For the Chiyou people, it was a sudden accident.

"Luo, will Luo Zheng die in it?" Wei Cong asked in a low voice.

This crack is very strong. Let alone Luo Zheng, no matter how severe it is, people will be crushed to pieces.

Although Wei Cong's voice was small, the old people still heard it clearly. His face showed the color of taboo and said: "no, the crack of nahuang cave is only closed at the upper end, and there is a gap at the lower end. Luo Zheng's body is alive and not dead."

Although the old people said so, their faces were still full of worry.



Inside nahuang Cave

Although Luo Zheng can't move at all, he can still detect the movement outside and catch the sound from outside nahuang cave.

"Nahuang cave, closed?"

The skeleton in the bone tower comes from the ancient god of chaos. It can't be destroyed. Who can close it?

He closed his eyes and pondered. At the same time, Luo Zheng slowly absorbed the power of the tenth waster God.

When he absorbed the power of the wild God of Chiyou's blood, there was another sound in his ear

"What sound?"

Luo Zheng was slightly surprised, and immediately released his mind, sweeping the inside of the narrow cave.

His eyes could not see, but everything around him was reflected in his mind.


He noticed that drops of blood were oozing out of the bone lines on the wall. The blood was like insects coming out of the wall. After converging with each other, it dropped down to the bottom of the cave.

"Dida, Dida, Dida..."

The smell of these blood is countless times stronger than that of Luo Zheng, and it is as thick as oil.

Here's the marrow from the bone tower.

In fact, whether Chiyou or Xuanyuan, blood transplantation means that the exiles transplanted the power of blood marrow into other wild gods.

But these blood marrow, come from chaos ancient god!

The thick blood marrow continuously drips down, gradually, the whole bottom of nahuang cave is this kind of blood marrow, and Luo Zheng's whole person is completely immersed in it.

In his present state, he could not move at all and could not escape naturally.

The blood marrow continued to seep into Luo Zheng's skin, flesh, bone, tendon and marrow.

Originally, as long as Luo Zheng survived the trauma, his body would be reborn immediately. At the same time, Chiyou's body would sprout out of his new body.

But with these blood marrow to join them, Luo Zheng soon found that his skin and flesh began to crack again, and this time the power of collapse is ten times greater!

In other words, the whole body robbery will Repeat it!

"Why on earth..." Luo Zheng wants to cry without tears.

Outside the nahuang cave, the old man's face showed a color of anxiety that he had never seen before. He walked around the closed nahuang cave.

Including Fu Er, Chi Yi and others, their faces are also pretty ugly.

On the contrary, Ziyu, Diaoyuan and others are also depressed, but they will not be as sad as the exiles.

Ziyu, after all, were born in this world. They know Chiyou's greatness, but they have a natural sense of alienation from their mother world.

If something happens to Luo Zheng, Ziyu's biggest problem is that she may lose the battle with Xuanyuan. This is a big loss, but Ziyu can accept it.

And the old people, Fu Er and Chi Yi, know something about their mother world through Luo Zheng, and know more about the situation of the divine realm. Because of Luo Zheng's identity, they can't tolerate any accident!

He may be the only hope!

But it's unexpected. It's so strange.

When those blood marrow poured into nahuang cave, the vitality of Luo Zheng's body suddenly changed dramatically.

Fu Er and Chi Yi look at the old people one after another. Fu Er says, "brother, Luo Zheng's vitality has been weakened a lot!"

"His life is rapidly dissipating!" Another exile said worriedly.

The sense of these exiles is more powerful than that of Luo Zheng. Even if the nahuang cave is closed, they can't stop their mind. Therefore, they can be aware of the changes of Luo Zheng's body.


The old man stepped on the crack of nahuang cave, and an unyielding color appeared on his old face. He said faintly, "you all get out of the way!"

"Brother, do you want to open nahuang cave?" Fu Er asked.

"Luo Zheng can't die," the old man's eyes flashed, "get out of my way!"


Under his roar, the terror of the soul rolled away in all directions.

The old man is the five-star chiyouwei, the top figure in chiyouwei, and the existence of the 81 demons of Chiyou clan. How terrible is the pressure he released?Exiles, Ziyu, Diao yuan, and many other immortals scattered in a crowd

Then they saw that the figure of the old man began to soar, and soon became 3000 feet in size.

Since the exiles have come to this world, they also practice the spirit of desolation. The reason why the old people become 3000 feet tall is that the cave here is only 3000 feet high

He bent down and leaned forward, his huge hands clasping nahuang cave.

"Hum -"

the power of the wild God in his body suddenly burst out.

At the same time, blood lines appeared on his arms. What escaped from these blood lines was not the power of desolate gods, but the breath of chaotic Qi, which was the only means in the mother world

All of us are watching this scene nervously. As the most powerful being in exile, can the old man destroy a small bone of chaos ancient god with all his strength?


The blue veins on the old man's arms are exposed. All people are far away, but they can also feel the incredible strength between their hands.

A small tremor, around the hands to pass out, this is the old man's power generated tremor!

"How powerful is the old man?" Mao Xue asked, sniffing.

Mao Xue is also the first time to see the old man, this scene really shocked her young heart.

That pair of hands looks old and weak, as if they can tear everything up!

"Their strength is essentially different from ours. They are not based on the wild gods, but on the real gods," Cheng Wei said quietly.

"No matter what it is, it's really incredible to get such a powerful force," Mao Xue said, shaking her head.

After more than ten breaths

The nahuang cave didn't move in his hands. The old man spat out a bad breath, and finally chose to stop. The old man's face now looks more old, and even his voice is hoarse. "I'm too naive to break the bones of chaos ancient god."

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