From the beginning, Luo Zheng went to the competition arena and was concerned by all the disciples of Qingyun sect.

However, the reason that attracted people's attention at that time was not Luo Zheng's strength, but his cultivation, not that his cultivation was too high, but too low.

Although Wang Yun of the last term was also a congenital double realm, what is his identity? He is a close disciple. If he can be selected as a close disciple, there must be incomparable excellence.

As for Luo Zheng, the penultimate xiaoyufeng, we don't think that Luo Zheng is outstanding. On the contrary, we can't get any decent disciples to take part in the whole peak competition. At that time, many of the disciples of other peaks were very depressed. They thought that many of their own peaks were congenitally perfect and couldn't take part in the whole peak competition, but xiaoyufeng was a congenitally double little guy It's amazing that all of them can be qualified. Xiaoyufeng is so wonderful.

With the subsequent battles, Luo Zheng's natural divine power has indeed attracted a small number of people's attention, but most people think that Luo Zheng will not go far. What about natural power? The strength of the warrior never depends on the strength of the body, but on the true yuan in the Dantian.

Even though Luo Zheng won all the way, many of his disciples either thought he was lucky or didn't know how he won. Except for xiaoyufeng, there were still few people who recognized his strength.

But this time, Luo Zheng defeated Zhuge Xi.

Like Hua Tianming, he defeated Zhao Shenjing by virtue of the strength of the innate creatures.

Most people are reluctant to compare Luo Zheng with Hua Tianming.

In Qingyun sect, there is a demon like Hua Tianming, which is enough to strike people. Why should there be a Luo Zheng?

But if you think about it carefully, Luo Zheng's achievements in the war with zhugexi are actually more terrifying than huatianming's!

After all, huatianming is congenitally perfect, and its strength is only a line away from Yueqi.

What is Luo Zheng's strength? Congenital double! This congenital double strength and according to the divine realm, this gap can be big!

Wang Yun, a close disciple three years ago, failed to make such achievements, but Luo Zheng did. He defeated Zhuge Xi, who ranked 83

But then again, although with zhugexi war, Luo Zheng's performance is extremely amazing, but most of the hearts still think that Luo Zheng is not as good as China's destiny.

The reason for this impression is that Hua Tianming has become famous in Qingyun sect. Before the start of Quanfeng Dabi, Hua Tianming has the strength to defeat those who are in accordance with the divine realm. Everyone has subtly accepted Hua Tianming as a genius and thinks that it is right for him to surpass him.

This is often the case between people. When a person is similar to you, you may try to surpass him, but if a person is too much stronger than you and has too many evils, you will often give up and take the initiative to admit the gap with him.

But not long ago, people thought that Luo Zheng was like a clown. He came to Quanfeng Dabi to make a fool of himself.

But before long, we were surprised to find that Luo Zheng is not a clown, all people who look down on him are clowns!

Luo Zheng showed his strength and hit these people in the face.

So they need to find a sustenance in their heart, and find a person who is more evil and more powerful than Luo Zheng, so they all choose Hua Tianming.

Soon, some difficult disciples began to discuss the talent and strength of Luo Zheng and Hua Tianming, but most of them obviously turned to Hua Tianming.

"What if Luo Zheng defeated Zhuge Xi? Zhuge Xi was not good at single combat. His skill is suitable for group combat! "

"When it comes to Hua Tianming, Luo Zheng has no choice but to lie down and lose!"

"That's true. Luo Zheng relies on his natural divine power and his powerful physical body. It should be what he ate and what special chance he picked up that made him become like this. It has nothing to do with his talent. He is seventeen years old and has two inborn talents. This talent can only be said to be ordinary, but Hua Tianming is different. He has come to the present step by step It's not a bit of opportunism... "

"What's more, the power of destiny has not been fully displayed. He didn't even pull out his sword! And Luo Zheng's only dependence is his physical body. When he meets a really powerful person, how strong is his physical body? Grinding can kill you! "

Similar to this kind of discussion, there are almost every mountain, except Xiaoyu peak.

The disciples of xiaoyufeng were also angry when they heard this kind of speech. However, the small number of xiaoyufeng's disciples present naturally did not affect the popularity of the above remarks.

The scope of discussion is not limited to the field of full peak to large ratio.

The 33 peaks all have Xin GUI, who can watch the battle of all peaks without dead angle. Now the inner and outer disciples of each peak are basically discussing this issue.

Jiuzhangfeng, the inner gate, is surrounded by a group of inner gate disciples at the moment. They are very noisy.

Most of them think that Hua Tianming is better than others. This is not only the case in Bichang, but also the case of those disciples who can't come to the scene in person.

Only a small number of disciples think that Luo Zheng is more powerful, relying on his innate dual strength, and can defeat Zhao Shenjing. If Luo Zheng can achieve great perfection, he should be more powerful than Hua Tianming."Needless to say, it must be Luo Zheng!" There is a young man in jiuzhangfeng who shakes his head and says.

"Come on, Zhao Zhao, you just have that vision and your head is on your ass. do you know that Hua Tianming has learned the meaning of Xiaocheng's sword? Hua Tianming doesn't use all his strength. If he draws his sword, he can cut Luo Zheng's body and cut him into several pieces just by using the meaning of the sword! " Someone immediately countered.

"So what? Hua Tianming hides his strength, but does Luo Zheng not? " Zhao Zhao turned his lip and said that his strength ranked first in jiuzhangfeng, but it's a pity, because he lost a challenge competition before the Quanfeng contest, but this year he didn't have the chance to participate in the Quanfeng contest, so relatively speaking, his strength can basically rank first in the group of disciples who didn't participate in the Quanfeng contest.

"You think Luo Zheng will win, do you dare to buy Luo Zheng? If you have the ability, you will win with all your wealth! " Others retorted.

From the beginning of Quanfeng Dabi, many people started gambling in the village. According to the strength of each disciple, all disciples can bet.

Qingyun Zong also turned a blind eye to gambling. After all, many of the makers were scholars.

Now the odds of Hua Tianming is 1:1.2, while Luo Zheng's is 1:3.5. The lower the odds, the more people believe in someone's strength. Compared with Luo Zheng, Hua Tianming's odds are much lower. Just from the odds, we can see that people are more inclined to Hua Tianming's more powerful.

Hearing these people's words, Zhao Zhao laughed, "how do you know I didn't buy it? I told you that I bought all my wealth from Luo Zheng at the beginning, and now it has more than tripled. Do you want to see how many cristobalite I have? Scared to death! I'll still buy him next! You still have all your wealth. Do you dare to buy huatianming with all your wealth? "

Zhao Zhao said so, but it is the jiuzhangfeng those people to the town.

Hua Tianming's strength is strong, but it is not invincible. After all, Hua Tianming is still congenitally perfect. Those disciples have not yet done anything. Besides, no one among the 33 peaks can defeat Hua Tianming, just like Xie Yun, Wu Xie, Baiyun and Zhou Dan, who are on the same mountain as Hua Tianming, are also half of the genius. Besides, they still take care of God If they are strong, they are likely to defeat huatianming!

Naturally, no madman dares to bet all his wealth at one go. It doesn't matter if Hua Tianming loses one game. He can still appear in the group stage. All his wealth only needs to be lost once That's the trouble.

But Zhao Zhao, a lunatic, dares to buy it!

And he also has a crazy plan, that is, every match, he will be full of wealth to fight!

If he really guessed that, Luo Zheng will win every match, then his value will continue to double, hundreds of thousands of times!

Why does Zhao Zhao dare to do so?

Others say that he is crazy, but Zhao Zhao is very clear that he is not crazy. On the contrary, he trusts his intuition, or Luo Zheng's strength.

He is the only one who can feel Luo Zheng's evil at a close distance, and also the only one who can end Luo Zheng's sword spirit!

The first time you practice the sword, you can refine the meaning of the sword in the first practice, and you can break through the "100" in the eight level difficulty of the seven star light splitting platform. The guy like Luo Zheng can no longer be described as genius, but can be described as evil.

Through Xin GUI, when he saw Luo Zheng's sword step, everyone was laughing, laughing at Luo Zheng's imitation, but Zhao Zhao didn't smile. He had been observing carefully, and his heart was full of shock. He saw the naivety and immaturity of Luo Zheng's sword step. He also saw that Luo Zheng had just practiced sword step. He also saw that his sword step was learned from Hua Tianming.

It's ridiculous and unbelievable that you can show the sword step and use it in actual combat just by looking at it once. However, Zhao Zhao knows that Luo Zheng can do it. With his evil talent, it's nothing.

Because he had seen with his own eyes, Luo Zheng had a more evil side.

So Zhao Zhao is full of confidence, looking at Xin GUI, showing a playful smile.

"Come on, Luo Zheng. I'm Zhao Zhao. I'm a good gambler, but I've lost more and won less over the years. Let me gamble this time and win well!"

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