Luo Zheng's face also showed a smile when he noticed the light coming in from the top of the cave wall.

"It turns out that this is the way the sword clan saves people..."

It's impossible for the sword clan to send people to save people in the place of last resort. Besides, tens of thousands of superior gods can't be saved even if something happens.

But the sword people's method is very simple.

Directly pierce the tree hole above, release the breath of the non attacking place, and cover the injured God. In this way, the insects can't attack again.

When the top of the cave wall was pierced, a sword clan jumped down from the top, grabbed the superior God and left the tree cave by the same way.

But not all true gods are so lucky to be saved.

Just as Jiansha said, there is a risk of falling in the place of killing.

When a superior God was flying away, a black beetle appeared at the top of the cave. The sharp corner of the beetle's head directly penetrated the superior God's head and nailed the superior God to the cave wall.

The superior real God could not even utter a scream. He was paralyzed. Naturally, the sword had no chance to break and died

The real gods who noticed this scene were awe inspiring. Under such circumstances, they could only rush through faster.

"These insects are really troublesome..."

Luo Zheng's eyes slightly coagulated, and then rushed out toward the front.

According to what he knows now, after passing the second round of screening, he will be able to participate in the last round of Tao contention.

If such as pure unreal said, Yu Taibai will take Luo Yan to appear!

He is not interested in Daozheng, but this round of screening, he will go through anyway.


Luo Zheng turned into streamer again and shot away.


Just as he was ten miles away, he heard a buzzing sound overhead.

Luo Zheng is almost a turning over of conditioned reflex.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

More than ten black streamers shot down at Luo Zheng.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

The sharp corners of the black beetles were nailed to the wall of the tree hole.

This group of black beetles failed to nail Luo Zheng. They pulled out their sharp horns one after another and spread their wings to Luo Zheng again!


Seeing these black beetles getting closer and closer to themselves, Luo Zheng turned over, and the power in his body surged out, and all his fists flickered.

"Bang bang!"

Even though he used nearly 50% of his strength, Luo Zheng failed to smash the black beetle's carapace.

But the huge power still shakes these beetles away one by one!

At the same time, with the help of the power of that push back, Luo Zheng flew away again, a series of actions like flowing water, these black beetles had no choice but to take him.

Some of the upper real gods who flew by in a hurry also looked at Luo Zheng's familiar movements.

Out of the kill zone.

A slender branch spread over the main pole.

Under the continuous bending of this branch, it looks like mosquito repellent incense, rolling into a pure natural platform.

Jiansha stands on the platform, overlooking the bottom.

The unique place is a long and narrow passage specially opened up for the cultivation of the sword people. This passage stretches for a hundred Li inside Ruomu.

Standing on the platform where the sword slaughter is located, with the insight of the sword clan, you can overlook the whole process.

At the bottom, there are tens of thousands of sword people distributed on the surface of Ruomu. They are on standby at any time. If anyone breaks the sword order and sends out a signal for help, the sword people will chisel through the surface of Ruomu with the fastest speed and save the true God.

From the beginning to the end, Jiansha's eyes focused on Luo Zheng.

To tell you the truth, it's a very subtle experience to watch a lower true God march forward in the land of death

The sword clan has opened up hundreds of similar places in the interior of Ruomu.

There are some places where there is no danger. The purpose is to let the sword people feel the other side of the true meaning of Tao.

But there are some places that are extremely dangerous.

In the huge main pole of Ruomu, there are some extraordinary ferocious objects.

Although the sword clan has occupied Ruomu for so many years, in fact, they don't know Ruomu as well as the outside world thinks.

Up to now, there are still some mysterious monsters living in Ruomu's body. There are some places where you can't be killed. Even if Da Yuanman walks in them, it will be very dangerous.

Now, this killing place, which is used for the selection of Tao contention, is given to the superior God for cultivation in ordinary times.

Because it is close to the surface of Ruomu, if you encounter danger, as long as you move fast enough, you can get the fastest rescue.But for the lower true God and the middle true God, this place is extremely dangerous.

"It's worthy of being a little guy who can stir up the floating island, such strength I'm afraid the most outstanding son of our sword clan is far behind him! " Jiansha made such an evaluation. If he had doubts about the rumor before, now he knows that there is no exaggeration about the disappearance of Luo Zheng in the transmission of Fu Dao.

At this time, not far away, there were two Gray figures shooting, and in the blink of an eye, they had already fallen in front of Jiansha.

These two men are also two great circle practitioners!

One looks like a middle-aged man in his forties, with a small beard and a kind face. He is the "heart of the sword" of one of the elders who hold the sword.

The other one is an old man who is evil looking and indifferent. He is also one of the elders who hold the sword. His name is "sword bone".

"The second round of screening, has it begun?" The heart of the sword stepped on the round platform and asked the sword with a smile.

"Well, it's stupid to put hope on some grass roots!" Sword bone says coldly.

Jiansha said with a smile: "this is just the first wave of true gods. The true gods who participated in the second round of screening this year are expected to be several times more than those in previous years, and more elites should be screened out..."

"A hundred times more is useless! What's in the process of screening out of a pile of rubbish is still a pile of rubbish, "sword bone said rather impolitely.

However, Jiansha seems to be familiar with Jiangu's bad temper, but he is not angry at all.

Although Jian Gu said so, he turned his face and asked, "in the first wave of true gods, is there any performance OK?"

Jiansha shook his head and said, "it's very common. It's all very common."

"Look, it's said that what's sifted out of the garbage is still garbage," and the sword bone is more confident.

Hearing this, Jiansha suddenly appeared a funny smile, "however, I found an interesting little guy in it!"

Not many people are interested in sword killing.

The heart and the bone of the sword became interested and asked, "who is that?"

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