"The three thousand Shinto are all based on the rules. It can be said that the rules are brought into full play, and the Shinto derived from them is also full of strange things..."

"But the Tao and the Dharma can't escape the word" nature "after all..."

"Tao follows nature..."

At this time, aunt hanjiu had a great understanding.

Her slender fingers gently flick, a source of strength, a wisp of purple gas slowly escape out, full of Pian hall.

In the divine realm, Han Jiuyi has absolute authority on Ziqi Shinto.

Ziqi Shinto is naturally suitable for array.

In order to cultivate Ziqi Shinto, the predecessors used Ziqi to breed all kinds of creatures and list all kinds of great formations.

Han Jiuyi followed this idea and carried it forward with the help of Luo Xiao.

The changes of the four swords of the killing God sword array are the foundation, and the foundation is laid by suoluxiao.

Thirty two swords are more complicated and fierce

Ninety six sword is the upper limit of the killing sword array. It is also the most perfect form of the killing sword array. The variables and killing opportunities are even greater than a terrible limit.

In addition to the sword array, Han Jiuyi also has "dragon flying array of thousands of animals", "bird grabbing dream shaped array" and "Purple spirit dispute" array.

In order to develop Ziqi Shinto to a more powerful extreme, Han Jiuyi is still working hard to build a larger array to perfectly combine Ziqi Shinto with the source of strength

This is a huge project.

Among them, the variable quantity is increased by several orders of magnitude.

Even for Aunt Han Jiuyi, it's extremely difficult to build this array, so I haven't made much progress after groping for so long

"If you cling to it, it's not easy; if you want to do it, it's bound; if you want to think it, it's utopian..."

"Don't stick to it, don't do it, don't read it..."

"Self realization."

Han Jiuyi no longer controls those purple Qi, nor does she trace back to the source of strength, but allows them to float in the side hall

She murmured, thinking strangely.

The invisible power and purple Qi are flowing slowly in the side hall. Sometimes purple Qi envelops the power, and sometimes the power repels those purple Qi.

Those purple Qi, like clouds in the sky, sometimes turn into galloping horses, sometimes into gods and ghosts, all kinds of strange images.

"The array is mysterious and ingenious, but it is changed by reading."

"If we talk about the mystery, what in the world can be compared with the mystery of nature..."

"Hiss, hiss..."

At this moment, those purple Qi and strength began to constantly blend, no longer the slightest shape, but slowly circling around Han Jiuyi.

"This is also a battle..."

With nine aunt looking at this scene, eyes coruscate a strange look.

In front of her, this array seems to be out of shape, but it only needs to change slightly, and there are opportunities to kill everywhere. If she sacrificed more powerful source, more purple Qi, the power of which is even more unimaginable.

"The name of this array," Han Jiuyi thought for a while. With a frown, the invisible array suddenly lost its chance to kill. It turned into a mess and had no natural rhythm.

She patted her forehead and said with a smile, "this is the idea of nature. If you impose a name on it, you will have form and bondage, but you will lose nature..."

Then Han Jiuyi scattered the purple Qi and the source of strength, gently stretched out her hand, and carefully collected the volume of true heart method written by Luo Nian, which opened the door of pianting.

Half a month has passed since she realized

When she opened the door, a ray of morning light came in directly, and the world that came to her eyes had changed. Trees, sunlight, and fish in the pond all contained Tao, nature, and infinite truth.

Only those pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, which can be made by human, have no artistic conception

"Hoo Hoo..."

On the platform of the side hall facing the pond, Luo Nian in white is dancing with a gun.

Luo Nian and long gun originally have no natural meaning, but when Han Jiu's aunt saw him go away with one shot, she was surprised.

Although Luo Nian's shooting technique is good, it is not fashionable in Han Jiuyi's eyes. However, this shot also contains a trace of natural truth. It is precisely because of this trace of natural truth that Luo Nian's shooting technique has become extraordinary!

"Yes, he has translated the true mental method and can read more than 1000 words. Naturally, he has a little understanding of the Taoist method. He is only 16 years old. Although his cultivation is not powerful, he can realize a trace of true meaning. When he grows up, he will be even more powerful than his father..." Han Jiuyi's eyes were full of admiration.

She went forward, but saw Luo Nian's angry face, and asked, "nianer, where's your father?"


Luo Nian spat out three words and continued to wave his long gun, which was like a wheel, whirring.

He thought that when his father came back, Xianfu would be more lively.

Did not expect on the contrary, whether it is mother or smoked aunt, Yun aunt they all around the father to turn around, simply do not care about themselves.In particular, aunt Xun doesn't practice with herself

"Still sleeping?"

Han Jiuyi looked up at the sky. Although it was morning, it was getting better every day.

When I think of Luo Nian's breath again, I understand it in my heart, and a helpless smile appears on my face.

It turned out that Luo Zheng had just returned to the immortal mansion, and his wives were gorgeous, so naturally they didn't have a good rest.

However, they have all become the body of the true God. Their energy is almost unlimited, and they are not unable to get up now

"Young people have no control..."

She sighed, jumped on the platform, twisted her waist slightly, and said with a smile, "I'll accompany you to practice the gun!"

Luo Niang looked at Han Jiuyi strangely, "you have no weapons, how to practice?"

"Attack to come over is," contain nine aunt light to say.

Luo Nian didn't hesitate any more. With a wave of the long gun, the tip of the gun was like a poisonous snake pointing towards Han Jiuyi.

In fact, Luo Zheng's current cultivation shows his shooting skill, which is not enough to see.

A few months ago, Xun Du didn't want to compete with Luo Nian at all. After all, those who are strong in the realm of the world compete with those who are powerful in the realm of Shendan. This is not the gap between adults and children, but the gap between people and dust. There is no comparability.

So every time fumigation is a random shot, will Luo Nian's long gun shock fly, and then gently put him down.

But since ronian deciphered the six Golden Sanskrit, the situation has changed!

Without precaution, Luo Nian was shot by Xun!

Although Xun suppressed his cultivation to the realm of divine elixir, he was stabbed by surprise, which was enough to shock Xun.

So Xun also began to face up to this "little opponent" and seriously competed with him.

At the beginning, Xun can also suppress Luo Nian in moves.

But as Luo Nian can "read" more and more mental skills of true meaning, he has become more and more deeply aware of the true meaning, and he has been able to level off with Xun in his moves.

Luo Nian shot past, including nine aunt body shape a turn.

She didn't move fast, and even didn't think much in her mind. Her body was like a breeze, so she naturally avoided the shot.


Luo Nian also saw that there was a special true meaning of Tao in Han Jiuyi, but the true meaning of Tao she had was much higher than herself.

"Come again!"

This kind of competition is also of great benefit to Luo Nian.

He had already begun to understand the true meaning of the channel, but now he can understand it again from Han Jiuyi's body method.

It's really a spectacle for the master to compete with the warrior in the divine elixir realm.

"Tao follows nature, and changes eternity by constant thinking. All things follow nature, but not by constant understanding..." Luo Nian shot out, a little understanding in the heart, could not help but began to recite the true mind.

Hearing his recitation, aunt Han Jiuyi smiles and starts to recite silently

The reason why I don't like to write about the transition is that I don't like to write about the strength of the bridge I've come to the point in the past two days. Please be patient (-_ -) )

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