Under the gaze of these saints, Dongfang Chunjun disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The saints on the scene looked at each other, totally unaware of what had happened.

Dongfang Chunjun called these saints together to discuss the most important things.

Now Dongfang Chunjun suddenly left. What happened?

There is a silver winged City thirty thousand miles east of the sea of time.

The silver wing God city originally belonged to a second line family in the God domain, but it was forcibly expropriated by the Oriental family several times before the God era.

How dare a second tier family fight against such a powerful family as dongfangjia? I just don't dare to be angry.

However, Dongfang family doesn't see a holy city. Although Yinyi holy city belongs to Dongfang family, the income of Yinyi holy city belongs to the second-line family.

The figure of Eastern Chunjun appears in the city of silver wings.

However, no one in the whole holy city knew his existence, and even the ban of silver wing had not been triggered.

In a flash of his body, he went into a building of the silver wing God city.

There is a thin old man in the building.

The old man bent down and was classifying some materials.

"Old man, be quick!" There was a middle God next to him.

This is a famous alchemy workshop in Yinyi city. The old man has worked hard in this alchemy workshop for many times.

Because he is too honest, he is often called around.

However, the old man's quick hands and feet make him knowledgeable, and he hardly needs any money, so he always stays in this alchemy workshop.

People think that he is a dispensable existence, but in fact, he is already an indispensable existence.


Dongfang Chunjun appeared in the alchemy workshop.

Several true gods in the alchemy workshop suddenly saw one more person and were stunned.

"Who are you?" said the true God! How dare you be good at the important land of my family

This alchemy workshop belongs to the Qian family, and the Qian family is the second-line family in Yinyi God city.

Although Yinyi city belongs to dongfangjia in name, it belongs to Qian family in fact.

Dongfang Chunjun's hidden cultivation. Naturally, these true gods don't know who he is. They suddenly come here. What's his good face?

Dongfang Chunjun regarded these people as nothing. He walked towards the old man who was sorting herbs. His face looked respectful. He arched his hand and said, "suddenly, why did you call me?"

If someone saw that Dongfang Chunjun spoke to people in such a manner, he would be shocked.

He is the leader of the saints. He is the top of the top in the divine realm. When does he need to treat others like this?

The old man sorting the herbs didn't look up, and his bony fingers skillfully shuttled through a pile of herbs, picking out some of them with slightly poor quality. He said faintly, "I feel the existence of Luoshui, I know her position."


Dongfang Chunjun's voice trembled slightly, and his face was excited.

"Don't you have long ears? Who are you, dare to... " A middle God feels that he has been completely ignored, and the stranger goes beyond himself to talk to the old man.


Dongfang Chunjun's face sank and he reached out to brush it gently.

An invisible force enveloped the middle true God, and the middle true God's words stopped abruptly in the middle.

Later, a layer of mottled cracks appeared on the surface of the body, like a weathered statue, which quickly split into dust and dissipated in the air.

The other true gods in the alchemy workshop were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene. No one dared to move.

Just now, the power of Dongfang Chunjun was extremely powerful, but such a powerful power didn't release any power. Even the people outside the alchemy workshop didn't disturb. How strong was this guy if he could control his power to this extent?

The real gods on the scene immediately got the answer. No matter what realm he is, taking their lives is certainly as simple as crushing an ant.

Suddenly the old man raised his head and gave a light glance, with his fingers in the air.

A little bit of dust reappeared, constantly condensed, combined, into legs, clothing, hair.

The real God who was killed by Dongfang Chunjun appeared in front of the crowd. The real God looked at himself and didn't understand what happened!

"You're old and grumpy," he said.

Dongfang Chunjun didn't care. He just asked eagerly, "where is Luoshui?"

"She has been lurking underground in Luoshui, and she has used" Diming "to open up a separate space, so I haven't been aware of her existence. The space she is in is not connected with the divine realm in any way," Hu said calmly. "But I just noticed that she has exposed her position.""Where is it?" Eastern pure Jun continues to ask a way.

He didn't want to know how Luoshui concealed himself. It didn't matter.

"Han's ancestral land is underground, 100000 miles north of Liuren," Hu said.

"Thank you, Hulao!" Dongfang Chunjun arched his hand and said that he was about to leave.

Suddenly old but light stare at him to say: "remember your promise, don't violate."

Hearing this, Dongfang Chunjun's eyes flashed and said with a smile, "naturally, I won't forget it!" Then he left.

Suddenly the old man twisted a medicinal plant in his hand, and a faint smile flashed on his face. "I hope you don't forget it!"

The reason why Dongfang Chunjun chooses to stand on the side of xuanyuanwei is that Luoshui is a woman. If Dongfang Chunjun succeeds, she may betray xuanyuanwei again. He knows the character of Dongfang Chunjun very well.

At this time, suddenly the old man found that in the alchemy room, all the true gods were staring at themselves with fear.

These true gods didn't expect that they were so respected by those strong people!

What's more, the old man has such a magic power that he can recover easily with a finger. What's the method?

"Don't look at it, do your own business," he said faintly.

There is a strong wave of divine consciousness in his voice, which intrudes into the minds of the true gods in an instant and precisely erases part of their memories.

The bodies of these true gods trembled slightly, and there was a trace of confusion in their eyes.

But this confusion only lasted for a moment, then restored the pure brightness, but what just happened has been completely forgotten.

In particular, the middle God, who was crushed, yelled at Hu Lao and said, "old man, do you dare to be lazy?"

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