After the Xuanyuan people left, several principal officials in feisickle city came up to congratulate Chiyou.

Two of them were subordinated to the Xuanyuan clan, but they chose to change their ways for the first time.

After all, it's impossible for the Xuanyuan clan to take care of their minions after they quit. I'm afraid they need to find their own way of life in the future. It's easy for people without foundation to rebel.

But the Chiyou people were too lazy to talk to them, so they sent them away in a few words.

The management of these cities does not require Chiyou's children. The three main branches of Chiyou will naturally take care of everything.

"Tiannan bone pagoda has been closed for 13000 years. Today it can be opened. Ziyu, take the people to open it," Fu Er said with a smile to his daughter.

Ziyu nodded and looked at her father in confusion. "Dad, are you going back so soon?"

Fu Er shook his head and looked at the top of Tiannan bone pagoda. "No, dad is going to find something..."

During the war between Luo Zheng and Xianze, the exiles of Chiyou people all watched this area.

But they didn't find Di Jin hiding in the void. Just when Di Jin fell out of the void, they felt a strong force coming through.

That power almost disappeared in a flash, but Fu Er also judged that it was this power that forced Di Jin out.

At such a critical time, who did it?

He didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy, but he wanted to find out after all.

He had already felt that the force was penetrating from a very high direction. Judging from the direction and distance, it should be the top of Tiannan bone tower.


Ziyu nodded reluctantly, but she was not happy after all.

Her daughter had never seen her father's real face before, and this time, because of Luo Zheng, her father appeared twice. The difference was so big that Ziyu could not avoid imbalance in her heart.

Fu Er noticed his daughter's emotion and gave a faint smile. His lips moved slightly.

Ziyu's ear rang out his father's true yuan voice, "remember the stories your father told you? Maybe Before long, we won't have to be trapped in this world! "

When Ziyu heard this, she was stunned.

Although she had never met her father, she often heard his voice when she was a child.

Especially when he is frustrated, he runs to the big screen to let his father comfort himself. Fu Er will tell him many interesting stories.

And those stories come from the mother world.

In that mother's world, there are Shan Fenghai, Nu Wa's creation of human beings, fire god's burning world, countless ancient legends, and various strange powers.

Hearing that, Ziyu pestered her father to take her to the mother world.

Later, when Ziyu grew up, she realized that the world was a huge prison. Her father was a prisoner in the prison, and she and other wild gods were only the children of these prisoners

It is impossible to leave this world.

After all, she was born in this world and is an aborigine of this world.

But now hear father suddenly say so, purple jade nature some reaction not come over.

"Dad, what do you mean by that?" Ziyu also said with Zhenyuan.

Fu Er said with a smile, "the way to leave the world is just a little possibility. You will know it in the future."

Ziyu doesn't know the news Luo Zheng brings to the exiles. Fu Er can't explain it. Now she just uses it to comfort her daughter.

In the eyes of exiles, Luo Zheng's information is not absolutely reliable.

But in order to leave here, as long as there is the slightest possibility, they will be desperate to achieve!

Then Fu Er reaches out his hand and waves it gently. A wavy vortex appears in front of him. Fu Er steps into it, leaving the stunned purple jade.

It was not until Diao yuan called "elder" several times that Ziyu responded. Then she said to the crowd, "come with me to unseal Tiannan bone pagoda!"

After Tiannan bone pagoda is unsealed, this bone pagoda will become the second stronghold of Chiyou people!

Once upon a time, it would have been a great joy for Ziyu. After all, it means that Chiyou people have expanded a lot. In this world, there are many ethnic groups with blood in one bone tower, and Chiyou people are one of the few who can sit on two bone towers.

But just now her father told her that they were going to leave the world.

Ziyu realized that her father had told her before she set out.

It doesn't matter whether the battle is won or not. It's important to protect Luo Zheng's safety. It seems that they are planning something


Above the top of Tiannan bone tower.

9527 was very satisfied with the arrow he had just shot.

When it is in a good mood, it likes to sing gently.

It's a ballad that our Lord once sang, a kind of ballad that can go deep into the soul. Sometimes 9527 will call itself a "soul player", and the rhythm of the fluctuation of the soul will make it intoxicated.But those old-fashioned brain owners don't like it and often forbid them to sing in the spiritual world.

When 9527 hummed, it suddenly felt something.

Here comes the exile of Chiyou nationality

Realizing this, 9527 sank deep into the bone tower.

At the same time, the huge eyeball it created, and the huge bow, burst into pieces and turned into a silk of white bone powder.

These bone powder did not disperse with the wind, but quickly inhaled into the bone tower, the skeleton of our Lord is a bit, it is impossible to waste!

When 9527 quietly disappeared, Fu Erze came out of the whirlpool at the top of Tiannan bone tower.

He lingered at the top of the bone tower for a while, releasing his mind at the same time.

Fu Er's idea is very special, like a snake, spreading on the top of the bone tower.

"Here it is

Fu Er's eyes flashed and immediately came to the top side of Tiannan bone tower.

With his keen mind, he could feel the aftereffect of the soul here, but when he looked at the bone tower, his face showed a trace of confusion.

The wave of the soul seems to escape into the interior of the bone tower.

Having lived in the bone tower for so many years, Fu Er knows very well how abnormal the bones of chaos ancient god are. No living creature can break the bone tower and sneak into it

"Sure enough, the two gods are standing on the spot.

In nahuang cave, the old people had such a judgment.

It seems that the ancient god of chaos integrated his own blood into Luo Zheng's body when he was robbing the flesh, and almost killed Luo Zheng

This time, the ancient god of chaos actually forced Di Jin out of the void?

He didn't know why the creatures of this level were targeting Luo Zheng.

After all, for countless years, the ancient chaos God has not moved. It is also the ancient chaos God who has brought these exiles a place to live.

At present, it has no malice to Luo Zheng.

It seems that it's good news. Fu Er's mind is a little fixed. He steps into the whirlpool again and returns to Chi Linggu pagoda

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