For the tomb keeper, the war of the warden had nothing to do with him.

He's just a spectator at best.

And with his status and real strength, the wardens are not qualified to ask him out of the mountain.

In the long time of being locked up here, he failed to break the tombstone and win the bet with the "market". Such days are very boring.

To accept the invitation of the old patriarch is to have a better mind than nothing

Even if the warden family all died in front of him, he would not have the slightest sadness.

"I see," the patriarch nodded.

Although he knew the strength of the tomb keeper was terrible, he also knew that he could not place all his hopes on an outsider.

At this moment, he was tired both physically and mentally.

Maybe it's time for him to extricate himself from the war with the invaders.

Three hours later

On the dark road, Luo Zheng and his party came slowly.

In this space, the colors are all obscure. When they turn the road under the guidance of Xiao Yun, they will see a disc emitting blue light in the distance.

"There is the altar of equality," Xiao Yun said, looking into the distance.

As she spoke, she moved her eyes to the altar of equality. On one side of the altar was a pale blue stone tablet.

This stele is the "prayer stele" in Xiaoyun's mouth, through which the grace of the warden's family came down.

If they can get close to each other, Xiaoyun and Fuchu are also entitled to the favor of Xu.

"If we destroy the altar of equality, will the equality of all living beings disappear?" Luo Zheng asked.

When Luo Zheng asked, the other exiles immediately raised their ears.

That's their biggest concern.

If not for the equality of all living beings, any one of them, even the weakest one, can crush the warden at will!

Now being "equal" to this point of power, each one is very unyielding.

After all, every exile is a strong man on the other side, but how can they bear to be killed by the warden before?

"Yes," Xiao Yun nodded.

Although the altar of equality is close at hand, the rest of the warden's family will guard it desperately, and it is not easy to destroy it.

When they went half a mile further

From both sides of the square, black robed people came out one after another, forming a barrier, blocking the way of people.

An old man was standing in front of the barrier.

At the moment, the old man's hands more than a crooked black crutch, at the end of the crutch, the blue light constantly beating.


Xiao Yun stops.

Luo Zheng and others also stopped

"Xiao Yun," the patriarch looked over with a complicated look.

There are not many members of the warden family, and they are familiar with each other. They are like a small tribe, carefully managing the world.

Before the break-up between conservatives and liberals, Xiao Yun was popular with those elders.

He was the head of the clan and took care of Xiaoyun a lot

However, as the disputes between the two factions became more and more complicated, the situation was no longer under control and gradually developed to the point where they were mortal enemies.

"I'm sorry," said Xiao Yun, bowing her head.

She had to revenge, also had to feel guilty, this contradictory state of mind from her into the world, constantly suffering her.

In contrast, Fu Chu is much luckier.

After all, he didn't have much affection for the warden family. He just regarded them as enemies and the culprits who made him and his sister wander.

"Don't apologize," the patriarch said calmly, "I've thought a lot about it, old man. Maybe you were right at the beginning. Our persistence may really be a joke..."

During the conversation with the tomb keeper, the patriarch realized that such a prison was not the only one.

And the host really seems to have given up here.

Although it's hard for the patriarch to accept that crazy guy's statement, there's nothing wrong with it.

If the host is really looking here, in the face of this group of invaders, why don't he directly descend the divine power and kill all these people?

The master has abandoned this place, so what's the significance of the warden's insistence?

The Liberals made the right decision


Xiao Yun is slightly stunned.

She didn't expect the patriarch to say such a thing.

"But we have insisted on this step, we don't intend to give up, maybe our little jailers, the ultimate fate should be like this, even if the master has despised us, we still have to offer the most humble life to him," the patriarch looked at Xiaoyun, and looked at the back of Xiaoyun's floating beginning, with a complex smile: "if you win, you must win To live a good life, you will be the last blood of our warden family... "The patriarch also knew that their warden family was not a great race, far inferior to those Nuwa and Chiyou people

But after all, he hopes to see their blood can be passed on, which may be the last evidence of their existence in the world.

"All the people of the same clan are not allowed to fight against Xiaoyun and Fuchu," the clan leader then ordered to the people behind them.

"Patriarch, this..." The man with purple hair and black robe stood up. He didn't understand the order of the patriarch.

"Listen to me," said the patriarch calmly.

The black robed man with purple hair hesitated and chose silence.

Then the patriarch raised the crutch with his hand full of stripes. The blue light kept jumping, and all the black robed people behind him also raised their weapons.

Xiao Yun's eyes burst into tears and she sobs constantly. She can't tell right from wrong. She just feels sad for her own racial fate.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his face was quite complicated.

To be fair, he is not willing to attack these people

But just like the old man said, we all stick to the last step, how can we choose to retreat here?

The old man put his crutches on the ground, and the black robed people rushed up without hesitation.

At this time, Luo Zheng was supposed to give orders.

Mingwei sees Luo Zhengmo silent and shakes her head slightly. After all, she is still too young

Then she gently waved her hand and ordered, "do it!"

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The exiles also welcomed them without hesitation.

On one side of the altar of equality, the tomb keeper came slowly and looked up at the scene.

Then he took out two small black knives from behind. When he held the two knives, his temperament changed dramatically.

Originally that pair of cynical appearance, disappeared completely, the eyes are emitting a fierce color, but still a slow gait.

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