Over the years, the Orient has been following the destiny of China.

But she's not blind.

From stepping into the floating island to gaining fame, Dongfang Yingqing always feels that her husband is "well prepared".

She doesn't know the real position of Hua Tianming, but it doesn't mean she can't guess.

"East is just my surname My position is only you, "Dongfang Yingqing said firmly.

Hua Tianming stares at his wife, and his eyes are full of pain.

His will has always been firm, and he has never doubted his beliefs.

But now Hua Tianming began to doubt his motives.

Standing in front of him is his wife who helps each other, but he has to work for a saint he has never seen before.

The boundary between right and wrong is becoming blurred in Hua Tianming's mind. Maybe it's a better choice to stay in Dongfang family and work for Dongfang Chunjun

Hua Tianming shakes his head and throws this unrealistic idea out of his mind.

"Only saints, sub saints and Da Yuanman are allowed to set foot in the abyss," Hua Tianming said softly.

Now the portal leading to the abyss is blocked, and no real God is allowed to enter.

"If you ask the great sage, he will make an exception," Dongfang Yingqing said.

Hua Tianming still shook his head, "the abyss is too dangerous. I can't protect you!"

"But..." Dongfang Yingqing still wants to fight for it.

Hua Tianming suddenly put her in his arms and said in a low voice: "don't say any more, I will come back!"

In Hua Tianming's eyes, the situation has not progressed to that point.

After all, the Taoists have not gathered together, and Yu Taibai has not done it himself.

Now he can just step by step. If he has the chance, it's the best to be able to control the abyss. Maybe he can get rid of his mortal fate with the help of the abyss!



The outermost part of Takimoto forest

A hundred Zhang long black Python is moving fast.

After winding around a big tree trunk, the boa constrictor opened its mouth and rushed straight at Luo Zheng on the ground.

Luo Zheng stood in the same place and didn't mean to move.

Seeing that the black Python was getting closer to Luo Zheng, there was a thunder not far away.


A two meter high puppet rushed in.

The puppet's hands are inlaid with two long swords of extraordinary quality, and there are electric arcs on the puppet's hands winding around the sword body.

"Poof, poof!"

The black Python was stabbed by two long swords, and immediately gave off a smell of scorch.

With the help of two long swords, the puppet rolled one by one, and the sword cut a circle along the body of the black python.


The snake's body was cut off.

The snake head and the broken snake body rolled wildly, sweeping deep gullies out of the ground

"Click, click!"

The puppet put two swords into his back, his arms contracted, his height dropped rapidly, and he soon turned into a ferocious old man.

This puppet is a vicious old man.

"How do you feel?" Luo Zheng asked with a smile.

"Haha," the wicked old man's laughter contained a trace of pride.

He's feeling great now, of course.

After using the puppet body for a period of time, it became more and more mysterious.

The evil old man is just a hero in the sky, and the puppet made by yushenfeng can't be underestimated even among the rich families. The evil old man even feels that it's difficult to tap the potential of the puppet with his own ability.

"You're going to the devil's land ahead. Are you sure you don't want to go with me to the devil's land?" Luo Zheng asked.

The evil old man thought for a moment and shook his head firmly.

Before that, when he accidentally acquired the stone shrew that had not yet hatched, he still had a little interest in the legend of the stone shrew. Now when he learned the origin of the stone shrew, he completely gave up the idea.

These things are not for the evil old man. Even if Luo Zheng's heart is good, he will get some of the harvest. I'm afraid the evil old man will not be able to enjoy it.

"I don't want to go to the devil's land. Isn't that the big mouth monster is in the devil's land? Hey, hey, I'll meet him! " The wicked old man said with a smile.

The evil old man and the big mouth monster are brothers in the dungeon, and they have a good relationship.

Now the evil old man thinks that his strength is far stronger than that of Wu Yu. This puppet is enough to show off his power in front of that guy. That's why he has this plan

The key is that the Cang devil kingdom is so close to the Longxuan forest. In case there is any big change in the God Kingdom, he may be able to escape back to the Longxuan forest as a shelter. This is the mind of the evil old man.

After leaving the Longxuan forest, Luo Zheng said goodbye to the evil old man, and then moved to the SouthBefore leaving Xianfu, Luo Zheng was also comforting, and Ning yudie's face was better.

After passing the Ningyu butterfly pass, what makes Luo Zheng's headache more is Xi Youqin.

She is almost speechless, want to go to the evil ghost realm with Luo Zheng.

Xiyouqin's strength is not weak now, but as a Taoist, her identity is too critical, so it's better to stay in Xianfu and study with Han Jiuyi.

After all, the hysterical xiyouqin was left in the immortal mansion.

Although Xun and Su Lingyun didn't say much, Luo Zheng also knew their disappointment, but now he is not qualified to sink into the gentle village, only hope they can understand.

Yu Taibai and Jing Wuhuan left Xianfu before Luo Zheng.

Taoists who sneak into the realm of God are scattered all over the realm of God.

Yu Taibai's goal is to find the Taoists back from the vast divine realm

Jingwuhuan, on behalf of Gu's family, went to find wood to meet xuanyue's family.

Although they have not broken the alliance with the powerful family, they have not been shameful.

Now it's up to the xuanyue family to make their stand.



Under the big move again and again, Luo Zheng quickly passed through the Cang devil kingdom.

Next to the devil's land is the wind forest

When he entered the windy forest, he saw a lush scene.

The whole world is full of vitality. The lush vegetation here is beyond Luo Zheng's imagination.

"What a strong force of life..."

"So it is. In the middle of Fenglin area, there are two Daobei standing here, which are the Daobei of life Shinto and Qingmu Shinto."

"The scope of Daoyun of these two steles is not large, but it is enough to affect the environment of the whole region..."

Without any hesitation, Luo Zheng moved towards the two steles.

It's not easy to collect the three thousand tablets of Shinto. Along the way to the south, there are many tablets distributed in those big areas.

Along the way, Luo Zheng will not miss the opportunity to absorb Shinto.

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