Little devil's arm, wearing a whole skull.

This skull is obviously the skull of a dead god. I don't know what kind of technique has been used to refine it. Its surface is shining with strange luster.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

The skull's jaw moved, and the voice of the little devil passed through the skull.

And on the other side of the third level of the abyss.

Countless bodies piled up in a mountain

At the top of the corpse mountain, there is also a little devil.

This little devil, full of fangs and sharp as a knife, is eating the corpses on the corpse mountain crazily.

The corpses in the corpse mountain do not come from any living creature. These corpses are produced naturally in the forbidden area, and they are also the products of fantasy.

Some huge corpse mountains even have a sense of attack, creeping, quietly devouring the creatures close to the corpse mountain!

The corpse mountain was 3000 feet high.

But it was only two feet high, and the little devil, who was like a dwarf, ate more than half of it in a time of burning incense.

The huge corpse mountain is constantly wriggling. The corpses at the bottom of the mountain stretch their limbs to help the mountain crawl and wriggle. However, the mountain can't get rid of the little devil on the top of the mountain. It can only make terrible screams with countless corpses.

"What's the hurry? I managed to run to the upper level. I haven't eaten such a delicious corpse for a long time," the little devil on the corpse mountain said to the skeleton on hand while gnawing at it. As he spoke, his mouth was dripping with blood.

"Paji, Paji..." After eating for a while, the little devil immediately said: "anger and jealousy have not come up, I'm afraid we can't do it!"

The abyss is transformed by all negative forces of belief. It used to be an extremely chaotic world.

The seven negative emotions gathered by all the gods in the realm dominate everything here.

Gluttony, greed, laziness, pride, lust, jealousy and anger

All the evil things in the abyss are dominated by emotions. There is no trust, no rules, and the law of the jungle plays to the extreme here.

If it wasn't for the strong rise of the demons, the chaos would probably last forever.

But the demons ended it.

This special race born in the abyss demon Kingdom has wisdom that ordinary people can't reach.

Even so, at the beginning, they were also influenced by these seven negative emotions. The demons fought against each other year after year, with countless casualties.

Later, a demon discovered the means to control these seven negative emotions!

He not only completely controlled these seven negative emotions, but also turned them into seven slaves of the demon family, namely seven little demons!

The little devil on the lava lake is called "pride".

This little devil who constantly devours corpse mountain is "gluttony". He has been devouring since the day of gluttony's birth, but he has never filled his stomach.

"The master didn't ask us to kill those idiots, but just let us test them. In fact, the seven of us can make them sleep in the third floor. Tut tut!" The little devil called "pride" said with disdain.

Just as the two demons were talking, a lazy voice came out, "it's not so urgent. They can't get out of the siege of the Soul Eater. We can wait..."

This is a little devil called "laziness". After stepping into the third layer of the abyss, he has been sleeping beside the magma lake.

The heat wave from the magma made him feel very comfortable.

"If you wait any longer, the soul eaters will run out. Aren't you afraid of your master?" The little devil called pride threatened.

Hearing the words of "pride", the other little demons were excited.

The host's punishment is unbearable for them. If they can't complete the task, they know what they will face.

"Let's do it then..." The little devil named "laziness" got up from the ground. Compared with other little demons, the little devil's movement looked very slow.

But when he stepped forward, the speed suddenly reached a terrible situation!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the time disappeared in the same place

The other four little demons rushed into the purple fog with the same exaggerated speed.



Hua Tianming holds his hands and looks at the thick purple fog quietly.

When the purple fog rolled over his head for hundreds of times, he finally determined, and then said: "the purple fog is slowly dissipating."

Hua Tianming was the first to confirm, and soon Leng Yao also confirmed Hua Tianming's statement: "yes, the number of these little insects has decreased..."

Although it was only a very subtle change, it was still noticed by them.

"It seems that brother Chunjun's judgment is right," said Tang Lun with a smile.If they want to conquer the abyss, it's very difficult to rely on simple strength. They must be careful when they take every step. It's best to wait until these strange insects leave.

Dong Fang Chun Jun Duan sat still, his eyes fixed on the front, and his face showed a trace of seriousness. Then he slowly raised his hand.

When people saw this picture of Dongfang Chunjun, they looked a little puzzled.

Just like them, Dongfang Chunjun couldn't let his mind out. What could he see in the purple fog?

Just when everyone was confused, Dongfang Chunjun suddenly grabbed forward.

"Huhu..." As like as two peas in the right arm of

, a black hand shadow has been derived from the right arm of the East Wing Chun, and he has been holding the same movement as he has been.


That black hand shadow, unexpectedly is accurate matchless caught a thing!

All eyes fixed, it was a dwarf like monster less than two feet tall!

The dwarf wriggled and screamed wildly in the black hand shadow of Eastern Chunjun

"What is this?"

Everyone was stunned. The little monster seemed to appear suddenly. No one knew how it appeared.

Only Dongfang Chunjun noticed.

Dongfang Chunjun grasped the little monster tightly, shook his head and said, "I don't know, this thing is very fast, faster than me!"

"Faster than brother Chunjun?" The saints were slightly surprised.

"And there seems to be more than one," said Dong Chunjun, turning to the other side.

As soon as he finished, Emperor Hanqing suddenly turned around and pulled the tassel behind him. He grabbed his finger and popped it out.


The power of Hanqing emperor's finger can be imagined.

The little monster, who ran straight for the tassel and came at full speed, snorted and flew out with his finger.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Chunjun's eyes flashed an unexpected color and gave Hanqing emperor a deep look.

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