Luo Zheng saw the fire of Yue Yinliu's memory and knew that there was a great hatred between him and Dongfang Chunjun.

But he has reincarnated. Since he was born again, he started another life. He didn't hesitate to give up everything for revenge.

I'm afraid such a guy is more terrible than Dongfang Chunjun


After reading the last memory of Dongfang Chunjun, Luo Zheng retreated from it, with a strange look on his face.

Now the elite alliance has entered the abyss, and Dongfang Chunjun refuses to leave Liluo water on the floating island, so he brings her into it

If my mother is in the abyss, what should I do?

He also felt a little tired and shook his head slightly, trying to forget those trivial memories.

After coming down the steps, Luo Zheng went to Qianlong clan leader and others.

He should not have been reincarnated with these people.

But almost paid the price of life, there should be something to gain.

It's a good way to practice by using the fire of memory. As long as you don't erase your own fire of memory, you should be more careful not to break your soul, and your accomplishments should be further improved.

Now is the time to wake them up.



Billowing smoke and dust floated in the sky, blocking out the sun.

But it's not dark in the abyss

In the cracked ground, red magma is flowing, emitting a lot of light and heat, setting the tone of the whole world as demon red.

In addition to light and heat, there is a pungent smell of sulfur.

But if you stay in the abyss for a long time, the taste is not so unbearable.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

A fish leaps from the magma.

This kind of fish, which grows in the abyss, has no flesh and blood, and is covered with naked black bones.

Depending on this special skeleton, it can resist the terrible high temperature in magma.

Just as the fish fell back into the magma, a thin line flew in and rolled on the bones on both sides of the fish.

With a little tug, the fish was lifted up.

"The bones of the anchovy are very special. Scraping off the black material on the surface of its bones can make a fire shield," said da Yuanman, a member of the Fang family.

The temperature of the newly caught fish is similar to that of the magma. Under his hand, the big round man screams, then throws it up, points his Xumi ring at the fish, and puts the fish into the Xumi ring.

More than ten years ago, the rich and powerful families knew much less about the abyss than they do now.

At that time, the other three forbidden areas were free to go, and the abyss was still a paradise for adventurers.

With the closure of other forbidden areas, the League was forced to open up the abyss.

Now they know more about the abyss, though they are forced to.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

Just then, the magma below began to bubble again.

"Fang Yuanjia, it's like there's a fish coming out again," a man nearby reminded.

Fang Yuanjia saw this, a faint smile, fingers gently under a pinch, a thin thread circled again.


When he had a good time, the silk thread rolled over the magma.


At the same time, something came out from under the magma.

It's not the fish Fang Yuanjia thought, but a big black hand!

After fonna's silk thread was wound on the big hand, the big hand turned around and grabbed the silk and yanked it down.

The speed of this process is extremely fast, Fang Yuanjia didn't react for a moment, and the whole person was dragged down!

"Fang Yuanjia!"

The big round man next to him was stunned.

But after all, it was a great success, and the reaction speed was surprisingly fast. When he raised his hand, a knife light cut at the silk thread connecting Fang Yuanjia and the giant hand.


Le's straight silk thread was immediately cut off.

But Fang Yuanjia had already fallen into the big hand, which grabbed Fang Yuanjia and dragged it into the magma.

"No! Fang Yuanjia has been dragged down! " Roared the big round man.

The saints and sub saints of the rich and powerful alliance were originally resting on a piece of open space in the distance.

When this big perfect issued a cry for help, a light suddenly appeared in the distance, which was a sub saint of Fang family!

After Yasheng fled quickly, he glanced at the surface of the magma, and his face was cold.

Then he jumped down from mid air and hit the ground with one hand!


With a crisp sound.

A very cold from the bone, with an incredible speed towards the spread in all directions.Even the rolling red magma solidified in a flash and turned into pitch black. The surface was quickly covered with a layer of white frost!

Yasheng jumps on the solidified magma layer again and hits the solidified magma with one punch.

"Kaka kaka..."

The solidified magma layer split from it, and fangyuanjia was frozen in the magma layer.

And Fang Yuanjia was frozen with that big hand!

Fang Yasheng lifted Fang Yuanjia's hard body up, threw it to one side, and hit it on the ground, making a "clanging" sound.

Then he stepped on the big hand again. The big hand was very fragile. When he stepped on it, the big hand turned into powder

As for killing the owner of the big hand at the bottom of the magma, the Yasheng was not interested in it.

Fang Yasheng absorbed the cold in Fang Yuanjia's body, and then he began to scold: "thanks to your self-cultivation, you don't even have such alertness. I'll lose the face of Fang family!"

It's just a giant lava who drags fangyuanjia into the magma. Just be a little careful, it's not enough to pose a threat to Da Yuanman.

"Right, uncle Yun..." Fang Yuanjia was careless just now.

Fang Ya Sheng stepped in and turned back into Dun Guang.

In the rest camp

Dongfang Chunjun and other saints all looked at Xianghua's destiny.

Hua Tian sat on his knees and said faintly, "from the secret place of the second floor, there is a way to the exit of the third floor. I'm sure this is a shortcut. Taking this road can save at least one month!"

Hearing this, the saints' faces were full of emotion.

One month is not that important

But in the abyss, even if you stay for a breath, accidents will happen.

Naturally, they are very willing to greatly shorten the journey.

"There is such a shortcut. Why didn't you report to the family before?" Dongfang Taiqing asked, seizing the opportunity.

Hua Tianming took a light look at him and said, "I haven't verified this road, and I've reported the second level of the secret. Have you been there?"

For more than a year, Hua Tianming discovered the secret of the second level of the abyss and made a great contribution.

In fact, on one side of this secret place, there is a way to enter the third layer.

But at that time, Hua Tianming stepped into the third level and did not stay for long. It was too dangerous to wander into the third level of the abyss alone.

"Well, these are just small things," said Dongfang Chunjun faintly, "just follow the way Tianjian said!"

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