Hua Tianming gazed at Dongfang Chunjun in the distance and pondered: "with Dongfang Chunjun's sex, since he has exerted such a magic power, we can't escape."

"But we can't wait to die," Chen said.

Luo Zheng gazed at the huge eight trigrams above, pondered for a while, and then said: "the eight trigrams are getting smaller..."

They all looked up at Luo's words.

The huge eight trigrams are still spinning like a millstone, and people are spinning around Dongfang Chunjun under the guidance of the eight trigrams

As a result, it can be predicted that eventually everyone will inevitably be pulled to the center of the vortex.

At this time, the other side of the vortex suddenly flashed blazing light, a very strong spatial wave spread out.

Even though the distance is not short, people can feel the strong fluctuation of this space

When the light gradually faded down, the figure of Hanqing emperor appeared.

Hanqing emperor holds the supreme weapon of Taihe, his arm trembles slightly, and his face is iron blue.

Just now he gave a full blow, but still failed to break the boundary of the vortex!

When the woman saw this scene, she also shook her head slightly. She originally wanted hanqingdi's copy to try again, but now it seems that she doesn't need it.

"Ha ha ha Hanqing emperor, it's wishful thinking that you want to escape from this cauldron Dongfang Chunjun said with a wild smile.

With these words, he moves his hands towards the sky again and plays with the eight trigrams in the sky. The rotation speed of the eight trigrams goes up to a higher level, and the boundary of the vortex shrinks rapidly

The members of the rich and powerful alliance, Han Qingdi and Luo Zheng are all trying their best to stick to the boundary, but they are like ships involved in the vortex. No matter how hard they paddle, they still can't escape from the vortex.

But after a few breaths, the vortex, which was hundreds of miles wide, has shrunk by half

"What to do? Even we are going to die here today? "

"Chun Jun Da Sheng, we are all members of the elite League. In the past, please let us out!"

"Dongfang Chunjun, we follow you, but you have to sacrifice our lives. You are ashamed to be the head of a powerful family!"

The people in the big league are falling apart.

They follow Dongfang Chunjun to the abyss. They don't get any profit. Instead, they are sacrificed by Dongfang Chunjun. How can they?

But Eastern Chun Jun's face remained unchanged and turned a deaf ear.

He used to be a hero, but now he has sacrificed himself. How can he pity these people?

As he kept fiddling with his hands, the vortex shrank faster and faster.

Hundred li

Eighty miles

Fifty miles

Everyone was confined to a narrow range of high-speed rotation, everyone's face is very ugly.

Although these people have different standpoints, they don't want to fight. They all want to break the cauldron of yin and Yang!

But even emperor Hanqing couldn't help it. Ordinary saints and sub saints could only stare.

Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed on the eight trigrams above. There was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Then he said in a loud voice: "we can't sit here and wait to die! If I guess correctly, the eight trigrams on my head are actually a huge array of Dharma. If we try our best to defeat this array, I believe that the Yin Yang cauldron will not break itself! "

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, people's eyes brightened slightly.

No one is sure whether we can defeat the gossip, but it's better than doing nothing.

"That's right! If we all join hands, we can always escape! " With the eyebrows of emperor Qing Yang, also said with a smile.

Luo Zheng glanced at Hanqing emperor lightly, and a long sword was in his hand.


With the energy of Tao, red lotus blossoms grow.

That woman

A copy of emperor Qingdi

And Chen Huangyi sword, huatianming began to gain momentum.

Han Qingdi himself was naturally ready.

After all, they still have a taboo against Fang Chunjun, but they are ready to go.

Even Mu Xuerong's eyes twinkled with killing intention, and her two short swords were dyed with a trace of red awn. She never dreamed that she would stand on the same front with Luo Zheng after killing.

Dongfang Chunjun ignores the feelings of the alliance, and it's no wonder that the people of the powerful alliance betray him.

"Do it!"

Luo Zheng yelled, and the sword lifted its backhand.

"Yishen Yijian!"

A broad sword has been roaring out, straight to the sky.

At the same time that Luo Zheng made a sound, other people also started

In order to escape life, no one has reserved this moment, and no one has spared no effort.Sword light, sword awn, fingerprint, flame, thunder and lightning Let out a harsh roar, straight to the sky.




There are less than 30 people left in the league, but there are three saints and more than ten sub saints among them. With such efforts, the power is earth shaking, and even vaguely suppresses the true meaning of yin and Yang from the gossip!

Everyone's eyes are focused on the top, one by one full of concern.

The first one to rush to the eight trigrams is the sword cut by Luo Zheng

But the sword is like a small stone thrown into the lake. It just ripples and is obliterated by the high-speed rotation of the eight trigrams.

"No use..." Luo Zheng's heart slightly jumps.

People are also very disappointed.

But at this time, a small crack appeared on the surface of the eight trigrams, which quickly spread towards the center of the eight trigrams.

Then other people's attack also rushed to the gossip, this crack also quickly expanded.


"I can tear it up!"

"This Yin Yang cauldron is vulnerable!"

There was hope in the eyes of all.

Some people swallow pills, others burn blood essence, and even activate secret arts. They join hands to launch a second round attack.

The crack on the eight trigrams is getting bigger and bigger with the joint efforts of all the people. Seeing that the crack is going to cut the eight trigrams, we hear a sneer from Dongfang Chunjun again, "ha ha! How naive

When Dong Fang Chun Jun's voice falls, the Yin and Yang sides of the eight trigrams suddenly flow into each other. Under the fusion of yin and Yang, the original crack disappears without a trace

See this scene, the bottom of the crowd suddenly silent, just found a way to live, but found that the road ahead is a cliff, no one is extremely desperate.

"It's no use..."

"This cauldron of yin and Yang is a combination of yin and Yang. They complement each other and continue to grow. I'm afraid we can't break it."


At this time, the scope of the vortex shrank again, with a width of less than ten li.

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