Seeing that Luo Zheng agreed so easily, Chun Chang's face showed a trace of suspicion.

But she is clear about her son's strength. Among the Chiyou younger generation, besides Chengwei and Maoxue, Duomo really has no rival.

Diao yuan doesn't agree with Cheng Wei's suggestion. Why do you want to compete with Duomo?

But Luo Zheng agreed so quickly, Diao yuan had nothing to say.

On one side of nahuang cave is a vast wasteland. This temporary duel immediately attracted many people's attention.

"Alas! Alas! Who is Duomo competing with? " A woman with Qi bangs came up and asked curiously.

This woman is less than 20 years old. Under her neat bangs, she has a very beautiful face, and a pair of smart big eyes are looking at Luo Zheng not far away.

"Mao Xue, are you out, too?" Cheng Wei takes a look at Mao Xue.

Maoxue is the No.1 Middle God in Chiyou. Her blood purity is not high, but there are some special variations in her blood. It is said that this kind of situation is very rare.

"I heard a lot of noise outside. Who is that young man? I've never seen him before," Mao Xue said.

Cheng Wei said with a smile. "I told you a few days ago that he was Luo Zheng who saved my life."

"It's him. It's so funny! According to what you said, Luo Zheng is really so amazing. Isn't Duomo sure to lose? " Mao Xue asked again.

"Should be, see to know," Cheng Wei shrugs a shoulder.

Just under the gaze of the public, Duomo gently spits out a "long" character, and the body shape expands rapidly.

In a flash, Duomo turned into a giant, and then his voice sounded like thunder, "it's your turn, little guy!"

In Duomo's eyes, Luo Zheng's power of the God of famine is very weak. Even if it stimulates the power of the God of famine, it is less than a hundred feet. He is a "little guy" in front of him.

However, Luo Zheng didn't plan to fight seriously. He didn't want to waste time on this guy.

"No, I don't need to stimulate the power of the wild God to deal with you..."

Standing on the ground, Luo Zheng looks up at the mountain like ink.

"Yes? Then try... "

With a sneer, Duomo covered the huge palm of his hand toward Luo Zheng. In his opinion, killing Luo Zheng is almost the same as killing an ant.

Luo Zheng stood in the same place, his eyes only flashed slightly, and a strong soul pressure had spread out.

Elder Chun has been paying attention to the movement of Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng is so calm, she speculates whether Luo Zheng has any powerful backhand or special magic weapon.

I didn't expect that Luo Zheng burst out such a powerful soul power in an instant!

As soon as Duomo's slap was not covered, he felt that his mind was hit by a heavy hammer and his face turned pale.

"Putong" a, he is kneeling on the ground.

"You..." Duomo roared, biting his teeth and sweeping toward Luo Zheng.

But he had just taken action, and his mind was shocked again. Under the shock of his soul, Venus appeared in his brain.


This time I fell to the ground

Lying on the ground, Duomo still refuses to accept and wants to struggle, but his body shakes again. He is paralyzed on the ground and doesn't move. That is to say, he faints directly.


Seeing this, Mao Xue couldn't help laughing. She asked Cheng Wei, "are you sure this is bi Dou? Is the gap too big? "

Cheng Wei shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've already expected that Duomo is totally self humiliating."

Most of the time, the true gods in the divine realm use soul attack as a means of sneak attack, but they will never rely entirely on soul attack. After all, the opponent has a soul defense magic weapon. If you use the soul attack, it will be very pale.

But the souls of the wild gods in this world are weak and pitiful.

The same level of the God of famine, Luo Zheng can be wanton killing.

There was almost no resistance in front of him for such a God as Duomo.

"Is that all right?"

Luo Zheng walks over slowly and stares at elder Chun.

"It turns out that your soul is so powerful, but it's hard to win by such means," Chunchang said with a complicated face.

In front of Luo Zheng, Duomo had no fighting power at all.

Luo Zheng said with a faint smile, "the ruler is good, the inch is short. What elder Chun means is that I can't use my own advantages?"

Although elder Chun is a woman, he has a heroic temperament. After thinking about it, he said frankly, "it's my son who is not good at learning, so he should let the cashier waste his cave."

"If I had known that, why should I have done so much?" Diao yuan turned his lips.


On the wall of nahuang cave, there are many fine bone patterns.

Luo Zheng put out his hand and gently rubbed on these bone patterns. "These bone patterns are naturally produced by the animal bones of chaos ancient gods. It's strange that they can guide the power of desolate gods down."At the bottom of the nahuang cave, only one person was allowed to sit in it. After Luo Zheng entered it, he waited for a while, and then he felt a strong breath of the power of the wild God.

The power of those wild gods flowed along the bone lines and gradually gathered towards Luo Zheng.

"What a strong power of the wild God..."

At the top of nahuang cave, there are more than ten people constantly refining the bones and sending the pure power of the God into nahuang cave.

They are full-time in refining bones, and their technique is skillful, which is more than ten times faster than Luo Zheng's own refining speed!

Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly, and the power of those wild gods seemed to have life, forming torrents, converging, infiltrating and dispersing towards Luo Zheng's body

The power of the wild God is full of every bone, every flesh and every hair.

So, six days later

"Elder Diao yuan, Luo Zheng has absorbed nearly two million pieces of bones. Do you want to continue?" Wei Cong asked.

Three million pieces of bones, for an inferior God, is already a huge number.

If someone else had absorbed two or three hundred thousand pieces of waste bones, there would be signs of physical robbery. But now Luo Zheng has nothing to do with it. He is still absorbing the power of the waste God like a bottomless hole.

"Go on!" Diao Yuan said with a smile.

Before that, the old man said that he would supply Luo Zheng with ten pieces of blood, but Diao yuan still had worries in his heart. Now he sees that his worries are totally unnecessary.

This guy's constitution is not as simple as it seems.

Since elder Diao Yuan said so, Wei Cong didn't worry about it. Since Luo Zheng had such a big appetite, he simply took out several people to refine the bones for Luo Zheng.

A large number of bones poured into the cave again and were absorbed by Luo Zheng.

However, six days later, Luo Zheng again absorbed more than two million pieces of bone, but he still did not move.

At this time, Diao yuan could not sit still. The bones were nothing to the Chiyou people, but it was too exaggerated for Luo Zheng to absorb the power of the gods.

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