In the palace of Qingyin, there are hundreds of true gods.

Nearly half of them came from the floating island and belonged to the children of the floating island.

And the other half comes from Fusang Shenmu, which is the family of Dongfang family!

Compared with other rich families, Dongfang family has a deep foundation, and the children recommended by Dongfang family can not be ignored. In other words, even if Dongfang family does not rely on the floating island, it can also cultivate young heroes comparable to the children of floating island!

When Dongfang Chunjun appeared, all the children of Dongfang family showed their respect one after another.

These young heroes know that this burly middle-aged man is the patriarch of the Oriental family and the first saint in the divine realm!

First, the name Saint may not be so accurate.

After all, saints don't do it easily. Maybe some saints can't bear it, and their strength may even be higher than that of Eastern Chunjun.

However, on the surface, the vast majority of the true gods think that the eastern Chun Jun is the strongest saint!

"See the great sage of the East!"

These young people in the Qingyin hall saluted to Dongfang Chunjun.

Dongfang Chunjun looked down at the crowd, nodded slightly, and then said: "my Dongfang family can stand on the top of the floating island with the strength of one family, not by me alone, but by all the outstanding elites here. You are the future of Dongfang family."

"According to the rules of my Oriental clan, the best children will come every once in a while, and this time the reward will be given by me personally," Dongfang Chunjun continued.

The young people below showed a strong interest.

The people who can stand here are the most outstanding in recent years. They either gain a lot in the forbidden area, contribute a lot to the family, or perform amazing and potential in the arena

This time, the owner of the family will give out the reward in person. Naturally, I'm looking forward to it.

Then, on one side of the Qingyin hall, an Asian sage of Dongfang family quietly walked on the side of Dongfang Chunjun and whispered to him for a while.

At this time of whispering, Dongfang Chunjun's eyes fell on a corner of Qingyin hall.

The young people in the hall also noticed the eyes of Dongfang Chunjun and quietly looked over.

In the corner stands a young man in white.

Soon, Dongfang Chunjun said with a smile: "the land of Fusang Shenmu is a place of outstanding people. It's the good fortune of our Dongfang family that such elites can be born among the foreigners. Your name is Tianjian, right?"

After hearing the words of Dongfang Chunjun, the "buzz" in the Qingyin hall immediately made a lot of comments.

"Heavenly Sword? Is he the sword of heaven? "

"I didn't expect that Tianjian was a floating island child of my Oriental family, and also a foreign child..."

"I was wondering which one it was!"

They didn't expect this man in the corner, but he was firmly in the first place of the real God in the arena of gods. It's said that this guy intends to cross the level to challenge the great perfection!

But no one knew which big family this guy belonged to.

Some people who don't know about it even wonder if Tianjian is the anonymous!

Now suddenly appear in the floating island of Dongfang family, appear in the palace of Qingyin, naturally the children of Dongfang family were startled.

These young people look at Tianjian with envy, envy and even hatred. After all, in order to climb the top of the list, Tianjian will naturally defeat some of the children of the Oriental family. Some of the people in Qingyin temple have been defeated by Tianjian.

The sky sword arched its hand toward the East, and answered in a loud voice, "yes!"

"Yes," Dongfang Chunjun said with a trace of approval, "you can win all the way up without a single defeat so far. You are one of the most outstanding people in the history of gods..."

At this point, there was an imperceptible haze in Dongfang Chunjun's eyes.

Tianjian won 29 games in a row. Even the saints didn't reach such a record in those years.

But once he said the winning streak, Dongfang Chunjun would inevitably think of anonymous and Luo Zheng!

Last time in the underground world, Li Luoshui sent Luo Zheng away with a magic power.

Dongfang Chunjun was determined not to give up, but he almost searched the whole divine realm. He never found the boy, which made Dongfang Chunjun very unwilling.

His hatred for Luo Zheng is not only for the purpose of eradicating the roots, but also for the identity of Luo Zheng. He is the son of Luo Xiao and Li Luoshui. How can Dong Fang Chunjun tolerate the existence of such evil sons?

As a man, no matter how big the heart is, it is doomed to be narrow-minded in the face of such things!

"I hope you can keep up your efforts and create the first consecutive record," Dongfang Chunjun added.

After that, he stretched out his hand and pinched it gently. Two lights, green and yellow, circled slowly from his hands and soon turned into two swords.

After seeing these two swords, the lower part began to talk in a low voice.

"It's green and yellow against the sword."

"The green sword is the five spirits, and the Yellow sword is the missing moon. How could the master give this pair of swords to a foreigner in Tianjian?""No, Tianjian doesn't use double swords. Why take out this pair of swords?"

Qinghuang's sword fluttered slowly in the hands of Dongfang Chunjun, and his eyes fell on a woman beside Tianjian.

This woman is wearing a tricolor dress, pure and beautiful appearance, just standing there exudes a different kind of vitality.

"Dongfang Yingqing, you belong to hengzi, right? Say hello to your father Hengmin for me. You are a smart and sensitive woman. That's good! This pair of green and yellow swords will be given to you two, "said Dong Fang Chun Jun with a faint smile.

This woman is Dongfang Yingqing saved by Hua Tianming.

Since he was saved by huatianming, Dongfang Yingqing has been following him.

Later, she became dependent on him. When she had the chance to return to Dongfang, she could not leave him.

In the eyes of Dongfang Yingqing, Tianjian is always so mysterious.

Until now, Dongfang Yingqing still has not seen through him. Maybe this mysterious feeling exudes attraction, which makes her ignore everything.

Although Dongfang Yingqing had a hidden danger until he introduced a man of unknown origin into the Dongfang family, Tianjian suddenly asked to join the Dongfang family, which must be a plot, but she helped Tianjian hide everything. For example, he was able to eat flagstones, which was all willingly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tianjian was able to enter the floating island only by climbing the road of Dongfang Yingqing. In the future, if Tianjian becomes a divine partner, it naturally belongs to the Dongfang family.

But Dongfang Yingqing knows that he and Tianjian are just subordinate.

"Two children, thank you for your help!" The sub Saint urged on.

Hua Tianming, with a faint smile on his face, bows his hand to Dongfang Chunjun, and Dongfang Yingqing also clasps his hand.

"Thank you, the great sage of the East!"

"Master Xie!"

Dongfang Chunjun's fingers moved gently, and the pair of green and yellow swords flew towards them.

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