Bai shehuan's sword also urged all his strength.

Now this strange boy has no choice but to accept his attack. Bai shehuan doesn't believe that he can survive.

"Pi Pi Pi..."

Luo Zheng tries his best to attack loubing and Loudi.

Although his face is calm, but the pressure is amazing!

Seeing Bai shehuan's epee sword approaching, he picked up and down his long sword and cut countless butterflies. After several throwing knives, the long sword made a crooked stroke.

The point of the sword went towards the Epee of Bai shehuan.

Luo Zheng's sword technique is still ingenious, but the enemies he is facing are not the warriors in the lower world after all.

Bai shehuan ignored Luo Zheng's sword and smashed it directly.


As soon as Luo Zheng's long sword touched the Epee, he felt a huge blow. He couldn't hold it. The sword flew out of his hand and nailed it to the ground not far away.

Facing Luo Zheng with bare hands, Bai shehuan no longer hesitated, and the Epee was raised again.

At this time, on the other side of the roof, Mingwei is in the rapid rush.

"Pa, PA, PA..."

The blue whip shadows are constantly exploding behind Mingwei.

She saw that Luo Zheng was forced into a dead corner, gritted her teeth, and after bypassing the black robed man who was blocking her, she wanted to rescue him!

Mingwei is like a swift swallow. When she jumps in the air, her elastic body is as tight as a bow. As her body stretches, the ring blade in her hand shoots at Baishe fantasy!

At the same time, at the back of the street, Mr. Jin also ran all the way with a big knife.

According to the previous agreement, Mr. Jin is mainly responsible for protecting Mingwei and Fuchu, so after the war with the warden, Mr. Jin escorts the younger brother and sister back.

Compared with Mingwei, Jin Lao couldn't tolerate Luo Zheng falling here.

He ran so fast that he threw the big knife in his hand.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The broad broadsword flew over the heads of the people who were fighting, and also came straight to the white society.


The eyes of the dead fish blinked and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Raise your hand and give it a gentle lift towards the rear.

The ring blade projected by Mingwei suddenly broke into two pieces

After cutting off the ring blade, Bai shehuan's epee swung along with the situation and fell heavily on the big knife thrown by Jin Lao.

"Bang Dang!"

The face of the broadsword was cut in half and fell in response.

All the soldiers and all the iron can't stop the energy attached to the Epee, which is the grace given by the ancient god of chaos.

"In vain!"

Bai shehuan spits out a word and turns to face Luo Zheng again.

He felt like an executioner, leisurely taking the boy's life in front of him, while the exiles could not stop him.


It's like the old Jin of Chiyou and the Ming Wei of Nuwa.

I'm afraid these two people are the two most powerful exiles in the world. They are so nervous about this boy. It seems that this boy is really very important.

"Die, now no one can save you," white society magic light said.


On the surface of the Epee in his hand, the blue light formed a circle of spirals. It seemed that the Epee had turned into a long gun and was facing Luo Zheng.

If you are stabbed by this shot, no matter who you are, you will die. I'm afraid that your body will be crushed by that energy

"If you don't do it again, you won't have a chance to do it..."

Luo Zheng's chest bone piece above, 9527 finally can't help, mouth reminds Luo Zheng.

After condensing the truth cube, with the help of 9527, he mastered the primary use of the truth cube, the "falling star hand".

Really speaking, the falling star hand is not really the most primary use.

Just like Luo Zheng, he directly crystallized the truth into his arms and swords. This is the primary use

Therefore, there has been some dissatisfaction in 9527. I don't know why Luo Zheng did it.

But Luo Zheng naturally has his own consideration.

He didn't know how strong the warden family was. If he could only rely on the energy of the truth Fangjing, he naturally didn't want to use the mace of "falling star hand" at will.

What's more, just relying on the energy of truth Fangjing and her own martial arts skills, it's enough along the way.

But now, Luo Zheng knows that he has no choice.

When he looked up, a square crystal of truth had coagulated, and it was shining in his palm.

With his mind, the truth square crystal began to rotate slowly.

"Falling star hand..."

"Hum..."At that moment, the rotation speed of the truth cube suddenly increased countless times.

as like as two peas, a whirlpool is just like the same vortex. It's just ten times bigger than the spiral.


The light spot was slightly gestated in the whirlpool. Under Luo Zheng's hand, it fell down.

After the wardens got the favor of "ruins", they were basically the most superficial use.

Just like before Luo Zheng, they just use this energy as a weapon

I'm afraid this is also the original intention of the ruins, because the blue light summoned by the warden's clan seems unable to change other shapes.

For example, in the beginning, there were two sharp blades of a woman surnamed Lou, such as Lou Di's "prisoner butterfly" and Lou Bing's throwing knife.

Perhaps Xu thought that only relying on these "boons", the wardens could fight against the invaders.

The only thing that can change the blue energy form is the white society fantasy with epee.

However, the form of Bai she's magic change is also very limited. It can only control this energy to a certain extent. It can't do whatever it wants, nor can it motivate this energy to be used in supernatural powers

But Luo Zheng showed his magic power.

Luo Zheng also spent a lot of time to practice this "star falling hand".

However, Luo Zheng was disappointed by the final power

According to the statement of 9527, if the hand of falling stars is released, tens of millions of stars will fall, and the power of each star is enormous, which can destroy the world in a short time.

But it needs to accumulate a lot of truth crystals, which is obviously impossible for Luo Zheng.

Even ordinary gods could not be smashed to death, so it was not practical at all. Luo Zheng never showed himself in front of others.

However, after all beings are equal, all people are equal and become mortals, and this "star falling hand" has become the only magic power that can be exerted.

At this moment, this impractical magic power becomes extremely terrifying

The twinkling "stars" suddenly lit up everyone's faces.

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