The horizon

Luo Zheng flies forward rapidly.

Originally, Luo Zheng wanted to leave with Xiao Yun and Fu Chu.

But Xiao Yun refused.

Without absolute assurance, they rashly approached the bone pagodas and were likely to be discovered by the "conservatives".

Therefore, only one person can go on this trip.

Shaxin city is just a marginal city with no teleportation array.

After crossing Shaxin City, Luo Zheng entered an ancient wasteland again.

This ancient wasteland is the same as the ancient wasteland that Luo Zheng came to at the beginning. After the bones were collected, they fell into exhaustion. It is an unguarded ancient wasteland.

"So many Yin people?"

Looking down from the sky, Luo Zheng saw that among the dense skeletons, thousands of Yin people were running like wild horses on the wasteland.

There are three origins of people in this world.

One is the warden family, which was created by the ancient god of chaos.

The other is exile, which is also the object of this prison

The last one is the "untouchables" outside the bone pagoda. All the untouchables come from Yin people. Moreover, if the untouchables are strong enough, they are qualified to enter the bone pagoda.

"All the strong men in this world are afraid of the light of judgment. Only those Yin people who have not opened their minds are not afraid. How are these Yin people born?" People forget to ask about Liyin.

The vast expanse of this ancient wasteland, even though Luo Zheng has been maintaining a high speed, it took almost half a month to cross it.

Half a month later, Luo Zheng finally saw another city.


Luo Zheng unfolded a map.

This map was made by Luo Zheng in exchange for a piece of waste bone in Shaxin city. It recorded the location of some cities and bone pagodas in detail.

"Holy bone City," Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, "has a transmission array to Helian city in this city, and Helian city is located on the side of the ancient wasteland of Tiannan bone tower, which is a shortcut."

After putting the map away, Luo Zheng went straight to the holy bone city.

Like Shaxin City, Shenggu city is also alert to outsiders. The guards at the gate of the city block Luo Zheng's way.

"Two friends, this is a little bit of Luo's heart," Luo Zheng's palm gently turned, will be more than ten pieces of bone plug in the past.

The salary of these guards in a month is only two or three pieces of waste. Suddenly, how can they not be moved by this "huge sum"?

Looking at Luo Zheng's common accomplishments, such guys would not be able to make any big waves. The two guards let go with a wave of their hands.

After entering the holy bone City, Luo Zheng did not stop. After some inquiry, he went straight to the transmission array of the holy bone city.

There are hundreds of millions of miles between here and Helian City, and the transmission cost is not low. There are 100 pieces of bones.

Fortunately, Luo Zheng has left some bones. Now he uses bones to open the way, which saves a lot of trouble. Otherwise, he can only fly to his destination at his own speed. I don't know how many years it will take At that time, the light of judgment came, I'm afraid I haven't entered the bone tower, let alone go back to pick up Xiaoyun and Fuchu.

Because the transmission distance is very far, it takes three days to pass through the transmission channel.

Three days later

A prosperous city appeared in front of Luo Zheng.

In Luozheng, all the cities in the world should be very desolate.

After all, except for the creatures in the bone tower, other people can only live for a thousand years, and there is no time to build a very broad city.

However, Helian is different from Shaxin and Shenggu.

This city is very close to those bone towers. The creatures in the bone tower can return to Helian city again after avoiding the light of judgment, so the light of judgment will not plan the process of this city.


When Luo Zheng looked up, he saw a huge divine realm hanging in the sky, like a star with unique shape.

Those distant bone towers seem to be close at hand, standing not far away.

The height of this bone pagoda is similar to the length of the divine realm. I don't know how many years it will take to climb from bottom to top to reach the top. It's really hard to describe its huge size.

"What's the matter? Why don't you leave soon? " Someone urged.

Luo Zheng glanced at the man lightly, then left quickly.

After wandering around the city of Helian, Luo Zheng found out the location of Tiannan bone pagoda, which was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

After leaving Helian City, Luo Zheng flew all the way south and fled for another day and night. Then he saw a flagpole rising from the ground. Under the flagpole, there was a building with unique shape, and at the top of the building stood a stone carving about ten feet tall.

"Three heads and six arms!"

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed suddenly.

"This is a statue of Chiyou!"

In the palace inside the sun, Luo Zheng had seen the statue, and his memory is still fresh, so he can't be mistaken.After getting the "admittance order", Luo Zheng also knew that this ancient wasteland was dangerous because it was the battlefield between Chiyou and Xuanyuan. Although the resources in this ancient wasteland were rich, it became very dangerous because of the fighting between the two groups.

"This should be the stronghold of Chiyou people..."

Seeing the statue of Chiyou again, Luo Zheng felt more cordial in his heart, almost without hesitation. He came to the door of the building.

But the door is closed.

Around them were scattered people, men and women, with their backs on the wall and cold faces.

When they saw Luo Zheng's accomplishments clearly, their eyes showed a sneer.

"The strength of these people is very strong..." Luo Zheng is also looking at these people, "more powerful than the four barren gods who fought in the ancient wasteland before, and experienced many battles, all of them are decisive people."

After waiting in front of the door for a while, Luo Zheng finally couldn't help but ask the nearest man, "why is the door locked here?"

The man had a long and thin scar on his face, and his eyes were very small. When he heard Luo Zheng's words, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, "nonsense? I haven't opened the door yet. It's naturally locked. Just wait here. "

"Why wait here?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"Nonsense, didn't you come here to enter the eternal wasteland? How can you get in without Chiyou people to take you The man said again.

Although the other party uttered a lot of nonsense, Luo Zheng continued to ask: "can't you enter the ancient wasteland with an access order?"

"Hey, hey..."

"This kid..."

"What a baby."

The people against the wall could not help laughing at last.

The scarred faced man asked, "how did you get your admittance order? How dare you come here if you don't know anything? "

"It was bought at the auction," Luo Zheng replied.

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, these people laugh even more

"It's true that someone went to the auction house with the admission order here! How many bones did you spend on your hand? " Scar man asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The admittance order can be obtained at will here. You can get as many as you want. I'm afraid you can get it if you want to!" Scar face looks like a smile.

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