.

After all, Dongfang Ning had the experience of wandering in the abyss. He rushed to the abyss emissary. When he was about two feet away from it, he stopped. Then he pointed to the abyss emissary, "go!"

A translucent ice butterfly went straight to the abyss.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

Under the constant impact of these ice butterflies, they immediately turned into butterfly shaped frost marks, which were printed on the body of the abyss demon envoy.

The abyss mage's action was very slow. After the butterflies were printed on the abyss mage's body, their speed dropped by half. It was as if a person was walking in slow motion, and only one or two breaths would take a step.

"Do it, too!" Dongfang Ning cried strangely, only to find that other people followed him without saying a word, and actually looked at his action.

Under the strange cry of Dongfang Ning, other real gods also took action one after another.

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and patted it lightly. The invisible long rattan sword flew out of the sky and turned into invisible vines, which constantly twined the abyss demon emissary.

The power of the abyss emissary is amazing. It can break the vines by raising its foot, but the long vine sword also brings considerable obstacles to the abyss emissary, and the moving speed is reduced by two points

"Falling snow!"

One of the middle true deities reveals the Taoist connotation of snow print Shinto.

Then, a white cloud appeared over the head of the abyss demon envoy. From the cloud, there were snowflakes falling down. Those snowflakes formed a whirling blizzard, which completely shrouded the abyss demon envoy.

The other gods also use their own means to limit the movement of the abyss demon envoy.

One after another, the speed of the abyss demon envoy is constantly reduced, and every step is extremely difficult, just like a poor puppet imitating human walking.

"That's about it," Dongfang Ning said lightly. "The body of the abyss demon envoy is very thick. You should show your most powerful means!"

As the voice fell, Dongfang Ning's palm turned slightly, and he took out a translucent sword. A little cold force came out of his arm and poured it into the body of the sword. The translucent sword soon turned into blue, and the whole body was releasing cold air. Then he cut the abyss demon envoy fiercely across two Zhang's distance.

"Lingbing chop!" He gave a cold drink.


The blue sword light turns into a half moon shape and cuts into the abyss at a very fast speed.

The abyss demon was almost unable to move and could not avoid Dongfang Ning. He cut out the sword light!

When the true gods saw this sword light, they were also secretly surprised. Dongfang Ning was the best of the upper true gods after all. This sword light looked ordinary, but it was full of power. If an ordinary true God was cut off, where would he have life?

I don't know how many swords the abyss demon can take?

In the blink of an eye, the ice blue sword light had been cut on the abyss demon envoy.


When the sword light touched the abyss demon envoy, it exploded and burst into dazzling blue light.

When the light dissipated, they all looked at each other, one by one showing the color of consternation.

There is only a trace on the chest of the abyss demon envoy!

"How hard is the abyss demon?"

"Dongfang Ning's cultivation of the above real God cut out a sword, but he didn't move!"

"How to kill..."

There was no surprise on Dongfang Ning's face at that time, but a natural expression, "it's not easy to kill the abyss demon envoys. There are only four here, and we can barely handle it. Last time we Dongfang family wandered into the abyss demon realm, we were chased and killed by hundreds of Abyss demon envoys..."

It's so hard to kill one abyss emissary. Hundreds of abyss emissaries

The real gods could not help shivering when they imagined the scene.

Generally, the true gods will not explore the abyss. Only with the detailed planning of some elite families will they enter the forbidden area of the abyss. However, the true gods who enter the abyss are often in danger.

"Let's do it," Dongfang Ning didn't bother to explain too much. He waved his long sword and cut out the sword light.The other true gods did not hesitate any more. Seeing that the action of the abyss demon envoy was so slow, as long as he kept a distance, he was just a living target, and was not afraid at all.

"Holy thunder lingchi!"


A true God released a series of thunder and lightning, which were as thick as buckets, and frantically struck the abyss demon envoy.

"Blood god chop!"


The blood red giant blade cleaved away, cutting the abyss demon and making it sour.

Luo Zheng sacrificed the other three long swords. After taking turns to fight, he also left a trace on the abyss demon emissary

The abyss demon envoy was attacked by dozens of real gods in turn, and still stood. However, the attack of all the people seemed to annoy him. He waved his big flame sword, turned his direction and roared, "wow..."

It turns around and rushes towards a real God.

However, all kinds of constraints are imposed on it, and even the sprint is extremely slow. Many true gods are like a flexible rabbit, retreating and attacking at the same time. The abyss demon envoy is a beaten tortoise. Although he has heavy defense, he can't touch any true gods

"It's very simple!" A true God said with a smile.

"Sooner or later this guy will be killed..."

"I don't know what reward will be given to kill the abyss demon envoy. Is it so powerful that there will be a treasure of faith?"

There is a real God said here, all the other real God's face immediately revealed the color of intention, at the same time very taboo to see the east rather one eye.

If there is a treasure of faith, how to distribute it?

It's impossible to belong to Dongfang Ning alone, isn't it?

Many true gods have a trace of suspicion in their hearts. No one will be happy to kill the abyss emissary and finally make wedding clothes for others.

"Ka, Ka..."

With the constant attack of the gods, the body surface of the abyss demon envoy gradually burst into cracks, and the two rows of ribs with barbs on his chest began to break one by one.

"It looks like it won't last long!"

"Come on, everyone!"

Some of the true gods are even closer to the abyssal magic envoys. If killing the abyssal magic envoys really gives them some precious treasures of faith, they must seize them at the first time.

But the crisis is coming quietly at this time!

"Woo woo..."

The abyss devil made him burst out with anger. At the same time, he raised the flame sword in his hand, and the red flame in his eyes also spurted out.

At the same time, a layer of golden light was plated on its bones!

Under that layer of golden light, all the magic powers lost their effect, and it rushed to the nearest middle God at a very fast speed.

The middle God was still thinking about how to snatch the reward, but before he could react, he was caught by the dark hand of the abyss demon!

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