The tortoise usually appears in the remote area of buzhouling mountain. Because of its slow movement, few real gods go to trouble with it.

There are not many real gods in Fang's secondary school who practice Lishui. Only three or four real gods, including Fang Xiaoyu, have mastered Lishui mirror. None of these real gods has ever met Xuanjia golden turtle.

As for Fang hen Shao, he did kill Xuanjia Jingui when he entered buzhouling mountain, but he didn't practice Lishui Shinto, so he didn't expect that Lishui mirror would have such an effect when he met Xuanjia Jingui!

Sixty four swords of Buddha emperor swayed around Luo Zheng, and some of them even showed signs of instability.

Luo Zheng is not a zijiyin body after all. Although he has cultivated the Ziqi Shinto, his mastery of fennian manipulation is not perfect. Therefore, Han Jiuyi only teaches Luo Zheng four swords.

Although Luo Zheng is now the true God of the true value of goods, it is still difficult for him to master 64 Buddha emperor swords at once!


Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly.

Sixty four swords of the Buddha emperor quickly merged with each other, from sixty-four swords quickly condensed into four giant swords!

"Power How fast it decays Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed.

After the strength leaves the body, it will quickly decay!

After Luo Zheng's own Buddha emperor sword was detached, he could maintain the form of Buddha emperor sword only by continuously supplementing the source of power through the supernatural power. Just as he stopped supplementing the source of power, the Buddha emperor sword would collapse in a short time.

The source of the four great swords is not from Luo Zheng, but from Xuanjia Jingui.

The size of these four swords is too large to maintain their shape by relying on Luo Zheng's strength. Therefore, the four swords are like melting ice and snow, rapidly decaying


Before the four huge swords completely decayed, Luo Zheng controlled the four huge swords to cut the four Xuanjia Jingui not far away!

"Puff, puff, puff!"

These four huge swords are so powerful that they can be compared with the subsequent strike of great perfection.

The four tortoises had almost no resistance and were cut in half without suspense!

The four giant swords belonging to Luo Zheng began to decay rapidly, but a white light curtain flashed again on the surface of the shell of the four tortoises, from which four giant swords popped out

"That's enough," Luo Zheng said faintly.

After using the mirror to control four giant swords, before the sword decays, he kills the other four tortoises again!

Under such repetition, the efficiency is amazing

Not far away, Zhao Wubian still carries his big ring knife to kill Xuanjia golden turtle, but every time he just kills a Xuanjia golden turtle, he has to bear his own attack. Although he can resist with his body, it is also speechless to watch Luo Zheng kill Xuanjia golden turtle so easily.

Relying on this method, Luo Zheng's speed of killing Xuanjia Scarab was far faster than those of Da Yuanman. Meanwhile, the strong blood force was pouring in continuously.

"It's so hot!"

The powerful power of blood and Qi in Luo Zheng's body rapidly churns and boils, constantly moistening every muscle and every inch of flesh and blood in Luo Zheng's body

Luo Zheng's action attracted a lot of great attention, and naturally attracted Mu Xuerong's attention.

Mu Xuerong didn't kill the tortoise. Instead, she leaned back under the tree stump and closed her eyes. After hearing the conversation between Tang Wan and Fang Henshao, she opened her eyes and stared at Luo Zheng with indifferent eyes.

Before entering the forbidden area of time sea, Mu Xuerong ordered Mu Ning to pay attention to Luo Zheng.

"Is this guy really the anonymous of the Han family?" Mu Xuerong sends a message to Mu Ning.

Now Mu Xuerong sees Luo Zheng's "virtual sword", and the fact that Luo Zheng is an anonymous person is already clear.

Mu Ning nodded and answered with a voice, "yes, and his real name doesn't seem to be Luo Tianxing. I heard that he was called Luo Zheng with tassel in a hurry. I suspect that Luo Tianxing is an alias."

I'm afraid Mu Ning is the only one who pays most attention to Luo Zheng in the canyon. After all, that's the task specially assigned by my sister.

"Surnamed Luo, called Luo Zheng..." Mu Xuerong chewed the name in his heart, with a playful expression on his face. Then he said faintly, "I met my father some time ago. My father mentioned about the stowaways in Dayan. He told me that the second stowaways had entered the long airspace."

"Long airspace is the territory of Han family..." Mu Ning responds, but she still doesn't understand what Mu Xuerong wants to say.

Mu Xuerong twists a wisp of drooping hair with her hand. The silky Black Satin hair twists between her index fingers, forming a delicate spiral. She continues: "with the ability of Han family, it's impossible to cultivate such a guy in a short time. What's more, he's a foreign warrior, and his surname is Luo..."

Mu Xuerong plucked her hair and looked at Luo Zheng in the distance.

Hearing this, Mu Ning suddenly understood what his elder sister wanted to express. "Elder sister, you didn't suspect that he was anonymous. You suspected that Luo Zheng was sent by Luo Xiao? That's not likely! "If Luo Zheng is an anonymous person, it doesn't matter. If Luo Zheng is really a person sent by Luo Xiao, or even from dayanyanyu, the problem is different. He is the arch enemy of the herdsmen and must be cut off.

For some reason, Mu Ning felt a little flustered. She didn't want to believe it was true. Then she said, "even if Luo Zheng is a foreigner of Han family, it doesn't mean he must come from Dayan. After all, there are many people surnamed Luo in the world. There is always a very small probability that one or two such geniuses will be born from the grass roots!"

Mu Xuerong looked at Mu Ning strangely, "my father is not sure, neither am I. In addition, there is another doubt. Yu Taibai suddenly said that in the arena of the gods. He refused other powerful families to enter Buzhou Lingshan. At the same time, he welcomed xuanyue family, sword family, Han family and Gu family to enter Buzhou Lingshan..."

"According to his father's analysis, Yu Taibai should know that" someone "has arrived at Han's home, so he will deliver the news. That is to say, nine out of ten, Yu Taibai will send the message to this person, and let him go to Yunlong stream in Buzhou Lingshan. But the anonymous person of Han's family will rise suddenly at this time. Do you think it will be a coincidence?"

"So the anonymous are Luo Xiao's people, at least 80% of them are likely to..." Mu Xuerong then glanced at Mu Ning and asked strangely, "what are you nervous about?"

Mu Ning's heart slightly jumps and shakes her head. "My sister is right. He is really suspicious, but I can't completely confirm that he is Luo Xiao's person."

"Don't you know your sister's character?"

Who knows Mu Xuerong smile, slowly stood up, "Luo Xiao is a hundred legged insects dead but not rigid, he is good at layout, every piece in his hands have a thousand wonderful use, but want to break the game is also very simple! I'll cut off one of his next pieces. "

Then she pulled out a short sword and looked at Luo Zheng, who was hunting Xuanjia and Jingui in the distance. "I'd rather kill the wrong one than let it go."

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