Qianlong clan leader and his party were all on guard against the four legged ghosts around them.

As a result, the cave on the top of the head suddenly closed. Before closing, a person jumped out. They were also startled.

After a close look, it's amazing that he is still a real God

"Who are you! How dare you follow us The head of Qianlong clan stares at Luo Zheng and drinks.

As a sub saint, the Qianlong people's soul has been cultivated into a Yang God. The voice is full of soul power and comes straight to Luo Zheng.

The Qianlong clan leader doesn't expect that this sharp drink can hurt Luo Zheng, but at least it can make the boy dizzy!

But Luo Zheng stood still and did not respond.

Seeing Luo Zheng like this, the chieftain of Qianlong clan was afraid.

If it was on the ground, the chieftain of Qianlong clan might have started without saying a word.

But now everyone is in danger, and the cave wall is still covered with four legged ghosts. Besides, Luo Zheng is not simple, and it's not convenient for the Qianlong clan leader to move.

Previously, the Qianlong clan leader had noticed outside the cave and always felt that someone was following him. At that time, he thought it was just an illusion.

"It's not following you, is it? It can only be said that you are ahead of me, "Luo Zheng replied calmly.

"You lie! I found this cave earlier. I've covered it with magic array. You're following us The name of Lu Tianyi said coldly.

Lu Tianyi said, Qianlong clan leader and other true gods face more and more unfriendly.

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and stopped arguing.

He naturally knew that the cave had something to do with the stone squirrels.

He and Yu Taibai are the first to discover the abnormality here.

But of course he won't mention it to these people.

"Don't worry about this boy. This cave is so weird that it seals us in. We'd better leave first!" Kun Ao stares at those ghosts and says.

When the cave is closed, these ghosts are ready to move

The chieftain of Qianlong clan took a deep look at Luo Zheng, and then looked to the deepest part of the cave.

The situation in front of him is really too complicated. He can't fight with this inexplicable boy. For the sake of safety, the head of Qianlong clan nodded, "let's leave first and then make a long-term plan..."

In the realm of God, great fullness and saints rarely move underground when they make great moves, because it is too dangerous.

The depth of the whole divine realm is full of the cutting fire tea flow. If you don't grasp the distance of moving toward the underground well, you will be swallowed up if you fall into the cutting fire tea flow.

But it's very simple to move up from the ground. One big move can move up to the surface.

One sub saint, two great perfect, enough to leave with ten others.

The chieftain of Qianlong clan is finally willing to leave. Kun Ao is relieved. With a slight thought, he is going to build a space channel.

But at the moment, a strange scene appeared.

In front of Kun Ao, the space does not fluctuate!

"Big move can't be used!" Kun Ao's face became very ugly.

The other real gods were even more nervous. They all looked at the chieftain of Qianlong clan. After all, chieftain of Qianlong clan was Yasheng, which might be their last straw.

The chieftain of the Qianlong clan reaches out his hand and waves it gently. There is still no space fluctuation

"It's impossible..." Qianlong clan leader's face is dignified.

It's true that in some places the divine law may be forbidden.

For example, in the sea of time, for example, in Ruomu, where the sword people live, there are also some forbidden areas that can't be moved.

But the rule of time forbids space on the sea because of the restriction of the rule governing the slate, and the restriction is only the great fullness of the true God, but not the sub saints and saints.

On the other side of the sword clan, it was because when Mr. Yuan used Ruomu to transform the whole region into a "non offensive place", he banned the move.

Banning the law of space does not mean invalidity

The chieftain of Qianlong clan and Kun Ao can't lead to the law of space, as if the law of space doesn't exist in this cave!

This overturned their understanding that, as far as they know, there should not be such a place in the divine realm.

And at this moment, those four legged ghosts who cling to the cave wall have rushed towards them.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In the face of the four legged ghost, the eyes of the Qianlong clan leader flashed cold light, and five colors of Taoism spread in his hands.

Seeing the five color Daoyun, Luo Zheng's eyebrows were also slightly raised. "The five elements Shinto, so calm Daoyun, deserves to be a sage!"

Two streams of five colors of Daoyun meet together, forming a huge strangling force!

"Kaka kaka..."

At the front, hundreds of four legged ghosts were kneaded together by the strangling force, like a huge black dough.If a group of true gods are kneaded by this force, they can be kneaded into a ball of flesh and bone in a moment.

But these four legged ghosts were rubbed for a long time, and then heavily hit the wall of the cave. They scattered in droves. One four legged ghost was intact. After rolling a few circles from the ground, it rushed at them again!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Seeing this, everyone's face changed.

Even Yasheng can't kill these four legged ghosts, others are even more helpless!

"Go! We have to run deeper! " The head of Qianlong clan waved and said.

Now that they have no way out, they really have no choice but to move forward.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Kun Ao, Lu Tianyi and others lead the way and escape to the bottom.

Looking at the group of true gods who led the way, Luo Zheng also stepped out and followed closely.

But as soon as he rushed over, dozens of four legged ghosts rushed towards him

"Baqu flying smoke!"

Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly, and his body became light, which was a very natural gesture to drill through the cracks of these four legged ghosts.


"What the hell

At this time, Luo Zheng had two superior gods in front of him, who were surrounded by four legged ghosts. One of them was Lu Tianyi, who arranged the magic array.

Under the crazy biting of the four legged ghosts, the two upper real gods suddenly became bloody and miserable!

"Help me!" Lu Tianyi roared wildly.

Another superior God had already lost his voice, and half of his head was gnawed clean by the four legged ghost, which was obviously hopeless.

Although Lu Tianyi cried out for help, the upper gods in front of him were all running for their own lives. How dare they turn back?

As for the chieftain of Qianlong clan, Kun AO and others, they didn't mean to help at all.

Looking at the shrill scream of Lu Tianyi, Luo Zheng's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and his figure has been dancing in front of Lu Tianyi. At the same time, his palm gathers strength to pat Lu Tianyi's chest heavily!


This ingenious force poured into Lu Tianyi's body and didn't hurt him.

With the sudden shock of Lu Tianyi's body, the ingenious force has spread out along his body surface, shaking the four legged ghosts out of him.

Then Luo Zheng ran with Lu Tianyi.

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