Zhao had no intention of offering himself, but Dongfang Chunjun was quite surprised.

The other saints were also relieved.

Relying on the world, saints can be reborn, but there are always accidents.

The last time Dongfang Chunjun led people to pursue Li Luoshui, some saints were involved in the stream of cutting fire tea and fell. Moreover, Li Luoshui did not know how to use the means to temporarily cut off the connection between the saints and the world. This is the complete fall!

Now they want to contact the Outlands, who knows what magic power they have?

This is certainly a big risk.

"If brother Zhao is willing, it's the best thing. I, Dongfang Chunjun, swear to protect your world's peace!" The East pure Jun is a color to say.

To keep Zhao unintentional's world is to keep Zhao unintentional's life. Naturally, Zhao's family is among the rich on the floating island

Zhao has no intention to smile, "brother chun Jun has always been a great talker. With your words, Zhao has no intention to rest assured!"

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later. Let's go now," he said faintly.

Although in front of these saints, he always looks calm, but his heart is very anxious.

As a strong man on the other side, Hu always thought that they were in charge of the whole situation.

As long as the Hunyuan seal is untied, several of his brothers will get out of trouble, and it will be a matter of time before they take over the divine realm.

But suddenly I heard that someone from other regions was coming. Suddenly, an unknown premonition rose in my heart.

He was eager to determine the strength and position of these outlanders. Today, Hu laoken came here in person, which is also the reason.

"The space passageway they built runs through my Daji house. I think their scope should be at the top of Daji house. If you don't mind, I'll build the space passageway first. If you don't mind, you can follow me," muhaiji suggested.

In a world, only three true gods can be accommodated at the same time, which is the number of people after Dongfang Chunjun modified and controlled the stone slab.

In essence, saints are also full of true gods. Therefore, it is extremely impossible for mu hai to invite all saints in shenluan hall, otherwise they will be punished by touching the rule of ruling the slate.

Now only Dongfang Chunjun, Zhao and Hu are allowed to enter.

As for muhaiji, as the builder of the great universe, he will not be restricted.

After Dong Fang Chun Jun and Hu Lao nodded at the same time, Mu Hai Ji stretched out his hand and made a big move.

An invisible wave of space soars up, connecting the universe of the great pole in an instant

Zhao unintentionally, Dongfang Chunjun and Hulao followed this spatial fluctuation and made a big move in an instant, following muhaiji into the inner space of Daji.

There is a light green star at the top of the great universe.

For the "pseudo saints" of dajiyu, this highest and brightest star has countless mysterious legends.

There are many strong people in the great universe who want to climb up to this star.

But after they fly to a certain height, they will encounter an invisible "space wall". No matter how hard they try, they can't cross the space wall

Therefore, this star is like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. It can be seen but never touched.

They didn't know that this star was just a palace built by Mu Haiji in his inner world.


With a wave of space.

Muhaiji has appeared in the palace at the top of the star.

Just a little bit of his finger

In the palace, colorful flowers bloomed in an instant, and the faint fragrance of flowers spread all over the palace.

At this time, Dong Fang Chun Jun, Hu Lao and Zhao unintentionally followed and appeared in the palace.

"That space passage is constructed from that direction," Muhai pointed out.

Zhao had no intention of looking over and nodded silently.

For saints, the error of thousands of miles is also within the acceptable range, which is just an idea.

Muhaiji, Hulao and Dongfang Chunjun separated their souls and attached themselves to Zhao unintentionally. Later, Zhao unintentionally moved again and took a step forward and penetrated into the space channel.

This space channel is directly connected to the chaos outside the divine realm



Wandering in chaos is almost a required course for saints.

When the great circle is full of true gods and the sub saints are consecrated in the saint mountain, they will have infinite curiosity about the world outside the divine realm, because they are already the peak of existence in the divine realm. If they want to climb to a higher level, they can only look outside the divine realm

However, most saints are very disappointed after wandering in chaos.

Apart from the chaos, there is almost nothing there. Most of the saints will return to the divine realm after wandering around the divine realm for a few times, and start to manage their own family painstakingly, so that the family can be promoted to the rich family on the floating island.This is only the second time that Zhao has no intention of leaving Shenyu.

After standing at the top of the divine realm, his vision has become extremely wide.

The top of the realm of God is so wide that all the places he can see are empty. Where are the people outside the realm?

Zhao had no intention to spread his eyes in all directions!

Thousands of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles

Another place at the top of the realm.

Mingwei stands in the air, and there is a circle of colorful rings under her.

In the center of the colorful circle, the high-speed rotating spatial fluctuation forms a huge spatial spiral, which constantly penetrates the prohibition in the space!

She has been in this position for a long time.

Jin Lao, Fu Er, Chi Yi, and all the women of the Nuwa clan all sit cross legged and close their eyes.

It's time-consuming and labor-consuming to get through the prohibitions in the space channel, and they are ready for a protracted war.

"Sect leader, you have been holding on for more than half a month, and we can take over from you," said a strong man from the other side of the Nuwa nationality.

Mingwei light smile, "Mo said half a month, this consumption, is a year and a half also no pressure."

"But we also..." Half way through, a strange color suddenly appeared on his face.

At the same time, Jin Lao, Fu Er, Chi Yi and others also opened their eyes.

They are aware of the spread of a faint ray of divine consciousness!

"Who is spying on us?" Chi Yi Ning eyebrows said.

"It's just a little full of the true spirit No, it's a little bit more powerful than the ordinary round God, "said Jin.

"Well, no matter who it is, just ask? Swift, you'll take over from me Mingwei sneers, and her figure has disappeared from the original place.

The other shore strongman named Swift has replaced Mingwei and continues to chisel through the space below.

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