The rest of the eight people carrying eight gluten stone, carefully forward.

These four legged ghosts live here all year round and are familiar with the surrounding terrain.

But Luo Zheng, Kun AO and chieftain of Qianlong clan have no chance to get close to each other.

What's more, these four legged ghosts are also afraid of death. After all, Duanhuo tea stream is flying around in this cave now. If they are not careful, they will be burned to death by Duan Huo tea stream

About a hundred four legged ghosts were burned clean, and the four legged ghosts finally stopped attacking.

They just keep disappearing from the surface of the rock layer, drilling more holes, leading to more cutting fire tea flow

In this way, he pushed forward for half an hour or so against the stream, and the front suddenly opened up.

"All right! It's safe to rush through! " Kun Ao was overjoyed.

In front of the cave is very large, these four legged ghosts drill holes in the cave wall, relying on the pressure of the cutting fire tea flow itself.

When we get to the open place, the pressure in the hole is not enough, so the cutting fire tea flow is not a threat

As the crowd approached the open space, the four legged ghosts stopped drilling.

They even stopped chasing and killing people and disappeared in the stone layer.

The chieftain of Qianlong clan bowed his hand to Luo Zheng, "thank you for your help!"

If not for Luo Zheng, I'm afraid everyone will be destroyed.

Even the chieftain of the Qianlong clan was not sure to avoid all the tea streams.

Although the chieftain of the Qianlong clan had tried to kill Luo Zheng before, the smoke was gone now. Whether Luo Zheng came by himself or after him, he played a huge role and saved his life.

Luo Zheng just nodded faintly, "this difficulty, also want everyone to take care of each other, my hand is not only to save people, but also to save myself."

Thousand dragon clan long face with smile, can't help nodding.

When you reach his level of cultivation, you will naturally have a different vision.

In countless years of exploration, how many people died of selfishness and distrust? Luo Zheng did not know them, but he realized this, which is enough to show his pattern and vision.

But when all the people came to the open place and looked ahead, their hearts suddenly hung up again.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

Under this wide cave, there are huge pools.

But what is in the deep pool is not water, but the flow of tea.

The blazing breath diffused from the deep pool, and it felt hot under the breath.

Everyone hesitated to move on.

Luo Zheng didn't hesitate too much. He buckled the stone, and his toes floated gently.

Other people are just like this.

Although the weight of the stone was amazing, it was inconvenient to fly with it, but no one chose to throw it away.

After all, this thing can block the fire, but it can save lives when it's critical

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

Hot bubbles were rising in the deep pool, as if there were giant animals lurking below and spitting bubbles.

Although we know that there is no life in the tea stream, when every bubble comes out, we can't help being nervous.

When Luo Zheng was flying, his eyes also glanced over these deep pools and secretly observed these cutting fire tea streams.

In essence, it is also a kind of magma, which contains a kind of flame.

Under the flash of his head, he quietly started the immeasurable ruler in his mind.

With the gold ring in the eyes flashing slightly, no ruler has no response.

There is not a trace of Tao in this flame. It seems that it is not derived from the fire Shinto

"It's weird..."

Luo Zheng thought in his heart.

Although his body can resist all kinds of flames, I'm afraid it's also difficult to resist the fire.

After ten miles in the open cave, there began to be a roar ahead.


From those deep pools, a stream of tea suddenly erupted, poured on the top of the cave and splashed down in all directions.

Although the stone layer at the top of the cave is not afraid of cutting off fire and tea flow, there are also large pits one after another under the perennial pouring.

Seeing this scene, everyone stopped again

"Is this a fountain?"

"How can this get by?"

This time, they saw that in addition to the forbidden area, there are also such terrible places in the divine realm.


In those deep pools, the fire tea flows one after another, spurting thin and rising, as if echoing from afar.

Luo Zheng observed it silently, and then said, "the eruptions of these tea streams are intermittent. If you see it, it's not difficult to rush through."

The head of Qianlong also nodded, "just find the rhythm."It's easy to say this, but as long as you take the wrong step, you'll be doomed, and people's psychological pressure is still great.

Luo Zheng spread out the divine consciousness slowly and closed his eyes slowly.

There are about thousands of such deep pools in front of the crowd. Some of them erupt together, while others erupt once in a long time.

The time and rhythm of each deep pool eruption are recorded in Luo Zheng's mind.

About half an hour later, Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes, then said: "let's get together! Believe me

Lu Tianyi was the first to follow Luo Zheng.

In Lu Tianyi's eyes, Luo Zheng is more trustworthy than Kun AO and Qianlong clan leader.

After all, the chieftain of Qianlong clan and others didn't care whether they were alive or dead. On the contrary, Luo Zheng, an outsider, never left them from beginning to end.

Other people have nothing to say. When they get to this point, they can only bite their teeth.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Luo Zhengfei came out, and the people followed him.

In a flash, he heard Luo Zheng say: "stop!"


All the people are like Luo Zheng, and they stop in the air.


The six or seven deep pools around the crowd also began to erupt in a neat and uniform way, and only the deep pool under their feet was as calm as usual.

When those deep pools erupted, the deep pool below the crowd began to bubble.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, spitting out a word, "go!"

All of them followed Luo Zheng without hesitation.

When they rushed out, the deep pool behind them erupted

This scene makes everyone very surprised, but also secretly admire Luo Zheng, have to say, Luo Zheng so find the path is really correct and safe.

Just like this, walking and stopping, all the way straight up is no danger.

It took about an hour to cross these deep pools, and a small black sacrificial platform appeared on one side of the cave wall not far away.

On this sacrificial platform, a stone is consecrated!

It was a gray stone mouse, as if it had been carefully carved!

Seeing the stone rat, Luo Zheng's heart suddenly jumped.

He naturally knew that the stone rat was not carved, but grew up naturally. This is the reincarnated stone body of the stone rat!

But just then, Luo Zheng suddenly smelled a smell of fishy sweetness

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