This Xianze's temperament is certainly very annoying, but whether it is talent or blood, it is far more than the same level of wild God.

Xuanyuan people naturally treat it as a treasure.

On several occasions, Xianze offended the elders of the clan without being punished. After all, the exiles of the Xuanyuan clan also sheltered him

The women in blue and the strong men represent the Xuanyuan family. Their strength is not weak, but there is still a big gap compared with Xianze.

Even if Xianze is so arrogant in front of them, they just dare to be angry.

"Here it is

Someone said it.

In the distant sky, a group of people arrived.

Ziyu's toes gently point, take a few steps, the eyes of the Xuanyuan people, coldly said: "I Chiyou people, today to the appointment."

A middle-aged man in a golden robe of Xuanyuan clan came out slowly, his eyes focused on Ziyu's face, and he laughed, "I haven't seen you for a while, but Ziyu elder has become more beautiful again!"

This middle-aged man is the elder of Xuanyuan clan, Ji MI.

Hearing Ji Mi's words, Ziyu's eyes were cold. "If there's nothing else, I'll get to the point quickly."

Ji Mi didn't care about Ziyu's attitude and said with a smile, "that's nature! After a long struggle between our two ethnic groups, we need a result. After the ownership of tiannangu pagoda is determined, we can avoid future disputes. If we can live in harmony, it is the best and we all hope. The children of our Xuanyuan family are short of practice. Please show mercy to the nobles! "

The Chiyou people rolled their eyes when they heard what Ji Mi said.

The gambling agreement was put forward by the Xuanyuan people, and then they killed the Chiyou elite children in the ancient wasteland. Before the two sides had a fight, the Chiyou people suffered a great loss. Obviously, the Xuanyuan people had been prepared for it, and it was hypocritical to talk like this at this time.

The rules of this engagement are very simple. Each side sends out five middle gods. If five of them lose first, they will lose.

The two sides have made preparations, and there is a certain distance between them.

After all, when the waster God goes to war, he can easily turn into a giant, which needs a large enough field to display.

In the distance of this wasteland, many people have gathered.

Once the ownership of Tiannan bone pagoda is determined, the ancient wasteland and city around Tiannan bone pagoda will also belong to the victorious side.

The complicated forces in feisickle city are also very concerned about the results. After all, it will affect their survival in the future

"Pa, PA, PA..."

Xianze pinched his knuckles and said: "elder, let me fight directly. I can deal with all the five wastes sent from the opposite side by myself!"

Ji Mi glanced at Xianze lightly.

Such a presumptuous and perverse guy is always annoying. It must be a lie to say how much Ji Mi likes Xianze.

However, this boy's talent is really high. The most important reason for this engagement is that Xuanyuan people have been brewing for so many years is that there is a Xianze in their family. With this person, Chiyou people can't win at all, because they can't find anyone who can fight against Xianze.

"You are the last one to go up," Ji Milu directly vetoed Xianze's decision, "the first one, Qin Xuan, you go up!"

Hearing this, xianzedun quit, "elder, what do you mean? If you don't believe in my strength, don't pull me over. If I come here and don't play, I might as well go back to sleep! "

"If you're willing to go back to sleep, just go back now," said Ji.

Ji Mi knows Xianze's temperament. This guy likes to be in the limelight. He can't leave at all.

There was a trace of helplessness on Xianze's face

If ordinary people are afraid that they can only be obedient, but Xianze is not an ordinary person after all. In a rage, he muttered: "sleep! But I don't want to go back to sleep! Sleep right here

After that, he turned over and lay on the ground like this, sleeping with his eyes closed.

"What is the boy of Xuanyuan family doing?"

"What do you mean lying on the ground? Dare not fight? "

"This guy really doesn't know where to go..."

Chiyou people are also a little silly. They don't know what happened to Xianze.

Some of the remote onlookers muttered and some of them laughed.

The Xuanyuan people couldn't hang on their faces, and Ji Mi's face was even more ugly. But he couldn't cure Xianze, so he could only turn a blind eye.

Ziyu, of course, recognized Xianze as the man who was in the last afternoon. It's not strange that this kind of guy did anything strange.

"The first battle, by Biqing," Ziyu said softly.


When Biqing answered, she flew out.

He was holding an emerald green bamboo stick in his hand. As he moved forward, the power of the wild God in his body had been stimulated.In the blink of an eye, his body soared and became a giant of 1200 feet, standing in front of the Chiyou people, and his bamboo stick also became more than 1000 feet long.

"This green bamboo stick is made of the same material as Chengwei's bamboo sword. It can also make it bigger and smaller..." Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled slightly, "but I forgot, I have no weapon..."

Luo Zheng can also turn into a giant now.

His Chengying sword is powerful, but it was brought down from the divine realm.

Although Luo Zheng combines the soul of Chengying sword, he can't give full play to his power, let alone make it bigger and smaller.

If you become a giant, it's impossible to fight with Chengying sword, right?

The shadow sword several feet long is in the giant's hand, smaller than a toothpick. Can't he stab people with a toothpick?

Want here, Luo Zheng then small voice shout a way, "big elder."

Ziyu turned to look at Luo Zheng and asked, "what's the matter with Luo Zheng?"

"I still lack a weapon," Luo Zheng said, pointing to the bamboo stick in Biqing's hand. "This kind of weapon can become bigger and smaller."

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, Ziyu patted her head and said with a smile, "I forgot such an important thing!"

Every time the Chiyou people break through a realm, they will be rewarded with a weapon.

It's just that after Luo Zheng's breakthrough, too many changes have taken place, and everyone has forgotten.

Diao Yuan said: "Luo Zheng, are you good at using sword?"

Luo Zheng nodded.

Diao yuan smile, the hands of a flash of green light, since his hands have more than a biyingying sword.

This long sword is also a bamboo sword, but the whole body emits green crystal light, which is much better than the clear bamboo sword.

Diao Yuan said, "this is my sabre. It's made of waste bone and dark bamboo. We call it waste utensil. It can change with the master's change. Take it!"

Then he threw the exquisite bamboo sword to Luo Zheng.

"Thank you

Luo Zheng grasped the bamboo sword and looked at it carefully.

It has to be said that in this barren world, there are many amazing talents who can make such a magical weapon from the waste bone.


I didn't expect that Luo Zheng had just taken over the sword when he heard a loud explosion. Biqing and Qin Xuan of Xuanyuan had already won.

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