Soon after the huge skeleton howled, another giant appeared next to it.

"It's gigantic!" Even though he was tens of thousands of miles away, Luo Zheng could see clearly, "this giant suddenly appeared Is it the use of the power of the wild God, suddenly become so huge? "

Xiaoyun once told Luo Zheng that although she had become a waster God, she was the lowest level of waster God, and could only turn into a twenty Zhang tall one.

In this world, the really powerful God of famine can turn into a hundred miles or even thousands of miles tall

One mile is about two hundred feet high

How huge is a giant thousands of miles high? What power does such a giant possess?

Luo Zheng is unimaginable.

Like Luo Zheng standing in front of a giant thousands of miles tall, it is even smaller than a grain of dust!

I didn't expect that after he entered the eternal wasteland, he witnessed such existence.

After the giant appeared, he began to fight with the skeleton

Such a huge object, each impact will burst out a huge roar, the aftereffect of the huge force collision, forming a huge storm spread in all directions.

Bones, big and small, were blown all over the wasteland.

"Hoo Hoo..."

As the wind blows, the skeletons roll towards Luozheng.

If ordinary people are hit by these skeletons, they will lose half their lives if they don't die.

Luo Zheng stood in the same place and let the skeletons fall on him. His eyes were still fixed on the distance, observing the battle between the two giants.

"Boom Boom... "

Soon after, Luo Zheng saw that the huge skeleton was cut off by the giant, and then fell to the ground. The giant finally won.

Then the giant disappeared in Luo Zheng's view.

"It should be smaller again," Luo Zheng murmured, standing in the pile of bones. He was almost buried by the blowing bones.

As soon as he twisted his figure, he came out of the pile of bones and his face was full of yearning.

Now Lingwu has been introduced into his inner world. If he continuously cultivates it according to the method taught by his mother, he can increase his accomplishments.

It's only a matter of time before we can achieve great success.

But he may not be able to fight against the saints.

In addition to the sage, he even faced the strong on the other side.

If the power of the wild God is cultivated to the extreme, the strength of Luo Zheng will be enhanced by geometric multiples This is the power he is eager to pursue!

Luo Zheng did not stop looking for bones.

After being disturbed by the storm, it seems that the bones in the depths of the earth have also been turned out. Luo Zheng suddenly finds that it is easy to find the bones.

"There are three pieces of bones in front of me..."

"There are six pieces of bones in this place as deep as 20 feet!"

"Only one piece..."

Luo Zheng is like a hard-working bee, shuttling and searching among these bones.

In the process of searching for the bones, I occasionally encounter other people passing by

The breath of these people is very similar to Xiaoyun, but they are much stronger than Xiaoyun. They should also be wasteful gods.

However, they just took a light look at Luo Zheng, and their faces were surprised. They ignored Luo Zheng, and then they ran away

In half a day, he had accumulated more than 80 pieces of bones! And nearly half of the bones belong to the larger ones.


He once again flew out of the range of dozens of miles, and continued to urge his soul to cover the divine thoughts.

Everything in the area covered by the divine thoughts is projected into his mind in a gray picture.


This time, Luo Zheng found that seven miles in front of him, there was a triangle bone more than one person high, and this triangle bone exuded a strong power of desolation!

"Such a big bone?" Luo Zheng was startled.

He is still not in the core of the wasteland. God knows how big it is.

For safety's sake, Luo Zheng didn't prepare to go too far into it. In case of encountering the huge skeletons thousands of miles high, it would be difficult to save his life with his current strength.

Many years ago, I don't know how many people went over this area, so there are only a few pieces of small bones left. Luo Zheng has been looking for such a long time, and this is the first time that he has found such a huge bone!


Luo Zheng's figure drifted to the ground, staring at the ground.

"It's a hundred feet below..."

Without too much hesitation, Luo Zheng head down, suddenly jumped, toward the layers of bones drilled down.

When he got to the bottom, Luo Zheng suddenly clasped his hands and grasped the bone which was so high that he didn't lift it up. The weight of the bone was far beyond Luo Zheng's estimation!"So heavy!"

The nine stars in Luo Zheng's body turned slightly, and the strength in his arms burst out, dragging the bone out.

When he got to the surface of the earth, Luo Zheng just saw the real face of the bone.

"It turned out to be blood red bones..." Luo Zheng's face showed strange color.

The triangle skeleton is supposed to be a shoulder blade, but different from the white jade skeleton, the whole body of the skeleton emits a bloody red light, and the power of the ghost is very strong.

"I don't know how many pieces of bone this piece is worth..."

Luo Zheng's face brightened, so he had to use a Xumi ring to install the bone.

At this time, he suddenly heard the wind whirring in his ears. He turned to stare and saw four figures galloping in the air.

Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkled, the heart is not good.

The Xumi ring in his hand flashed slightly, and the bone, which was more than one person wide, disappeared in front of him.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The four figures shot in the air and stood in front of Luo Zheng in the twinkling of an eye.

The leader was a thin and pale young man. Behind the young man was a girl in a bright red robe. The other two were dressed as guards.

"Little elder martial brother, just now I saw a big piece of bloody bone. It disappeared in the blink of an eye!" Said the girl in red.

The young man's eyes immediately fell on the ring of Xumi in Luo Zheng's hands. "What's the matter? It must be this guy hiding!"

The young man looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes showed disdain, and then said: "no matter who you are, the bones dug in this area belong to our canglan sect. Hand them in!"

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly picked. He could meet such a guy everywhere, even at the bottom of chaos

Luo Zheng just gave a faint smile and replied, "the skeletons on the ancient wasteland are all ownerless things. Naturally, whoever finds them belongs to them. Why do you want me to hand them over?"

The young man didn't want to waste time with Luo Zheng. He just sneered, "I'm not interested in your dog's life. I'll give it to you again and let you live!"

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