Falling rapidly in the void, the animal bones at the bottom of chaos became bigger and bigger in Luo Zheng's eyes.

The purple aperture that shrouds Luo Zheng appears cracks constantly, and finally disappears completely. Luo Zheng is like sitting in a box without a top cover and falling down.

"At this speed, I'm afraid it will take quite a long time to fall to the bottom..."

Shenyu itself is quite close to the bottom of chaos, but the distance measured by Shenyu is still quite long-term for Luo Zheng.

A month later.

Luo Zheng's height was finally level with those animal bones.

But these huge animal bones are also extremely high!

Ten days later

When he was about ten thousand feet away from the ground, Luo Zheng leaped out, went into the air and began to descend slowly.

For this vast and huge world, Luo Zheng is like a grain of dust coming quietly, which has not attracted any attention.

"This is the bottom of the chaotic world!"

The ground under Luo Zheng's feet is like a vast expanse of snow, which is a vast expanse of white.

But this piece of snow is not snow, but bones, this is a skeleton wasteland!

All kinds of snow-white bones, including arm bones, ribs, plate bones, and all kinds of strange shaped bones.

Some bones are the size of a palm, while others are thousands of feet long.

Of course, no matter how huge it is, it can't be compared with those huge animal bones. The length of those animal bones can be compared with the length of the divine realm, that is, mountains that can't be climbed stand in the distance.

"These bones should all come from the super creatures," Luo Zheng bent down and picked up a piece of bone.

If the bodies of the true gods escape into chaos, they will be corroded by the chaos, and it is impossible to retain these bones

I'm afraid these bones have been at the bottom of chaos for countless years, but they are still intact in the cover of chaos Qi. I'm afraid only the super creatures can do it.

But how could there be so many leapfrogging creatures here?

Luo Zheng's eyes once again fell on the huge animal bone in the distance. At this angle, he could see the red light beam.

Yu Taibai said that the red beam belonged to "extraterritorial demons", and he didn't know what kind of race it was.

While thinking about it, Luo Zheng suddenly heard a rustling sound around him.

He turned to look, seven or eight naked human beings, in the skeleton of the swift shuttle.

"Human?" Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkled.

From the appearance, they really look like human beings, but they actually use both hands and feet to crawl on the ground. Their empty eyes show the fierce light of greed, and occasionally open their mouths to expose their sharp white teeth.



One of them, with the help of a large bone, jumped up like a clever ape and rushed to Luo Zheng face to face!

In the face of the attack, Luo Zheng was stunned. He grabbed it with his backhand and put his five fingers on the top of the man's head. He twisted it gently

"Click, click, click..."

The whole person was twisted into a twist by Luo Zheng.

"It's not human, it's just a beast like human..."

Luo Zheng said that he threw the body on the ground. If he was a wise human, he would not dare to rush to himself. At least he would consider the strength gap between the two sides in advance.

When the others saw this scene, the fierce light in their eyes disappeared immediately, and they fled in all directions with their hands and feet together.

Luo Zheng didn't pursue them. It's meaningless to kill them.

"The red light beam at the top of the animal bone twines the whole divine realm. Now that I have fallen to the bottom of chaos, I can also go to find out!" After making this decision, Luo Zheng fled to the front.

As Luo Zheng imagined, the bottom of chaos is indeed extremely desolate.

For three days in a row, Luo Zheng occasionally met people who had no intelligence. These people could not fly and lived on the skeletal wasteland like wild animals.

Seeing Luo Zheng flying in the air, they occasionally raise their heads and roar, as if venting their discontent

On the fourth day, Luo Zheng saw hundreds of naked people running in one direction with hands and feet.


His eyes were fixed slightly.

In front of these human beings, there is a person running wildly.

I'm afraid this man is the real "human". He is a young man, wearing a light yellow animal skin, full of fear and desperate to flee


Luo Zheng, who had been flying in a straight line, suddenly circled a spiral track in the air and shot at the boy.

The boy was on the verge of despair.

This time, he was so lucky that he found three pieces of bones! It's also very worthwhile to take a risk for the sake of three bones.Just on the way back, he ran out of good luck and was chased by hundreds of Yin people

The young man only said that he would die here today. He never thought that a man would suddenly fall from the sky.

He was very surprised, but now he just wanted to live. He didn't stop at all. He continued to run forward

But he did not run a few steps, he heard behind him a dull sound, an invisible wave along the air.

"Bang Bang..."

The boy turned his head and saw that seven or eight Yin people were lying on the ground. Their bodies were twisted and they could no longer die.

The rest of the Yin people were shocked by this scene, and they didn't pursue and scattered in a crowd.

These Yin people are not without wisdom at all, but they are low in wisdom. But looking at Luo Zheng, they can easily kill their own kind, and they know that this is not the existence they can provoke.

Looking at those Yin people scattered, the young man was relieved and stared at Luo Zheng.

When he saw Luo Zheng coming, he took out a bone from his waist and knelt down on the ground. He raised the bone over his head and said in a loud voice, "this is the result of small scavenging. Please accept it!"

This kind of behavior of the youth, on the contrary, makes Luo Zheng puzzling.

but as like as two peas speak the same language as his own, he is calm in his mind.

Anyway, there are human beings at the bottom of the chaos

Only the language of the divine domain is inherited from the mother world, then the creatures at the bottom of chaos must have countless ties with the mother world.

Luo Zheng's eyes stare at the "bone". From the appearance, the bone is no different from the ordinary bone, but he feels a trace of extraordinary power from the bone.

"What kind of bone is this?" Luo Zheng asked.

Hearing Luo Zheng's question, the boy's face showed a strange expression. It seemed that Luo Zheng didn't know the origin of the bone. It was incredible.

But he still honestly replied: "back to the immortal, this is the skeleton! It's a small one dug out of this wasteland. "

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