Even the Jian mastiff, who is familiar with this place, took a long time to fully adapt.

As for the others, it's even slower.

Some grassroots true gods have been able to arrive here, and indeed have practiced the true meaning of the Tao.

However, the true meaning of the Tao circulated in the realm of God is either incomplete with only a few dozen or a hundred words, or the interpretation is extremely incorrect.

Coupled with the reason of understanding, it can't adapt to the constant rhythm of good and evil

One by one, they sit down with their knees crossed, trying to adapt, even confront, or deal with it by other means.

However, the momentum of the true meaning of the Tao can hardly be erased by any means, otherwise, even the saints can not be suppressed in the non attacked areas.


A superior god suddenly vomits and staggers out of the thin line.


Another real God turned his eyes and fell to the ground with a plop. He fainted.

At the beginning of the exit is the true God of the first line family, and later even the children of some rich families have to choose to quit.

To enter the land of the struggle of Tao, we must have a certain degree of understanding of the true meaning of Tao, otherwise we can't do anything.

However, the true gods who dare to enter the land of Tao struggle are more or less prepared.

Half an hour later, nearly seven gods adapted to the momentum of the place, and nanlonghua was one of them.

The remaining 30% can only wait outside

"You have adapted to the true meaning of Tao here, and follow me," Jian mastiff said lightly, his eyes fell on Luo Zheng.

There was a little shock in his heart.

This time, in the land of Daozheng, a stick of incense adapted to the momentum of this place, which broke his record.

The children of the sword clan have a natural advantage in the land of Taoism.

For example, on weekdays, they can suspense the true meaning of good and evil.

There is a training place above the Ruomu. The sword clan digs a big pit on the Ruomu. The sword clan's children often go in and out of it. The first breath is still in the non attacking place, and the next breath is back to the killing place. In this way, we can simulate the environment of the alternation of good thoughts and evil thoughts.

Jian mastiff is the most hardworking one, so it has set a record of two incense adaptation.

This time, he made more progress. He was proud of his time. He thought he was the fastest first person.

If there is no one to talk with, Luo Yan and Luo Yan will have fun

Luo Yan is just that. Yu Taibai's recommendation is the first choice. The whole sword family attaches great importance to this woman.

But her brother is just a real God. He didn't show any powerful means before. How could he be so fast.

This pair of brothers and sisters, one by one abnormal

He is very helpless in front of the guide, from Luo Zheng performance of this point of view, seems to overturn his own judgment.

"Ghost brother, when do you plan to start? It will be more and more troublesome to continue," Dongfang Xi asked quietly as they were walking forward.

The eastern ghost frowned, shook his head and said, "wait, it's not the right time."

"In fact, it's not too late for us to take advantage of the number," he added.

There are only 11 sword people in total, and there are only 13 Luo brothers and sisters.

With the appeal of the Oriental ghost, the upper true God of the rich alliance swarms up, and there is still a good chance of winning.

"No," the eastern ghost shook his head and rejected Dongfang Xi's proposal for the first time. "I have my own arrangements."

Looking at the eastern ghost so determined appearance, the eastern Xi also can only "Oh" one.

Under the guidance of jianmastiff, the crowd marched for 30 miles, and the fog ahead became more and more dense


In the mist, a huge shadow shot by.

"There's a murderer!" Someone called at once.

"I saw it, too. It's like a pair of wings."

"No, I saw a pair of monsters with long horns..."

What Luo Zheng sees is a person's shadow.

Hearing the words of other gods, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed a trace of confusion, "I will never read it wrong, but everyone seems to see it differently. What's the matter?"

Many true gods are nervous, and the shadow buried in the mist really gives them great fear

After all, it's said that even saints will fall here. They are really like ants. If they don't pay attention, they will be trampled to death.

"Don't panic," Jian mastiff said with a faint smile, looking at their nervous expression, "the things in the mist are all the evil thoughts in your heart, and that is also the thing you fear most in your heart..."

"Are those illusory things?" Luo Zheng couldn't help asking. He faintly felt that there was something wrong with the shadow."On the contrary, the powerful evil idea in the land of Tao contention will almost reproduce your evil idea perfectly, so what we are facing at this stage is our own evil idea. Only by defeating our own evil idea and smashing our own fear can we pass through," jianmastiff said lightly.

Hearing this, many real gods turned pale.

"How could that be..."

"Perfect reappearance?"

"That's impossible, isn't it?"

Nanlonghua and other real gods look rather ugly.

No matter who they are, they all have something they fear and are regarded as the most evil existence by themselves.

If it's a child who has been bitten by a dog, the child's biggest fear is the dog.

If a child comes to the land of struggle, a dog will reappear in the mist.

But the upper real gods present are the elites in the realm of God.

What can make these gods fear Almost certainly, they are not ordinary things.

Hearing this, dongfangxi and dongfangqi didn't look very good either. It was obvious that they also saw something that frightened them in the mist.

As soon as Dongfang Xi looked down, he looked at Dongfang with a smile on his face. He asked, "brother ghost, what do you see?"

The eastern ghost gave Dongfang Xi a deep look and then said, "I'm not in the clan these years. Do you know where I went?"

"Where Isn't ghost brother shutting up? " Dongfangxi's face was full of curiosity.

A few years ago, the Oriental ghost was often active in the arena of the gods, and once ranked first among the upper real gods.

Later, the Oriental ghost suddenly disappeared, and the points were cleared. Even the children of the Oriental family didn't know where he was going

Until this time, when the battle for the land of Tao was opened, the Oriental ghost suddenly appeared. For a time, Dongfang Xi and others were quite puzzled. They thought that the Oriental ghost had chosen to shut down in recent years. After all, it was normal for them to shut down for a few years.

"No," the eastern ghost shook his head, "I've been in the abyss."

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