Ji MI, the chief of Xuanyuan clan, also looks at Luo Zheng with complicated eyes.

Once Xia Feng was defeated, they were left with Xianze.

Although Ji MI has great confidence in Xianze, what if Xianze is defeated?

You should know that the Tiannan bone pagoda is a must for Chiyou. If you lose the Tiannan bone pagoda, Jimi can't bear the consequences.

Xia Feng walks back slowly

At this time, Xianze's strange voice came again.

"It's just a waste of time to send you up. Haha..."

Xianze was very anxious to play before, but now he is not worried at all. He looks as steady as a mountain.

Xia Feng goes to Xianze and stares at Xianze.

Xia Yun sees elder brother that way, afraid that he will be angry under and fairy Ze start, hastily come up to say: "elder brother, don't care with him!"

Xia Feng shakes his head calmly and says to Xianze, "you may not be his opponent."

Xianze curled his mouth, raised his eyebrows and said lazily, "don't use your ideas to replace me. I'm not as useless as you are."

"Luo Zheng still hasn't tried his best," Xia Feng warned. "Don't forget, as a Chiyou, he hasn't used Chiyou's wild body yet!"

Luo Zheng did not inspire his Chiyou wasteland in two successive battles.

It shows that his real strength is completely preserved.

Even in the face of Xia Feng, Luo Zheng only used the power source of Shentai nine stars!

After all, one of the real purposes of Luo Zheng's going to war is to hone his own body of barren gods.

Hearing Xia Feng say so, xianzedun was not happy.

He was originally a man of transmutation. Although Xia Feng warned himself that he would not be taken lightly, the arrogant Xianze sounded so harsh.

"Hey, hey, that guy is so powerful. I'm so afraid of Xianze. I don't think it's necessary to fight this battle. We Xuanyuan people admit defeat!" Xianze suddenly changed his tone and said with a smile.

"You Xia Feng's face suddenly sank.

Hearing such strange words, the faces of several elders of Xuanyuan clan suddenly showed helpless color.

Xianze is a rogue of extreme temperament, and he is extremely vengeful.

He asked to fight before, but Ji didn't agree. Now it's his turn to fight. Naturally, he didn't agree so easily.

Ji Mi's brow is tight wrinkly, walked to the Xian Ze front, immediately light say: "Xian Ze, return to you to fight now."

Xianze's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he didn't hear.

"Xianze, elder will talk to you again!" Xia Feng said on one side.

But Xianze still didn't move.

In the face of such a guy, even as a big elder, Ji MI is not easy to say some harsh words. Instead, he comforted him: "the Chiyou family is no less than us. I didn't send you to play at the beginning, just to avoid this situation! You see, this guy named Luo Zheng just came out of the blue. They left Luo Zheng in the last one. I have no reason not to leave you in the last one! "

"However, the boy's strength is still beyond my expectation. If you go on the stage, I'm afraid you will still be defeated. If you really don't want to, I won't force you," Ji Mi said. He looked at Xianze's expression quietly as he said.

Xianze is not willing to play, or because of the previous discomforts.

Let him really let Luo Zheng such opponents, he is absolutely not willing.

Xianze doesn't care if Tiannan bone pagoda belongs to Xuanyuan clan. The key is that such opponents can't miss it!

That's why he was in a bit of a hurry.

But Xianze didn't believe that the elder really gave up. He narrowed his eyes and watched the elder quietly.

Ji Mi sighed and turned to admit defeat to Chiyou.

But before he spoke, he heard Xianze's urgent obstruction: "wait, elder, I'll fight now!"

Ji Mi smiles a little. Although Xianze is hard to deal with, his mind is a little simple after all. He just tries to scare Xianze. Xianze just can't calm down

But strength has nothing to do with character.

Xianze's temperament is frivolous, but talent and blood are first-class in Chiyou.

What's more, Xianze not only has great talent in cultivating the wild God, but also has made great achievements in the way of true God!

Ji MI, the great elders, had a close relationship with the exiles. They naturally knew that the real mainstream of the whole chaos was the cultivation of the true God, that is, the cultivation of the great world.

But this world is not suitable for cultivating the true God, so few people open up the inner world.

As time goes by, most people ignore the way of cultivating the true God, and the people who practice are also insignificant

However, the exiles of Xuanyuan clan recognized Xianze's talent. They not only made efforts to cultivate him to cultivate the wild God, but also made great efforts to help him open up the inner world and become a true God!This Xianze has lived up to people's expectations, and neither has ever fallen.

Just because he was favored by those exiles, the boy not only ignored the elders, but also ignored him.

"Are you really willing to fight?" Ji asked in surprise.

"Yes, of course! I want to win that bone tower for my Xuanyuan people With that, he pointed to the direction of Tiannan bone pagoda, only to find that the direction he pointed to was empty. After sweeping around, he pointed to the direction of Tiannan bone pagoda again.

Looking at Xianze like this, Ji Milu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

If this boy cares about Tiannan bone pagoda, where will he play around with him?

But Ji MI was still "moved" and patted Xianze on the shoulder, "such a heavy task is on you, that Luo Zheng's strength is not small, but you should be careful!"



In the tenth battle, Luo Zheng went to fight Xianze.

At the beginning, the Xuanyuan clan showed a strong pressure, showing a one-sided trend.

No one thought that Luo Zheng pulled back two games in a row after his hand, and finally led to Xianze of Xuanyuan family.

Compared with Luo Zheng's unknown name, Xianze's name must be much bigger!

Before the appearance of Xianze, Xia Feng and Xia Yun were the peerless pride of the Xuanyuan family. Many people in the ancient wasteland were terrified to hear about this pair of brothers and sisters!

As Xia's brother and sister become more and more famous, it is conceivable that Xia's rise will attract more attention?

"Xianze finally came out..."

"Now Xianze should be able to end the Chiyou youth?"


By this time, Xianze had turned into a giant.

His eyes didn't seem to wake up, and he looked at the opposite Luo Zheng.

"Thank you very much," said Xianze with a smile.

Luo Zheng's brow slightly a Cu, this immortal Ze he once saw in Chi You clan, disposition is perverse and eccentric, don't know this Xie word from where to start? Luo Zheng asked, "thank you for what?"

"If you hadn't defeated Xia Yun and Xia Feng, I would have come in vain today," Xianze said with a shrug.

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