That light cocoon instantly into Luo Zheng's eyebrow, then disappeared without a trace.

After being planted with this light cocoon, Luo Zheng had a strange feeling in his heart.

He was also planted a petal by Shi Xiaoxiao last time, and this time he was planted this light cocoon.

This light cocoon won't record all his actions, will it?

However, looking at the long hair woman's hand back, showing a smile of satisfaction, he had no reason to have a sense of stability.

Maybe this is the feeling of home?

"Let's go, I'll take you to open the inheritance of Mr. Yuan," the woman with long hair said, taking the initiative to pick up Luo Yan on the ground.

At this time, the sword mastiff and others rushed over.

Although the woman with long hair shot and killed tu'e, Jian mastiff still didn't understand the reason.

In the eyes of the sword mastiff, any fear incarnation is the enemy. This long haired woman gives people a sense of evil and uncertainty. Is it a bewitching monster?

"Luo Zheng, who is she?" The sword mastiff asked nervously.


This woman will be able to kill tu'er.

Even if it's resistance, I'm afraid it doesn't have much significance, but if you don't ask clearly, how can Jian mastiff be at ease?

He sacrificed the disaster sword, always dying, but he still hopes that Luo Yan and Luo Zheng can escape the disaster and get the inheritance of Tao.


Luo Zheng hesitated and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The woman with long hair bit her lip gently, and her red eyes looked at Luo Zheng, showing the color of expectation.

Naturally, she hoped that Luo Zheng would admit his

Luo Zheng and the woman with long hair looked at each other. With a slight jump in her heart, she said, "she's my mother."

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, the long haired woman's eyes narrowed slightly and showed a smile.

"Mother?" The sword mastiff was stunned.

The sword clan's children also looked at each other.

It's unbelievable. After all, all the fear incarnations in this battle are unique looking and extremely terrible.

How can Luo Zheng meet his mother here.

No matter how coincidental, it can't be coincidental to this one!

No, it is estimated that it is still a bewitching demon. Maybe this woman comes from the ghost famine, where there are some powerful beings who can do this!

Seeing the sword mastiff's suspicious face and disbelieving expression, Luo Zheng couldn't help explaining, "actually, it's not hard to understand. For a while, she became something I was afraid of At that time, I didn't know she was my mother, so... "

Such an explanation, the sword mastiff and the sword clan's children are suddenly realized, but it is very speechless.

The Oriental family gave up their blood and used the Oriental ghost to call out a demon.

Luo Zheng is even more wonderful. He calls his mother out

Jian mastiff can't help feeling in his heart that the Luo family, except Luo Yan, seems to have some wonderful flowers.

"I see, that's good," the mastiff said with a smile. "Congratulations, it seems that you can get the inheritance of Daozheng."

The task of the sword clan's children has been successfully completed, but their lives will come to an end

The bloody lines on the disaster sword in the hands of the mastiff have been shortened little by little. Now there is only one section, about one fifth of the shape, on the top of the sword tip.

When these blood lines are completely extinguished, their lives will end.

Because of these words, the faces of the other 11 sword clan's children also darkened.

Just in order to work hard, desperate sacrifice disaster rob sword, now it's time to eat bitter fruit.

Although they have psychological preparation, is life and death so easy to face?

"What's the matter?"

Looking at the expressions of Jian mastiff and others, Luo Zheng is a little puzzled.

His eyes fell on the long swords in these people's hands. In other words, the strength of the twelve members of the sword clan just now is really powerful. They can hurt TUA twice. Is it because of the swords in their hands?

Long hair woman see light smile, then she will sleep Luo Yan handed Luo Zheng.

When Luo Zheng held her, she immediately went to jianmastiff and held the disaster sword in his hand. She said faintly: "the disaster sword in your hand is caused by the tide of luck, and it's a tide of doom. After the red awn dissipates, you will bear the three disasters and three disasters, but most people can't even pass the first disaster. Even after the first disaster, there will be the second disaster, the second disaster There are three disasters and three difficulties. There is no doubt that you will die. "

"What?" Luo Zheng's pupil is slightly open, which is equivalent to paying the price of life.

With a dismal smile, Jian mastiff pulled the disaster robbing sword back from the long haired woman. "Before using the disaster robbing sword, we already knew the consequences. This is our life. I'm afraid it can't be changed..."

Other sword clan's children also bowed their heads and looked sad.

Once the sword is used, even the sage can't recover it. This is a consensus among the sword people."I remember that this disaster sword was made by a genius of your sword family. It's actually a sword of doom from the eternal true meaning of sword luck. This doom has no solution, but it can be transferred. I can transfer the three disasters and three robberies to other people," the woman with long hair said faintly.


The heart of the sword mastiff jumps wildly.

Jian mastiff does not know the origin of Luo Zheng's mother, but such a character may have some abilities unknown to saints!

"Can it be transferred?"

"It means we have a chance to live?"

"It's impossible. Adults without trace can't do it..."

The faces of the sword clan's children also sparkled with hope.

"But to whom?" Mo Nan suddenly said.

When this was said, everyone was silent.

Who is willing to sacrifice themselves and bear the disaster of others?

But Luo Zheng suddenly turned around and looked at a man not far away

Others followed Luo Zheng's eyes.

The Oriental ghost in the distance didn't seem to come out of the great shock.

At the moment, his face is dull and his hair is shawled. Where does he have the temperament of a God?

He looked at the mountains of flesh and bone in front of him, and his face was full of grief, as if Toure was his masterpiece, and this perfect masterpiece had been broken.

"Oriental ghost!"

"Transfer to him!"

"Yes! Get him

The sword clan's children looked at the Oriental ghost as if they saw the straw to save their lives.

The eastern ghost was still in a daze when he saw that the sword clan's children rushed towards him like chicken blood. He was surprised and wanted to escape.

But he was hit by TUA and seriously injured.

How can the Oriental ghost escape from the disaster sword in the hands of the sword clan's children?

After a while, the sword clan's children tied up the Oriental ghost and carried it to the woman with long hair.

Sword mastiff slightly worried asked: "these three disasters, can be transferred to a person?"

"Yes, you need to put the sword into his body, but don't kill him," said the woman with long hair.

The sword clan's children look at the Oriental ghost with evil eyes one after another.

"You, what do you want to do?" The eastern ghost realized that it was not good.

"Don't worry, our swordsmanship is very good. We can't kill you," the mastiff said with a smile.

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