Su Lingyun has assessed many talents and recruited many talents from the counties in the eastern region in Xiaoyu peak, but she does not see any hope for the time being.

"Tutor Su!" After Luo Zheng received the news, he immediately came to find Su Lingyun. He found that Su Lingyun was not in the room, so he found Su Lingyun in the pavilion.

Seeing Luo Zheng, Su Lingyun picked up the lonely expression on her face and said with a smile, "are you here?"

"Tutor Su seems to have something on his mind?" Luo Zheng's eyes are very sharp, he clearly see Su Lingyun's expression is not natural.

Su Lingyun avoided this topic, stared at Luo Zheng and asked, "eh, what have you practiced recently? How can your eyes be so sharp? "

Even if Su Lingyun was born in a perfect state, he could feel Luo Zheng's sharp breath. Some of the breath even had a slight scratch on Su Lingyun's body protecting true element. It is clear that this effect can only be caused by understanding a very sharp artistic conception.

Just like those who are strong according to the divine realm, with their strong momentum, they can daze people just by staring.

Su Lingyun knows that Luo Zheng seems to understand a way of soul attack, but the effect of soul attack is somewhat similar to that of artistic conception, but its principle is completely different. Soul attack requires one's own initiative to use soul to attack, and artistic conception is a kind of realm sent out by one all the time, which can automatically give people around a sense of oppression.

Luo Zheng could have restrained the sword's meaning, but now his intuition told him not to do it. He just understood the sword's meaning, but he couldn't put it in and out freely, so he still let the sword's meaning spread naturally for a period of time until it was stable.

Hearing Su Lingyun's words, Luo Zheng nodded: "I understand the meaning of a sword in the seven star sword platform."

"Sword meaning?" When Su Lingyun heard this, he was surprised. "I remember you didn't use your fist?"

Su Lingyun's impression is that Luo Zheng has only one throwing knife as a weapon. Although that throwing knife is extremely sharp, the things in it are doomed not to become common weapons, and can only be used for surprise attack.

Luo Zheng said with a smile, "I just started to practice sword recently."

As soon as Luo Zheng's voice fell, Su Lingyun suddenly became speechless and choked. Recently, he just began to practice sword and understood the meaning of sword? This is also

In Su Lingyun's opinion, Luo Zheng has indeed created many terrible miracles. For example, with one person's strength, he has chosen the outer gate of vulture peak, and with half a step's innate strength, he has beaten Wang yanmiao, who is in the divine realm. This shows that Luo Zheng is by no means an ordinary genius.

In order to understand the meaning of sword, some swordsmen have been practicing with their swords for decades. Whether they are eating or sleeping, they never separate from their own swords at any time, in order to pursue the perfection of swordsmanship and understand the vague meaning of sword. Even so, most people can't understand it all their lives The slightest intention of the sword, and finally regret to die, and finally not in peace.

But Luo Zheng began to practice the sword casually and understood the meaning of the sword?

If anyone is most likely to walk through Qingyun road and enter the cloud palace in the future, Su Lingyun's intuition shows that as long as Luo Zheng grows up and his weapons don't fall, he is most likely.

But It's too late.

It is less than a year before the crown prince ascends the throne. The third prince and the seventh prince are ready to move. In this year's time, they will choose any mature time to start, or even at the moment when the crown prince ascends the throne.

Although Luo Zheng's strength has improved steadily, now he is only born with double ability, which is far from enough to see

Su Lingyun feels some regret. If she only gives Luo Zheng two or three years, she can almost be sure that Luo Zheng will become one of the ace disciples in Qingyun sect!

Regret to regret, Su Lingyun, who grew up in the palace since childhood, is far more mature than most people. No matter what she does, she won't give up until the last moment. Even she thinks it's naive to rashly choose to come to Qingyun sect at first, but once she decides something, she will go all the way to darkness and won't give up.

"I just started to practice sword recently, and I understood the meaning of sword. It's a good chance for you..." Su Lingyun doesn't know what to say. She asked Luo Zheng to come up. Originally, she wanted Luo Zheng and a group of other disciples to test and enter the inner gate, because only the inner gate disciples are qualified to participate in the whole peak competition.

Quanfeng Dabi, once every three years, Su Lingyun's original intention is to let Luo Zheng show his face in Quanfeng Dabi. After all, all the young talents in Qingyun sect are gathered in Quanfeng Dabi. Su Lingyun doesn't expect Luo Zheng to get the place. He is still young, only 17 years old, and has unlimited potential in the future! Maybe Luo Zheng will get a certain place in the next full peak competition.

No way. There are too many talented young people in this world. Luo Zheng can have an adventure to win the favor of God, but others can do the same. This is also because Su Lingyun doesn't think much of Luo Zheng.

Thinking of this, Su Lingyun put the topic on the right track: "you have entered the congenital secret place. You can enter the inner gate, but you still have to pass the examination to enter the inner gate. This examination will be arranged tomorrow, and the top 30 people in the outer gate of xiaoyufeng will participate in it."Luo Zheng nodded. This test should not put much pressure on him.

Seeing Luo Zheng's appearance, Su Lingyun immediately asked, "do you know why I want you to enter the inner gate of Xiaoyu peak now?"

"It's about Quanfeng Dabi?" Luo Zheng asked.

Su Lingyun nodded and then said: "yes, this time, I just need you to experience and feel the strength of the disciples of Qingyun sect. I don't want you to win the place, but One thing you must pay attention to is that the number of disciples that Quanfeng Dabi can send is limited. The quota is different on each mountain and is allocated according to strength. We Xiaoyu peak have only seven quota. "

Quanfeng Dabi is a contest among the top inner disciples of 33 peaks.

However, there is a huge gap between the 33 peaks. Take Tianyi peak, which ranks the first, for example. There are many congenitally perfect realms in Tianyi peak's inner gate, and even some inner gate disciples break through and shine on the divine realm! Then compare the inner gate of Xiaoyu peak, the strongest one is just a congenitally full realm.

If the number of people in each peak is equal, it is bound to cause serious unfairness. For example, Tianyi peak is not even qualified to fight on behalf of Tianyi peak, while Xiaoyu peak only has five or six congenital realms.

Therefore, according to certain rules, the number of players is not fixed.

On that day, Yifeng was the most powerful. This time, there were 43 players in the competition! Xiaoyufeng, which ranks last, has only seven places.

"The seven places are ranked according to the strength of the inner gate, that is to say, to enter the top seven of the inner gate, you can represent xiaoyufeng. I can't help you. You must rely on your strength to enter the top seven," Su Lingyun said slowly.

According to Su Lingyun, although Luo Zheng is only a congenital double strength, he should be able to challenge the inner disciples of congenital seven if he is really fighting.

The first disciple of the inner gate of Xiaoyu peak is congenitally great consummation, and the seventh is congenitally seven heavy. If you follow Luo Zheng's previous fighting capacity, you should be able to strive to enter the top seven!

The ranking of inner disciples is automatically generated according to the test.

If Su Lingyun forces Luo Zhengan to be one of the top seven, other inner disciples will not be convinced. Besides, Su Lingyun doesn't think it's necessary for her to do so.

"I see. There will be a test tomorrow, right?" Luo Zheng nodded.

"Yes, tomorrow morning, I will arrange for you to continue to test. Whether you can enter the top seven and play on behalf of xiaoyufeng depends on your performance," Su Lingyun said with a smile. Seeing Luo Zheng's confident expression, Su Lingyun seems to have some confidence in his heart. It seems that he is quite confident in his strength!

The next day, the annual assessment was held on the light rain peak.

This assessment is very important for xiaoyufeng's outside disciples, because the results of the assessment directly determine whether they can be promoted to the inside!

However, only the top 30 of the external disciples can take part in the assessment. They will be ranked according to the assessment results, and the top 10 can enter the internal gate.

On the school yard of the outer gate, there is a medium-sized magic array. Many obscure runes are carved around the magic array. At the moment, those runes are emitting a light blue light. It is obvious that they are activated.

Although the top 30 students were assessed, many of them still miss the results of the assessment, so most of them won't miss it.

Su Lingyun and several other tutors have already arrived early. Although the magic array has been arranged for a long time, they have to place crystal stones and activate the Runes of the magic array.

The top 30 students soon arrived, including Hao Shige, Zhang Wuxian and others.

In fact, if the ranking is strictly carried out according to the realm, the top ten disciples have a great advantage. They are most likely to get high marks and enter the inner gate.

But this is not always the case. Although some of the disciples have a low level, their combat effectiveness is relatively strong, and they can get higher scores in the test. Once there was a 29 outside disciple on Xiaoyu peak, who successfully hit the top 10, thus ranking in the inner gate.

"Luo Zheng is already a congenital creature. With his strength, he doesn't need to test at all. Just go into the inner door!"

"What do you know? It's easy to enter the inner gate, but Luo Zheng's strength is superior. It's said that this time he wants to use this magic array to attack the top seven of the inner gate and directly participate in the whole peak competition! "

"It's a little impossible to be the first seven. Although xiaoyufeng is not good, the strength of the first seven in the inner gate has reached more than congenital six. Although Luo Zheng is evil, it's impossible to challenge the congenital seven by so many levels!"

"Hey, have you seen the limit of Luo Zheng? If not, what do those black robed disciples come to observe? You can see from this side, the black robed disciple standing on the side, his name is Wang Xufeng, who is the seventh in the inner gate of Xiaoyu peak. Originally, he was qualified to represent Xiaoyu peak in the battle of the whole peak! But this time he is still very nervous, if Luo Zheng breaks out a high score, it is likely to squeeze out his positionAlthough the test has not yet started, all kinds of news has spread among the disciples.

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