"The grand family of Yue?"

Luo Zheng's face showed the color of doubt, "I have never heard of my wife's family on the floating island."

In those days when Luo Zheng was on the floating island, he also learned about the history of many rich and powerful families.

In history, the word "Yue family" has never appeared in the rich families. Now it suddenly sounds strange to Luo Zheng.

"Because the Yue family was blocked by Dongfang Chunjun," Yu Taibai came in from the door, and his eyes were fixed on the rat's corpse. "Most of the younger generation in the rich family now don't know the glory of the Yue family and the Yue Yinliu of that year."

Han Jiuyi nodded, "Taibai is right. At that time, Yue Yinliu was strong enough to challenge Dongfang Chunjun's position. Later, Dongfang Chunjun was forced to launch an international war against Yue Yinliu and defeated Yue Yinliu's world. Yue Yinliu was killed and Yue's floating island sank into the sea of time. Since then, Dongfang Chunjun has made a rule that the surname Yue is not allowed to enter the sea of time, so there is no real god named Yue in the rich family. "

Luo Zheng's face showed the color of surprise, and then asked: "Dongfang Chunjun, such a domineering person, should be so taboo to a surname? It's a bit of a fuss. "

No matter which clan, a sage born in trillions of years can be met but not sought. Is Dongfang Chunjun afraid of another sage born in the Yue family? The probability is too small

"Maybe it's a fuss, maybe it's not," Yu Taibai said with a faint smile. "Because of the rumor, Yue Yinliu didn't die."

Han Jiuyi nodded gently: "I also heard this rumor."

"Even the world has been defeated, even the sage can't avoid falling?" Luo Zheng said with surprise.

The reason why sages can not die or die is that they rely on the world. Even the world has been defeated, how can they survive?

"According to the truth, it should be so, but Yue Yinliu's situation is somewhat different. The spirit beast beside him is the unique stone rat in the divine realm. This stone rat has died many times and experienced many reincarnations," Yu Taibai said with a smile.

Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly raised, "do you suspect that Yue Yinliu is reincarnated like the stone shrew?"

"Yes Yu Taibai nodded.

In fact, they are not of the same age as Yue Shengyue.

However, although Dongfang Chunjun blocked everything about the Yue family, he could not affect other saints.

Some things about the Yue family in those years have been recorded and handed down.

It's just like aunt Han Jiuyi knew about it in a book about "Yue family", and she drew a picture of "stone rat" in that book, so aunt Han Jiuyi felt familiar when she saw the dead rat.

"This, this mouse How could there be so much inside information? " The evil old man had a silly look on his face.

The evil old man knew the origin of the stone rat, but he didn't know that there was such a secret behind the stone rat!

"But you said that the stone shrew had the strength of a saint. At that time, in the cave of long airspace, the stone shrew was just equivalent to the middle God," Luo Zheng asked suspiciously.

Yu Taibai gently pointed out his hand, and the rat corpse on the ground was naturally floating on his hand.

The body surface of the rat corpse is emitting a faint orange light

"At the beginning, the stone shrew died with Yue Yinliu. After reincarnation, his strength was equal to that of Yasheng, and he was killed by Dongfang Chunjun once again. His strength was damaged again, and he was almost full. Later, he just heard that the mouse was reincarnated in a front-line family and fell down again and again. Now he has only the strength of the middle God..."

Yu Taibai said, and from his hands spread a trace of Daoyun. These Daoyun and the orange light emitted by the stone rat fused with each other, forming a unique picture reflected in Yu Taibai's head.

Shaoqing, Yu Taibai's eyes flashed slightly, turned to face the main door of the hall, "due south, in the evil ghost area..."

"The land of evil spirits?" Luo Zheng thought for a while, and then said: "it is said that the abyss devil kingdom is connected with the evil ghost kingdom."

Yu Tai nodded and said strangely: "the reincarnated stone hamster is at the edge of the transition between the evil ghost Kingdom and the abyss demon kingdom. It's a strange position. Why is it reincarnated there?"

Among the many forbidden areas in the realm of God, the most mysterious are the abyss and the sea of time.

However, because the forbidden area of the sea of time is in the middle of the sea of time, the vast majority of God people do not know that there is such a forbidden area in the realm of God.

The abyss is different.

The abyss devil kingdom is a collection of the complaints of all creatures in the whole God Kingdom, and the legend about the abyss devil kingdom is even more about the capacity of vehicles.

Over the past few years, the abyss has been expanding rapidly. It has gobbled up all three big domains and is still expanding at a high speed.

Yu Taibai gave the stone rat back to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng also according to Yu Taibai's technique, inspired a trace of Tao Yun and the orange light to fuse together, in his mind really appeared a pair of illusory scene.

Through this picture, Luo Zheng's consciousness seems to have passed through most of the divine realm and penetrated into the realm of evil spiritsDeep in the desolate plain, there was a huge crack.

This gap extends to the abyss, and the whole abyss is an abyss across several big domains.

The miserable green smoke rises slowly from the interior of the abyss, blocking all the sight of the abyss. Other gods and people can't get a glimpse of the interior of the abyss outside the forbidden area. Because of this, it adds a trace of mystery and terror to the abyss

Soon after, Luo Zheng opened his eyes and said, "I want to go to the evil ghost land."

"Is it too dangerous to go out now?"

Ning yudie has been sitting quietly next to Luo Zheng. Suddenly, he hears that Luo Zheng is going to leave again, and he feels uneasy.

She didn't know enough about the divine realm. She only knew that her husband had many enemies in the divine realm. After she left last time, she had no news for ten years. She was afraid that Luo Zheng would never return.

Aunt Han Jiuyi was also worried and said, "now those rich families can't get into the ghost wasteland, ZhouLing mountain, and Longxuan forest. Most of them will enter the abyss of evil..."

"I think Luo Zheng can take a trip," Yu Taibai said with a faint smile. "There is no problem with Luo Zheng's current strength and self-protection. Besides, although the abyss devil kingdom is connected with the evil ghost Kingdom, its entrance is located in the red lotus Kingdom, far away."

A forbidden area usually has only one entrance.

It's impossible to enter the abyss demon realm from the evil ghost realm. The transmission array on the rich floating island is also connected to the entrance of the red lotus realm.

What's more, Luo Zheng still has the word "gen" in his hand. Even if he is found by the other party, he can return to the immortal Mansion by using the word "gen" at the first time.

Hearing Yu Taibai's approval of Luo Zheng's going to the evil ghost Kingdom, Ning yudie can only bow her head and twist her own clothes. Her eyes are full of loneliness.

Now she is no longer the majestic Lord of cloud hall. She has lagged behind Luo Zheng so much that she can't even see his back.

Most of the time, I can only choose to be silent and avoid being a stumbling block for Luo Zheng

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