The black faced man who followed Luo Zheng all the way also made outstanding achievements this time.

If with his rich experience, there is even a possibility that he can break through the fifth stage of the place where he won the last prize!

Unfortunately, in the fourth stage, that guy still followed Luo Zheng.

In the fourth stage, a kind of red lizard came out of the crack and suddenly spewed out a large amount of venom. Although the tree hole in the killing place is very wide, the venom swept through it like a storm

Luo Zheng himself is not afraid of these venoms.

The black faced man suffered naturally. He was sprayed with a spray!

Paralyzed, he lay on the ground and could hardly move. He saw the poisonous lizards crawling towards the black faced man.

Luo Zheng turns around and creates an invisible sword from the source of his strength. He cuts the sword beside him to pieces

The black faced man was covered by the light falling from the top of the tree hole. Naturally, he was safe. There was a complex light in his eyes, watching Luo Zheng leave.

There were four true gods who accompanied Luo Zheng through the fifth stage.

Three of them are the upper God!

Passing through the second round of screening means that they have got an opportunity to participate in the contest.

Therefore, after leaving the place of death, these upper true gods can be described as high spirited! This is a chance that thousands of real gods can't get.

Luo Zheng's face kept calm.

At this time, not far away, there were three gray lights, which were the sword killing of the sword clan, the three great consummation of the sword bone and the sword heart.

"See you, master of the sword clan!"

The upper gods were flattered to see three great fulls appear at the same time.

Who knows that the three Da Yuanman didn't look at them at all, and they all looked to the rightmost Luo Zheng.

"You are Luo Zheng, right?" Jiansha stares at Luo Zheng and asks.

"Here it is

Luo Zheng heart slightly a sudden, keep the town fixed point nod.

He didn't use a pseudonym when he came to the sword clan this time.

First of all, there is no imaginary danger in the non offensive area

Maybe the sword clan has a way to kill people, such as covering the non attack area with the area of last resort.

But the true God, except the sword clan, has no such ability.

As jingwuhuan told him, the sword clan is neither an enemy nor a friend now, but it may be in the future.

"Yes, the cultivation of the following true gods has passed the screening of the place of death! This kind of strength is worthy of being qualified to stir up the floating island. Please follow me Jianslasi did not hide the appreciation smile on her face.

Hearing the words of sword killing, the three upper true gods also jumped slightly in their hearts. How could this guy stir the floating island?

There are many floating islands in the divine realm

But Jiansha, as the elder of the sword clan, refers to the floating island, which is the rich floating island in the sea of time.

Does this lower true God have such power?

In the fifth stage, the three upper true gods were surprised by the existence of Luo Zheng. However, Luo Zheng's powerful strength also convinced the three upper true gods. Even one of them couldn't pass the last stage because of Luo Zheng!

After the sword killing, the heart and bone of the sword will leave with Luo Zheng.

The three superiors were really worried, and one of them immediately stepped forward and said, "three elders, I don't know what will happen to the sword clan after we have passed the place of last resort?"

Jiansha turned his head and looked at it lightly, then said impatiently: "what's the arrangement? Someone will arrange for you later... "

The three upper level real gods felt that they were not lost. However, they won the chance to fight for Tao. They had to wait here. At the same time, they also began to discuss the origin of Luo Zheng

After three Yuanman brought Luo Zheng into a hall of the sword clan, Jiansha immediately looked back at Luo Zheng and said, "I don't have to introduce myself, do I?"

"The sword kills the master," Luo Zheng said.

Jiansha pointed to the two people beside him, "the heart of the sword, the bone of the sword."

"Luo meets the two elders of Jianxin and Jiangu," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"No more nonsense. The body of my brother Jianshi But in your hands? " Jian Gu's patience was very poor. He was afraid that he might make a mistake, so he wanted to confirm it for the first time.

After leaving the time sea forbidden area, Luo Zheng promised himself that if he had the chance, he would return the body of the sword servant.

Sword bone and sword killing also stare at Luo Zheng with eager eyes.

"Well," Luo Zheng nodded, "the bones of master Jianshi are really in my hands. As the saying goes, the fallen leaves return to their roots. I will take them back to you now."

Luo Zheng said that he would activate the jade seal and take back the body of the sword servant.

"Wait a minute," Jian Gu's face is still not very good-looking, "can you tell me how Jian Shi fell?"It's not so easy to kill a Da Yuanman. Even in such a dangerous place as the second and third floors of the time sea forbidden area, none of the Da Yuanman who entered it fell down and finally died in a small jade seal. Until now, they can't figure it out.

Later, through other channels, they learned that the others in the jade seal were almost killed by Luo Zheng. Finally, they suspected that Luo Zheng was the only one in charge of the jade seal.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of Jian Gu and others, Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "if it wasn't for the help of master Jian Shi, I'm afraid I would not have got this jade seal."

Then Luo Zheng explained what had happened before he met the swordsman

After that, Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and gently moved. A colorful halo appeared on the ground, and Luo Zheng stepped into it.

After returning to the world in the seal, Luo Zheng came to a corner of the desert.

The skeleton of Jianshi, stabbed by the spear of time, has been lying on the desert

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and with a slight move, the skeleton flew with him, and he took the skeleton to return to the sword family again through the passage of time.

"Is this the skeleton of the sword servant?" Jianxin and Jiansha's face sank.

The sword bone also took a deep breath. The surface of the skeleton was mottled. It looked as if it had been dead for countless years!

With Jianshi's cultivation, even his corpse can go through quite a long time of attrition before it gradually decays. It's only a few years since then?

"Well, he was stabbed by the spear of time. I entered the world of the jade seal a little later than the master Jianshi. When I met him, he had already become like this," Luo Zheng answered truthfully. Seeing that the sword bone was a little suspicious, he continued: "if you don't believe me, you can inquire about the injury of Dongfang Taiqing. He was also stabbed by the spear of time …… When I met master Jianshi, I still took three rings from him. If it wasn't for the three rings, I would not have got this jade seal. "

The three Da Yuanman subconsciously looked at the right hand of the swordsman. As the highest glory of the sword clan, the striking empty ring was really dead. Now it's empty.

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