Luo Zheng held the dagger tightly and fixed himself firmly on the snake's head.

Along the way, he kept bumping and bumping on the beams at the top of the temple, and sometimes he was pressed on the ceiling to rub

However, with his physical strength, this impact will not cause him any damage, on the contrary, it is the top of Tianlun temple, which was bumped by him all the way!

"Bang Bang..."

Like Luo Zheng, muxuerong, which is firmly fixed on the other side, is the same.

Her fixed position was higher than that of Luo Zheng. The king snake of heaven wheel kept retreating, and her head smashed many beams all the way.

Although Mu Xuerong is a big round true God, and her physical strength is much stronger than that of ordinary true God, she is not as strong as Luo Zheng after all. Moreover, Luo Zheng's body surface is also protected by a layer of concentric clothing. After repeated impacts, she is also dizzy.

Those gravel fly ash is make her disheartened, look embarrassed.

Luo Zheng, who was hanging on the side of the snake's head, glanced faintly and showed a faint smile. After Mu Xuerong noticed it, he said angrily, "what's the smile?"

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and his smile became more intense.

Just as she was about to scold, "bang", her head smashed a beam heavily

In contrast, it's much better to hang it at the bottom. His green edged sword is nailed into the snake's side and stands on tiptoe. Although the snake's head is constantly shaking, he keeps his balance as steady as a mountain.

Seeing Mu Xuerong's embarrassed appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

Mu Xuerong was very angry. According to her temper, she was afraid that she would turn over and climb to the other end of the snake's head and kick Luo Zheng down.

But the speed of the snakehead retreating is too fast. In case of being thrown down, I'm afraid it's hard to keep up!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The snake continued to retreat to the depths of the temple.

The real God of Da Yuanman in the rear also ran all the way, while Mu Ning was the last one. Her speed was not small compared with other great consummation.

A long time has passed

I don't know how long the snake retreated to the bottom of the earth. It was completely immersed in the darkness.

Luo Zheng grasped the handle of Daqian Epee, turned his eyes and looked around. He found that it was still the inside of Tianlun temple. He didn't expect that Tianlun temple was so huge. According to the distance of Tianlun king snake's retreat, the part of Tianlun Temple hidden under the desert was tens of thousands of feet deep.

I don't know how such a huge building was built inside the desert.

After another incense burning time, Luo Zheng felt a light coming from the front. With the help of the light, Luo Zheng saw that the temple had come to an end. At the exit at the bottom of the temple, a thick circular pillar extended out.

Around the round pillar, there is another world

All kinds of different colors of light like noodles, around the top, bottom, left, right around, like cobwebs in general make up around.

"This is The passage of time? " Luo Zheng was slightly surprised.

Mu Xuerong and Fang Henshao saw this scene, and their faces also flickered with a different color. They were obviously shocked by this scene.

They entered the world of the seal from the passage of time, and obviously recognized the light.

"Those bugs..." Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly fixed.

Black worms crawling in the light of noodles.

When Luo Zheng entered the passage of time, he watched two true gods devour them directly. The black insect even once got out of the passage of time and wanted to drag Luo Zheng back. Finally, after Luo Zheng cut off the pair of pliers, the black insect had to retreat.

"What do these insects have to do with the giant rotifers?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows coagulated slightly.

It's not uncommon for Luo Zheng and these great round gods to build space. They all have a complete space in their elixir field, and the world in it is probably more perfect than that in the jade seal.

However, in general space, time moves forward in a linear way. Even the master of the world can only allow time to move forward and can not reverse the world back to a certain past.

Now it seems that the world constructed by this jade seal must have a great connection with the world, so it can open the way of time

After the body of the king of heaven's wheel snake was coiled on this huge pillar, it finally stopped!

"Hiss -"

it spits out the letter in its mouth, raises its huge snake head, and suddenly begins to revolve around the pillar, trying to throw Luo Zheng and others out.

There is a void around the pillar. On the light like noodles, there are black insects. If Luo Zheng and others really fall into it, they will be stretched into a noodle and eaten by those insects!Luo Zheng, Fang hen Shao and Mu Xue Rong are aware of the danger. They never take it lightly any more and hold on to their swords

But under the constant shaking, Luo Zheng gradually felt bad. The big thousand Epee, which was originally deep into the snake's head, now slid out inch by inch. If it reached a certain limit, he might even be thrown out with a sword!

The king of heaven's wheel snake probably also noticed it, and even accelerated the swing range of the snake's head.

After throwing six or seven times like this, the snake's head suddenly went up to the bottom!


Luo Zheng's Daqian Epee certainly slipped out of it.

Almost at the same time, Mu Xuerong's short sword was also thrown off, and she was thrown down with Luo Zheng!

However, Mu Xuerong seems to have been prepared. When she was in the air, she took out a chain from the ring of Xumi. One end of the chain was connected with the machete in her hand, and then she suddenly shot it upward. After circling the huge column, it was deeply embedded in the snake body of tianlunwang snake again, and the whole person swam upward.

When Mu Xuerong echoed, he crossed with Luo Zheng. His beautiful eyes were staring at Luo Zheng not far away. His face showed a touch of ridicule, "go to die..." She said with a faint smile.

Looking at the doomed Luo Zheng, Mu Xuerong felt a sense of stability in her heart.

But she saw Luo Zheng who had fallen three or four feet. Suddenly, a silver light flashed in her hand, and then a huge silver sword appeared at his feet!

In a hurry, Luo Zheng also remembered the "strike empty ring" in his hand.

He stepped on the hilt of the silver sword with his feet, and burst out a very powerful force. The whole man shot up again, jumped down, and jumped back again.

At the same time, the silver sword transformed by the "strike the empty ring" has turned into a silver streamer, flying towards the void, and quickly into the noodle like light.

The moment the silver sword shoots into the light, it turns into a silver light and flows rapidly along those light.

There is a black insect perched on a light. Without time to dodge, it was pushed by the silver streamer, and the insect was killed directly!

"What a tough life

Mu Xuerong never thought that Luo Zheng would go back to the back of tianlunwang snake in this way.

Before Luo Zheng fully stood, she took back the chain around the crossbeam and the snake. Then she stepped the machete that connected the chain into the body of tianlunwang snake. In this way, she could ensure that she would not fall down again. Then she turned the chain into a red light again and rushed towards Luo Zheng!

Luo Zheng is not willing to be outdone. With a slight turn of Daqian Epee in his hand, they fight again on the back of Tianlun king snake.

Only Fang Henshao still clings to the snake's head. He also feels that the green sword is thrown out bit by bit. If it goes on like this, he will fall down sooner or later. He can't help yelling at Mu Xuerong: "you'd better save me first! I'll take that boy's life for you! "

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