Entering this sea of fire, Luo Zheng is still worried.

The sun looks like a small fireball from a distance, but actually it has a huge internal space.

And Luo Zheng relied on a flying sword to fly away in the sea of fire, the speed was very slow!

I don't know how long it will take to find the palace

But the speed of the giant whale swimming in it was countless times faster than that of Luo Zheng.

He was swallowed and tossed for several hours. The whale didn't know how far it swam, but it took him directly to the destination!

This is a blessing in disguise!

Looking at the huge golden palace, Luo Zheng's heart beat faster. He didn't hesitate.

At the foot of the sword slightly upward, then toward the direction of galloping away

The palace looked very close, but it took Luo Zheng less than half an hour to get close.

"What a magnificent palace..."

Standing at the gate of the palace, Luo Zheng sighed.

The whole palace is shining with gold. I don't know what kind of metal to make it, but it can't be gold. The soft metal has already turned into liquid under this high temperature.

Then he drove the flying sword and floated through the open gate of the palace.

The first half of the palace was also immersed in the sea of fire, but after walking along the gate for a certain distance, Luo Zheng saw several mysterious lines of Dharma array on the ground.

From this pattern, a light yellow light curtain diffuses out, blocking the sea of fire outside.

as like as two peas, the light yellow glow is almost the same as the Qingyang umbrella's release.

Luo Zheng's eyebrows are slightly picked.

When he held the green sun umbrella close to the light curtain, the light curtain of the green sun umbrella was naturally connected with the light curtain in the palace!

Luo Zheng entered without any hindrance

"Come in like this!"

The palace uses the light curtain to create a larger and safer space!

Luo Zheng stood in the palace, carefully removed the green sun umbrella, without any burning feeling, this place is safe.

Even so, Luo Zheng still did not relax his vigilance.

In the sea of fire in the sun, there are all kinds of creatures, and there are some strange things in this palace.

Walking along the huge cloister in the palace, all the way to release the divine consciousness, checking every move around.

Although the appearance of the palace is luxurious, the interior is empty, and there is nothing

When he passed the long corridor, he went through three halls and finally came to the center of the palace.

On the ground, he saw seven rings connected with each other. When he looked up, he could see seven rings above the palace.

"Here it is!"

Luo Zheng smile, immediately walked over, stepped on the most central ring.

Apart from being wary of some inexplicable fierce creatures, he didn't worry about any mechanism traps here.

After all, the sun itself is a very powerful barrier. As Mr. Yuan said, the Qingyang umbrella is originally a key. With this key, you can easily shuttle through the sun. Without this key, the sage can't get in. Naturally, there is no need to set any other traps.

Just as Luo Zheng stepped into the ring.

The seven rings under his feet began to radiate light!


The ring in the center floated up and put it on Luo Zheng's waist, suspended in mid air.

The other rings follow Luo Zheng's feet and cover them with both hands. Two rings are superimposed on the top of his head

"What is this?"

Luo Zheng's face was full of doubts.


When the seven rings are in place, the two rings above the head vibrate again.

At this moment, Luo Zheng felt that his soul seemed to have a very close connection with these rings!

Suddenly a white light burst into his mind and flashed like thunder

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an oval, like a gem in general!

"What is this?"

Luo Zheng's face was full of doubts.

He looked at this gem floating in the void for a long time, and the expression of surprise in his eyes became more and more serious, almost unbelievable!

"This is the divine realm!"

Through those circles, Luo Zheng's vision seems to be in a very distant angle, and he can have a panoramic view of the whole divine realm!

Because the divine realm itself is huge and unimaginable, from east to west, it is hundreds of billions of miles away

Luo Zheng's vision was too far apart to see the details of the divine realm clearly. At a glance, it was just an oval gem with white luster."It's beautiful..."

Luo Zheng's eyes were dazed, staring at the scene.

It took a while for him to turn and look to the other side

Around the precious stones, there are huge brown clouds, which are ten times and a hundred times larger than the divine realm.

"This is the Qi of chaos!"

Luo Zheng is familiar with the Qi of chaos.

as like as two peas in his own body, he had seen many of the chaos in his own life. In those days, he had seen the travels of master Gu Bei, and the sight of chaos in Gubei's precise restoration was exactly the same as before.

But at that time, Luo Zheng didn't have an accurate concept of chaos Qi. He only knew that chaos was full of huge brown clouds, but he didn't know how huge these huge clouds were, because there was no object to compare.

But now he can see the divine realm. Comparing the whole divine realm with these chaotic Qi, Luo Zheng can see how huge the huge cloud formed by these chaotic Qi is!

After wandering around for a long time, his eyes moved back to the divine realm.

Looking down, Luo Zheng noticed that the surface of the divine realm was still attached to small black distant points.

There are not many black dots, but there are as many as fifty or sixty

"These black spots look small, but in fact they are huge, attached to the surface of the divine realm They should be the world of saints, "Luo Zheng's eyes deepened.

From where he was, he should still be able to see Dayan's universe, but he could not tell which sage these worlds belonged to.

Luo Zheng's eyes continued to move down. After bypassing the divine realm, he looked down and saw a gray world

"That's the bottom of the whole chaos?" Luo Zheng's face was shocked.

No matter Yu Taibai, his mother, Yang or yuan Lao, they all have a unified caliber.

Shenyu is falling rapidly

From Luo Zheng's point of view, it is true.

Below the divine realm is a gray world, in which slender animal bones, like devil's teeth, stand upright.

The length of each bone is comparable to the width of the whole divine realm!

It's hard for Luo Zheng to imagine what a huge creature these animal bones were?

The bottom of the divine realm is a huge place to bury bones!

"What the hell is this place..."

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