Tang que did not expect that Luo Zheng would easily avoid that arrow.

What's more, Luo Zheng broke away from his water net with the help of that arrow, and even killed Tang Qi with one sword

How could that be?

Under the panic of Tang que, he stepped on his legs and glided back quickly on the sea.

Of course, the speed of his retreat is extremely fast, but the speed of Luo Zheng's follow-up is faster!

The sword cut by Luo Zheng didn't reach Tang que. Luo Zheng turned into a thunderbolt and rushed up.

"Water whirling dragon out of the array!"

Tang Kuo stepped back and waved his arms.

Dozens of waterspouts rose from the sea and rolled towards Luo zhengdang.

"Cha Cha..."

In the face of those waterspouts, Luo Zheng didn't even blink an eye, and the Chengying sword kept waving in his hands.

These water tornadoes running to Luo Zheng can't resist the chopping of Chengying sword, and the water tornadoes quickly fall apart.


After chopping these waterspouts, Luo Zheng has been close to Tang que, and a sword runs through Tang Que's chest.

He holds the long sword and swings it hard, but he blocks the whole person behind him.

But the sword that Luo Zheng had cut just now came whistling

Seeing that this sword was about to kill Tang que, Tang que suddenly gritted his teeth and scattered a strange force from his elixir field.


At this moment, his body showed a transparent color, the whole person was not in shape, turned into a ball of water, and flowed into the sea along the Chengying sword.

This is the big round full level magic power of Lishui magic power.

This magic power can dissolve the body in an instant, and then integrate with other waters.

If you have enough time, you can even control the whole sea area with this magic power.

In a hurry, Tang que used this magic power to escape. He was really in a hurry.

After all, the space of this world is also banned, and Tang que can't move away.

They blocked Luo Zheng's retreat, but also blocked their own retreat, but did not expect that they have to face a powerful monster.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's eyes showed a trace of surprise. With a sneer, he leaned slightly over the water and put his palm on the water.

"Young fire Shinto!"


A blazing fireball spread under the water and covered the water area around Luozheng.

In an instant, the sea water in this water area is transpiration clean by this fireball.

Tang que, who used to "hydrolyze invisibly", was also cleaned up by transpiration

After Luo Zheng broke free from the water net, he killed Tang Qi and transpiration Tang que. These movements took only one or two breathing time.

The speed is almost overwhelming.

Tang Wan, standing on the top of the mountain, was completely dumbfounded at this scene.

His two younger martial brothers were not weak. They were killed by Luo Zheng in an instant. Tang Wan could not accept this scene.

"Hua Hua..."

After Luo Zheng cleaned up the sea water around him, the surrounding water kept pouring in to fill the vacuum area under his feet.

"If you want to die, you can follow me. I don't mind taking your lives," Luo Zheng's voice was as cold as ice.

The sound was heard in Mu Xuerong, Fang Henshao and Tang Wan's ears, and they were all put into the ice cellar.

Mu Xuerong had been very cautious and did not choose to compete with Luo Zheng.

But at this moment, Mu Xuerong clearly realized that Luo Zheng's strength has exceeded her expectation

At the beginning, the guy who was run around by them has become hard to contain!


Luo Zheng once again turned into a flash of lightning and flew away towards the front.

Mu Xuerong clenched her teeth and said, "inform the others who have come here, don't act rashly! Let's go on with it! "

Then she and Fang hen Shao turned into a rainbow of blood again, following Luo Zheng.

After all, Mu Xuerong's strength is much stronger than that of Tang Qi. It's not so easy for Luo Zheng to solve her

"Luo Zheng! I will kill you today Tang Wan roared at the sea.

He stares at the direction of the three people's escape, carries the huge sword and shield, bites his teeth and follows them

Luo Zheng galloped along the coastline at the junction of the two regions.

The length of the coastline was beyond his expectation.

In the course of his galloping, two more black spots surrounded him from a distance.

"Two more great masters!"

These two big round true gods are two gray haired old men who come from Leng's family.

Different from Tang Qi, they didn't choose to shoot at the first time, but tried to keep a certain distance from Luo Zheng.Soon more and more true gods appeared.

Qin family, Zhao family, Leng family

When they first saw Luo Zheng, all of them were surprised.

At the same time, I wonder why Fang hen Shao sent them Zhenyuan voice at the first time and strongly warned them not to do it.

This is to deepen the curiosity of the true gods.

Although Luo Zheng has entered the grand circle, it doesn't look so terrible, does it?

After all, these big round true gods did not act rashly, but surrounded Luo Zheng from front to back.

But Luo Zheng just looked on coldly and looked forward in his spare time.

In the realm of snake spirit

Hua Tianming also arrived at the most marginal holy city through the teleportation array.

After he left the holy city, he began to make great moves.

Now all the big round man are heading for Haipan, so huatianming can't fall behind.

When Hua Tianming moved to the boundary of the snake spirit realm, he could see the continuous mountains on the left and the undulating sea on the right. This is the boundary between Fangtian realm and Haipan realm.

"The space of Haipan domain and fangtianyu is forbidden. After entering it, we can't move any more. We should be able to block the target in Haipan domain by following this coastline," Hua Tianming said faintly.

"Can we also ambush in the snake realm?" Said a big round man from Dongfang family.

Hua Tianming shakes his head. "After entering the snake spirit realm, the target can make a big move to escape. The premise is that the other party has a great circle full of accomplishments. According to the current situation, 89 can't leave 10..."

If it wasn't for Da Yuan man, Mu Xue Rong and Fang hen Shao, who were the first to send out the message, would have solved the problem and couldn't be delayed until now.

But Hua Tianming is still puzzled that the other side is just a great success. It won't be too difficult to solve with their strength. Why has it been delayed until now?

At this time, not far from Hua Tianming's body, three spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared, and soon three big round real gods moved here.

When Hua Tianming saw the leader, he frowned slightly. It was Dongfang Taiqing who came.

The two of them were always at odds. They looked at each other. Dongfang Taiqing snorted coldly, and said nothing. They took their own people to rush into Haipan.

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