The area on the trunk is too wide.

Looking back and forth, they couldn't see the edge at a glance. They were galloping on the flying sword, just like flying on an ordinary plain.

The only difference is that the ground below is not grassland, nor Gobi, or beach, but the greyish brown skin of nymphs

Although Huajian city is the core city of the sword clan, its location is not in the center of Ruomu, but in the north of the center.

Now all the way south, about three or five incense time later, we saw a crack.

This crack is just a crack in the wood, but it is like a huge Canyon in front of people.

Under the slight twist in the direction of the long sword without trace, it began to fly along the crack.

The true gods follow closely

With continuous progress, the cracks become more and more open, and more and more cracks appear in front of the public.

These cracks intersect with each other, and finally form a huge gap, Luo Zhengcai suddenly realized.

It's like a wound in Ruomu Is it the giant bug that caused it?

The huge gap is hundreds of miles wide. Standing on the flying sword, you can't see it to the end.

After a while, the sword stopped in the middle of the gap. His words proved Luo Zheng's conjecture.

"I've arrived at my destination, you guys. I can only send you here. Down there is a big hole with a vertical height of 30 million Zhang. It's dangerous all the way up. Those who give up can turn back now!" Sword no trace light say.

The true God on the flying sword, no one speaks, only the wind whirring.

Now that we have reached this point, no one can choose to give up.

Luo Yan's tall body stood upright on the flying sword, and her face was a little excited.

Oriental ghosts, as well as the real gods of the herdsmen, the Tang family, the Fang family and other powerful families, cast dim eyes on Luo Zheng and Luo Yan

"Then you can go down," sword traceless eyes through the crowd, looking at Luo Yan and Luo Zheng, a smile: "I wish you good luck."



The flying swords circled and sank down.

The sword has no trace to see those true gods slowly become small in their own sight, and finally turn into small black spots and disappear in this huge gap.

He waited on the gap for a while, and in the other direction, twelve more swords came!

These people are all dressed in white. They are obviously the sons of the sword clan, and they are all the superior gods.

"See Lord traceless!"

The superior God of the leader knelt down on one knee on the long sword, and the sword did not shake at all. It is obvious that the skill of imperial sword has been perfected to the extreme.

"See Lord Wu Chen..."

The other eleven gods also knelt down on one knee.

"Excuse me," sword no trace gently waved his hand, then said: "the children of the big families have gone down, now it's your turn. You are the best children of our sword clan. I hope you don't let me down. "

"We will do our best," the leader said seriously.

"Jian mastiff, if you can get the inheritance, you must do your best. This may be our last chance," Jian Wuchen said again. "If you can't get it, you can help Luo Zheng and Luo Yan! You should be most careful of the people in the rich and powerful leagues, especially the Dongfang family.... "

"Remember!" The true gods answered in unison.

The sword has no mark to raise under the hand, a wisp of blood light twinkles out.

It was a red blood sword. The sword was full of strange red light. It was a kind of evil sword.

The sword people are very particular about using swords. They disdain the evil ways and seldom use such evil swords.

When the true gods saw these blood swords, their faces trembled.

"Twelve disaster swords are given to you, which can be used at critical times. You know the consequences of using this sword," sword traceless said here, showing a trace of impatience.

The disaster plunder sword was invented 30 times ago by a genius of Da yuanmanjing of the sword clan. Because of the invention of this sword, Da Yuanman was expelled by the sword clan, and all disaster plunder swords were sealed up and forbidden to use.

This sword is too evil and will die if it is used. Moreover, it is too inhumane to be tortured to death by various disasters.

However, disaster sword can greatly enhance its own strength in a short time.

Sword no trace understood that this Taoist struggle was the last chance, so he had to unseal the disaster plunder sword and give it to these superior gods.

Every superior God came up to get a disaster sword. They knew that when they got the sword, they would become the dead men of the sword clan. Their faces were more or less tragic.

"Go," sword no trace turned his head and did not look at them.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The twelve swordsmen also entered the gap.

"However, those who practice Kendo are for the common people in the world. They are upright but not evil. They are for..."

The sound of sword without trace drifted far away with the wind, and also spread to the children of sword clan……


When Luo Zheng entered the gap, the surrounding scenery darkened.

Along the gap, it sank about a thousand feet, and Ruo muwai's kindness and true meaning could not be transmitted. Instead, it was evil.

"I've entered the land of death!"

Luo Zhengdun felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and his strong fighting spirit slowly emerged.

"Well," Luo Yan nodded slightly.

She closed her eyes slightly.

There is a lilac glow in the depth of the pupil.

Because of this faint purple light, her beautiful face was suddenly infected with a strange.

After entering the place of death, the other true gods were also on guard, stepping on the flying sword and slowly spinning down at 360 degrees. At the same time, they sent out their own divine consciousness and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Even in the killing place opened up by the surface of Ruomu, there is no small danger, not to mention here is the core of the main pole of Ruomu.

It was quiet all around

In this space, there is not even air flow.

"Look, giant bug!"

A superior God pointed to one side of the cave wall.

A huge insect appeared in the sight of the public.

The length of the insect's body can not be seen in the end at a glance, and its size is also huge and exaggerated.

The vertical cavern is already very wide, but the giant's fat body occupies almost half of the space.

"The giant bug is sleeping..." The true God whispered.

"Don't be afraid, these giant insects never wake up, they grow and die in deep sleep," another true God said.

As they step on the flying sword, the second giant insect lying on the cave wall appears in people's eyes.

Go on, there will be more and more giant insects

Three thousand feet

Ten thousand feet

Fifty thousand feet

Rows of giant insects are sleeping. I don't know how many giant insects are sleeping in the vertical tree hole like the abyss.

When they fell to 70000 feet

All of a sudden, there was a rotten smell in everyone's breath. Although we didn't know the source of the smell, we had a faint sense of something wrong.

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