Three days before the full peak competition, all the lists of thirty-three peaks will be frozen. You can't challenge in these three days, and the list of disciples participating in the full peak competition has been fixed.

The day before that, on the 33rd peak, all the contests were taking place.

Some of the lower ranking students hid their strength before that, and on the last day, they released all their cards and dashed towards the ranking list, hoping to enter the quota of the whole peak big ratio.

And the students who are already on the list also try their best to stick to their own ranking, because once they lose, they will fall out of the list.

There is also a fierce competition on Xiaoyu peak.

In addition to Luo Zheng and Zuo Yun, everyone from the third to the seventh disciples has been challenged. The sixth and seventh disciples were replaced by the ninth and the 22nd disciples of the inner gate of Xiaoyu peak!

Then, after the list was frozen, the list of participants in the whole peak competition was decided, and those lists were submitted by the tutors on xiaoyufeng.

In the last three days, Luo Zheng didn't go to the magic fish pool and the seven star sword platform to practice. Instead, he shut himself up in his house and kept learning.

There are two skills in Tianmo Shenquan and Jingshen stab, one corresponding to Luo Zheng's most basic Zhenyuan attack, and the other is soul attack. These two skills are extensive and profound. With Luo Zheng's understanding, we can dig out some mysteries from them.

In addition, Luo Zheng continued to visualize the sun, moon and stars.

When Luo Zheng thought about it for the first time, he felt that his eyes had been drawn into the sun, moon and stars. But later, the feeling gradually dissipated.

This picture of sun, moon and stars is the first visualization in the immortal mansion. It's obviously impossible for Luo Zheng to visualize the whole picture thoroughly, but he can try his best to understand it.

In the two days, except for the occasional practice of Tian Mo Shen Quan and reading Jing Shen Ci, Luo Zheng devoted all his time to the sun, moon and stars.

But after twenty hours of contemplation, Luo Zheng felt that he had achieved nothing.

However, in the early morning of the third day, Luo Zheng looked at the picture of sun, moon and stars, and suddenly felt a twist in the world around him.

"Too long, dizzy?" Luo Zheng pats his head. According to his present physical condition, he can't feel dizzy even if he doesn't eat or drink for a long time. Maybe it takes too much mental energy to visualize the sun moon star map. Even though Luo Zheng's soul has been calcined and is stronger than ordinary people, the sun moon star map is not ordinary, and his soul can't withstand such dissipation of mental energy.

But when he blinked his eyes, he found that the surrounding space was more distorted and rotated faster and faster with the passage of time.

"What's the matter?"

Luo Zheng finally realized something was wrong.

When Luo Zheng came back to his mind, the space was spinning faster and faster. Luo Zheng was surprised to find that he was pulled to the sun, moon, and stars map. Then, under the whirl of heaven, his whole body was pulled into the map.

Sun, moon and stars

Luo Zheng found himself standing in the boundless airspace, not touching the sky or the ground. In other words, there was no distinction between heaven and earth in this airspace.

Not far away from this airspace, a huge fireball is emitting a fiery light, and the power revealed from that light is frightening!

"This is The sun

The history of the eastern region has been handed down for so many years, so far, human beings have not figured out what the sun is.

It's 3000 feet above the ground. It's the highest mountain in the eastern region. It's said that the top of the mountain is too high and the air is thin. It's almost like hopelessness.

There is still a bad environment to climb.

If you fly up a thousand feet, there will be waves of convective wind. The power of the convective wind is terrible. Even if you throw gold and iron objects into it, they can be twisted into pieces by the convective wind.

This convection vigorous wind power is extraordinary, even for those powerful, also hard to resist.

But there has never been a lack of people exploring the world. It is said that there is a man who can cultivate his own body into a nine fold metaphysical body, never destroy his golden body, and bravely rush through the convective wind all the way up.

Da Neng thought he could see the true face of the sun and the moon, but when he passed through the convective wind, he found that there were endless cracks in the void, which were intertwined with each other, like a thick fish scale standing on the blue clouds.

As for what remains behind the void crack zone

These answers can not be given even by ancient powers.

It is precisely because human beings are unable to explore the sky that the legends of the sun, moon and stars become more and more mysterious, and there are countless stories around them.

This time, Luo Zheng was also far away from the sun, but standing in the void and looking at the past, the power of the sun was even more breathtaking.

"My current consciousness is in the visualizing picture. Since I can come in, it's also an opportunity. But in the sun moon star picture, I just understand a little bit of the stars. It's still too reluctant to visualize the sun with my strength!"At this time, Luo Zheng's eyes turned to another planet not far away, which was shining bright. Compared with the tyrannical atmosphere transmitted by the sun, the planet was much quieter and softer.

Just looking at the sun, Luo Zheng felt his eyes sour and astringent. But after seeing the planet, Luo Zheng felt that his eyes were cold and comfortable.

"This is the moon."

Luo Zheng noticed that a shadow appeared on the planet. It was this shadow that outlined the radian of the planet and made the moon take on different shapes, changing into the first quarter moon and the second quarter moon

Behind these two huge planets is a vast sea of stars.

This sea of stars is the object of Luo Zheng's imagination.

Through the previous observation, Luo Zheng has been able to condense a little starlight in the heaven and the devil.

When those stars burst, they can release the energy of annihilation.

However, the power of the stars is not the only one. There are many mysteries hidden in the sun, moon and stars. Luo Zheng still needs a little understanding.

Now that he came in, Luo Zheng sat cross legged in the air, quietly contemplating the bright stars in the distance.

Just a picture can build a vast universe. I don't know who can make this picture.

Luo Zheng's eyes were burning and he fell into a settled state.

At this time, another starlight crossed the unknown distance, mixed with the terrible annihilation energy, and ran straight towards Luo Zheng.

"Do you want to bump into yourself?"

Luo Zheng wants to dodge, but at the moment, he is a nihilistic consciousness and can't resist at all.


In a twinkling, this starlight directly passed Luo Zheng's body. The starlight turned from this star was too big. It seemed that it was going to collide with Luo Zheng. In fact, it was far away from Luo Zheng. That starlight went to another starlight in the distance.

The two starlights collided and burst together. The annihilation energy emitted at this moment was more than ten times more than that!

The brilliance of the annihilation energy burst out, forming a huge light group, gorgeous and full of the breath of death.

"Starlight collision?"

Before Luo Zheng, he just detonated the starlight in the true yuan.

But at the moment, seeing the two starlights colliding together, the explosion of annihilation energy is even more terrifying. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng suddenly brightens up

After a long time, Luo Zhengcai pulled his consciousness out of the sun, moon and stars.

When Luo Zheng came out, he found that it was already dawn

Unexpectedly, he entered the sun, moon and stars chart. Under this observation, Luo Zheng's use of the power of the stars is more refined.

It's daybreak. Today is the first day for Quanfeng Dabi. He should follow the other six disciples of xiaoyufeng.

Walking to the platform on the top of Xiaoyu peak, the three tutors have been waiting there, and there is a medium-sized flying chariot beside them.

Among the three tutors, there is no su Lingyun.

Before Su Lingyun left last time, she told Luo Zheng that she would come back before Quanfeng Dabi. Why don't you see her now?

Is Su Lingyun really in trouble?

"Tutor Wen, why didn't tutor Su come today?" Luo Zheng asked.

Teacher Wen, the leader of the team, shook his head and said, "teacher Su hasn't come to qingyunzong since he asked for leave last time. I don't know why!"

Luo Zheng nodded in silence. It seemed that Wen tutor didn't know.

With a trace of worry, Luo Zheng and the other six disciples went to the medium-sized flying chariot. Then a light blue light came out from the bottom of the flying chariot and flew to the West.

In the west of Qingyun Zong, there is a huge competition field, where Quanfeng Dabi is held.

At this moment, flying chariots gather from all directions to transport all the elite disciples of Qingyun sect.

After a medium-sized flying chariot stopped, Luo Zheng, Zuo Yun and several other inner disciples jumped off the chariot.

Then, under the guidance of tutor Wen, he went to the competition arena.

"Hey, Lao Wen, are these your disciples who went to battle this year? How many people are there? " Next to tutor Wen, there is another team led by a skinny little old man named Wang, who is Hou Haifeng's tutor.

Houhaifeng ranks 29th among the 33 peaks in Qingyun, which is also the peak with the lowest strength. However, it is better than xiaoyufeng. Just from the number of people who play in the whole peak, we can see that there are only seven people in xiaoyufeng and thirteen people in houhaifeng.

After hearing the ridicule of Tutor Wang, the faces of three tutors of xiaoyufeng are not good-looking. After all, tutor Wen and the other two tutors are tutors of xiaoyufeng. Xiaoyufeng's performance is not good, and their faces are not bright.

It's just that in the past, when Su Lingyun was the leader of the team, no one dared to find himself boring and ridicule Su Lingyun. But today, with Su Lingyun gone, the situation is different.The list and number of each peak are fixed. Tutor Wang must have received the list of all peaks ahead of time, but he has to ask clearly, which is to ridicule xiaoyufeng.

The disciples behind the tutor surnamed Wang were also looking at the disciples on the side of xiaoyufeng, and their faces were full of scorn.

Tutor Wen snorted, "how many people? Our disciples of xiaoyufeng are not expensive! Yes? More people can get good grades? I don't think so! "

Wang's tutor glanced at Luo Zheng and others one by one, and his face showed a touch of scorn, "is the essence expensive? Ha ha ha, are you really nobody in xiaoyufeng? There's a guy who's born with a double

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Luo Zheng was in the team at the beginning, but no one paid attention to his accomplishments. However, when the tutor surnamed Wang said that, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

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