Luo Zheng's eyebrows gently raised, but there was some confusion on his face. He asked: "do you know the three thousand Shinto?"

Just now, Fuxi was still laughing at Luo Zheng, even pursuing Rong Dao's stupid behavior.

Now I tell myself, can he choose a Shinto at will?

In other words, Fuxi also practiced three thousand Shinto?

It is said that Chiyou created the three thousand Shinto, but Fuxi also understood it?

When he heard Luo Zheng's question, Fuxi was embarrassed. "I don't understand the three thousand Shinto, but I've mastered it. After Chiyou started, I tried the fusion way..."

The great world cultivation method was created by Nu Wa, so there is the saying that Nu Wa made man.

The three thousand Shinto was created by Chi you. Before that, people only practiced some kind of energy to the extreme in order to open up the inner world. There was no general conclusion.

At that time, in order to pursue the unification of Tao, Chiyou tried to integrate all the energy in his mother world.

But at that time, there was no classification of all kinds of complex energy. It took Chi you a long time. With his super talent, he finally collected all kinds of energy one by one. That is to say, he listed three thousand, which is called three thousand Shinto.

It is also because of the division of the three thousand Shinto, which caused the upsurge of fusion.

Born in archaic times, those figures are more or less in pursuit of truth, so they are naturally willing to try to "melt Tao".

But it turns out that this road is impassable

Although Fuxi now ridicules "rongdao", judging from his desire for truth, he was very fanatical at that time!

Chiyou listed three thousand Shinto, he mastered a total of 2630, and according to his induction, almost three hundred of Chiyou's three thousand Shinto are repeated. For example, Lishui Shinto and xuanbing Shinto are different in energy expression, but actually come from the same kind of energy

He worked hard to master these, and finally achieved nothing. He was disappointed that he failed to unify these energies.

When he was disappointed, he turned around and laughed at all those who planned to integrate Taoism. Later, even Chi you admitted that it was impossible to integrate the three thousand Shinto into a unified energy.

Therefore, seeing that Luo Zheng's stupidly contained hundreds of Shinto, he naturally had to sneer.

Naturally, Luo Zheng didn't know what Fu Xi thought in his mind. After thinking about it, he said immediately, "I choose the Dao of cutting emotion."

In the past, Luo Zheng constantly practiced the divine character with Lingwu, but his exploration of Shinto has been stagnant. Now he wants to return to the divine realm, so he has to urgently improve his cultivation and choose a Shinto breakthrough.

"Yes," Fuxi nodded.

Just now, he found out that Luo Zheng's main spirit was the Dao of beheading emotion, so he was not surprised at Luo Zheng's choice.

Then Fuxi gently patted, a gray drawing floated out, floating on the top of his and Luo Zheng's heads, dripping and rolling.

When Luo Zheng looked up, he saw a huge eight trigrams in the drawing, and there were countless gray colors flowing in the eight trigrams. Under the rotation of the eight trigrams, there was a mysterious breath

"What is this?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"This is the record of the eight trigrams," Fu Xi's face showed a sense of satisfaction.

It is well known that Fuxi has eight ancient treasures: longhetu, guiluoshu, qingshencao, fenghuangqin, lianyaohu, bagualu, Tiandi Ge and changshengbo! Each of these eight treasures is taken out alone, which is enough to attract the covet of countless strong people, even crazy.

"What's the use?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"You'll know immediately," said Fuxi, pointing gently. The eight trigrams turned quickly and covered with Luo Zheng.

When Luo Zheng was covered by the eight trigrams, his body was shocked suddenly, and his eyes were full of dull color. Luo Zheng's soul had cut off all perception with the outside world, and completely fell into a black-and-white world.

Fu Xi stares at Luo Zheng, who is as numb as a chicken, and smiles faintly, "it's cheap for you to break through with the help of eight trigrams!"

He fell into a daze with his eyes in the eight trigrams.


This sword Qi then shot into the eight trigrams.

After that, he stepped back and leaned on the tombstone.

The reason why Fuxi sold this favor was not because of Luo Zheng himself.

Now that Luo Zheng is lucky enough to be chosen as an agent by the "empty", he will make a great achievement in the future

Fuxi could not see the future, but he could make some predictions.

He vowed to be the Lord of the end, for which he paid a huge price, this boy may be able to help himself in the future.

That piece of gray world, Luo Zheng quietly floating in it.

When he was brought into the world, he felt his thoughts slow.

As the eight trigrams on his head slowly turned, Luo Zheng felt like sleeping.But in this slow thought, he felt a sense of tranquility, and in this tranquility, he felt that his thinking became very clear together.

"This feeling is really mysterious..."

"In this state of cultivation, it must not be slow to enter the country."

"Fuxi's magic weapon is good..."

Luo Zheng didn't know the origin of the eight trigrams, but looking at Fu Xi's appearance, he also knew that the eight trigrams might be a treasure.

In this quiet state, in the huge eight trigrams above my head, suddenly a sword burst out!

Seeing that sword Qi, Luo Zheng's eyes also flickered slightly.

"What a pure sword! I can't see through the purity of the Dao of chopping emotion in it... "

Although Luo Zheng had deep attainments in the way of beheading emotion, he could not reach the level of great perfection after all.

What's the mystery of the Dao of cutting emotion in the Qi of Fuxi's sword? Luo Zheng couldn't see through.

This sword Qi is like Luo Zheng's thoughts, moving very slowly.

When the sword Qi collides with the eight trigrams, it changes from one to two. When it collides again, it changes from two to four. The sword Qi is constantly splitting

"Every time we collide, the Dao of chopping emotion in the sword Qi becomes weaker..." Luo Zheng's eyes were shining.


Eight ways


When that sword Qi split into 128 sword Qi, Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly raised.

"Sword without me?"

At this time, Luo Zheng could finally understand the spirit of the sword, because under the constant division, the spirit of the sword had weakened to the point that he could understand.

Just when Luo Zheng understood it, 128 sword Qi began to merge again

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