Seeing this, people began to talk again.

"Zhou Dan's strike was terrible. He just killed Luo Zheng! He is so much stronger than Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng will lose! "

"I'm afraid it's not just losing. The word" kill "is very strange. It contains a very terrible power. I just felt that the word" kill "seems very strange. It can bounce back Luo Zheng's power. That is to say, at that moment, Luo Zheng was hit by both his own power and the power in the word" kill " Whether Luo Zheng can get up or not is a matter of two

"I see. Luo Zheng's natural power is on his own. I hope he can't get up. He has bet a lot of Luo Zheng in a row. Every time he loses! I've almost lost all my pants. This time, I've put all my money on Zhou Dan. As long as Luo Zheng loses, I can win back with interest! "

"Don't worry, I can't get up any more. Even if he's so hard, I can't stand it."

It can be said that in addition to the light rain peak up and down, and a part of the cold beat to buy Luo Zheng win, almost everyone hopes that Luo Zheng lose! I hope Luo Zheng won't get up!

Luo Zheng did not get up, but he was not unwilling to get up. Instead, he was thinking about how to deal with the current situation and how to break Zhou Dan's formula.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng realized that he could not break Zhou Dan's defense just by his own body.

Other ways have to be used.

There are five anti word Jue constantly flying around Zhou Dan, and there are two killing word Jue beside Zhou Dan. Although tutor Yu told Zhou Dan to beat Luo Zheng to death as long as he had the chance, Zhou Dan's character really couldn't do such a thing.

How can a gentleman take advantage of others' danger?

Just now that hit, Luo Zheng should have been a very serious anti shock force, lying on the ground motionless should be fainted, if this is the best, the referee directly ruled that Luo Zheng lost, the battle will not continue.

"I can't get up..." Zhou Dan stares at Luo Zheng on the ground, so he can explain to tutor Yu. After all, if he faints, he will lose. He really can't continue to attack Luo Zheng. Just when Zhou Dan is relieved, he sees that Luo Zheng's hands and feet turn over, and then a carp jumps up from the ground, and moves his body, with a smile on his face that doesn't care

Zhou Dan just spit out of that breath, immediately and deeply inhaled back, this guy seems, as if nothing.

Luo Zheng's strong body is something that Zhou Dan already knows. Luo Zheng has fully demonstrated it before. Zhou Dan, who is particular about planning and then moving, is very clear about it, but he didn't expect that Luo Zheng's body could be strong.

This is no longer the level that flesh and blood can reach. Even if it's really steel, I'm afraid it will break just now. Unless Luo Zheng's body reaches the level of Xuanqi or even Lingqi, I'm afraid it can bear this.

This is what Zhou Dan thought in his head, but Zhou Dan didn't know. His guess is infinitely close to the truth. Luo Zheng's body is really a genuine spirit weapon, and it's also a medium spirit weapon!

Luo Zheng moved his body and looked at Zhou Dan not far away. This time, he moved again!

Luo Zheng's impact is not blind. Although Luo Zheng once hid his strength before, he also knows that he can't hide it all the time. Moreover, if someone wants to investigate, it's not difficult to find out Luo Zheng's real strength.

Now that he can't beat Zhou Dan by using his body, it's his turn to play Zhenyuan.

Just at the moment of Luo Zheng's sprint, a series of purple and black Zhenyuan emerged from his elixir field. Along Luo Zheng's meridians, Tianmo Zhenyuan ran all the way into Luo Zheng's hands and suddenly burst out, just like a series of purple and black flames burning, emitting a strong momentum, strange and extraordinary.

And in that purple black true yuan, there is a little star light, if you look up at random, as if the star contains the power of the stars in the sky, giving people a kind of soul stirring pressure!

"Well, Luo Zheng has used Zhenyuan How can I forget that Luo Zheng has become an inborn creature. He has been fighting all the way up to now, but he has not even used Zhenyuan! "

"Nonsense, I have already said that people can hide their accomplishments, but can't Luo Zheng?"

"Luo Zheng's Zhenyuan puts a lot of pressure on people. Zhenyuan is very special, but he doesn't know what kind of skill he practices!"

Everyone's face was also shocked. Luo Zheng relied on his natural divine power and his powerful body all the way to fight. But all of a sudden, he used Zhenyuan. For a moment, everyone's thinking was hard to accept. What's more, most people bet Zhou Dan. If the situation is really overturned by Luo Zheng, they will lose and even have no pants.

Only a few of the disciples who are not popular and buy Luo Zheng win are elated at the moment. "I have already said that Luo Zheng must have hidden his backhand. Although it's only congenital duel, it's impossible for congenital duel to win all the way up to nowSitting on the high platform, Shi Jingtian suddenly sees the Tianmo Zhenyuan condensed from Luo Zheng's hands. His eyes are just like two sharp knives. He stares at the Tianmo Zhenyuan and says slowly, "what's the matter? If I'm not wrong, the real yuan in Luo Zheng's hand seems to be the real yuan of the demon! "

Elder Xu, who was beside shijingtian, also looked very dignified. "It's really a demon! This boy has become a real demon. How come He went into the Tianshu Pavilion and took away "Tianmo Shenquan"

"Ha ha," heavenly magic fist "has been placed in the Tianshu Pavilion for a hundred years. Three people once got it. Two of them didn't make it. Another one was blocked by Uncle Lin and refused to practice. Unexpectedly I didn't expect After all, someone has refined it, "Shi Jingtian murmured.

Uncle Lin in Shi Jingtian's mouth naturally refers to the old man that Luo Zheng met when he took away the heavenly magic fist from the Tianshu Pavilion. This old man's status is very high, that is, even the patriarch Shi Jingtian has to call him uncle Lin.

"Tianmo Shenquan is a saint level skill. It has always been said that it can't be practiced with human body. I really can't figure out how this boy was trained!" Elder Xu's eyes are full of envy. Even with his elder status, he is very interested in the holy level skills.

It's not that elder Xu can't get this book of "heavenly magic fist" and pay a certain price. He may not be able to borrow this skill. But elder Xu is old and old. Besides, the holy level skill can't be refined by training. The skill inherited from the demons is that even the demons themselves are hard to practice. Elder Xu has too much difficulty in practicing it.

"Unable to practice?" When Shi Jingtian heard elder Xu's words, he shook his head. "It's really a little difficult for hundreds of millions of people in the eastern region. But looking at the whole world, the gifted disciples of all the major schools, temples and holy places have been asking for endless resources since childhood. Their talents are inherited from their powerful parents, and they are born with a lot of powerful talents. They really want to cultivate, You may not be able to practice successfully... "

Hearing Shi Jingtian's words, elder Xu was silent.

What Shi Jingtian said is reasonable. The world is too big.

In the eastern region alone, there are hundreds of millions of people. In addition, there are western region, northern region, southern region and central region. None of these regions is smaller than the eastern region.

It's just that the space between each domain is very far away, no less than a million miles away, and human beings are scattered in various regions, fighting for each other. Just like being attacked by the demon clan, it's difficult for human beings in other domains to help. Besides, the human beings in the other four domains may not be the masters. According to elder Xu, human beings in the western regions live very hard, and they live in the western regions The master is the demon people. Human beings can only be regarded as the second class there. Everything is respected by the demon people.

The distribution of demons is as extensive as that of human beings. At the junction of central and eastern regions, there is a great empire of demons. Today, the burning heaven Dynasty is fighting against the demons with the alliance of demons.

If you look further, in fact, the five regions in the East, West, North and South are actually a huge island in the world!

It is said that after crossing the endless sea of riots, we can see the real continent of the world!

If you think about it here, go back to Qingyun sect and imagine that there are millions of creatures in the world. How difficult is it for the most talented and demonic disciples to practice a Book of "heavenly magic fist"?

"My patriarch failed a little. Someone in Qingyun sect practiced Tianmo Shenquan, but no one told me. I didn't know until I saw it with my own eyes, ha ha," Shi Jingtian said with a laugh.

In fact, there are many people in Qingyun sect who practice Tianmo Shenquan until Luo Zheng, at least the so-called top ten real people are clear, but they are not willing to report this kind of thing for a certain purpose, or to make a grudge with Luo Zheng. Not only that, they also hold a lot of news about Luo Zheng's talent during his practice!

"Suzerain, there are very few people who know Tianmo Shenquan. I'm afraid no one can recognize it even if Luo Zheng shows Tianmo Shenquan face to face," elder Xu said.

"Yes, but I have to pursue this matter! If someone knows it's serious and doesn't report it, I'll make them pay the price! " Shi Jingtian said calmly.

It was this sentence that surprised elder Xu. Although it had nothing to do with him, the thought of the hidden murders in Shi Jingtian's words made elder Xu feel a little chilly. He thought that even if Luo Zheng practiced the heavenly magic fist, he only showed good talent. But he didn't expect that Shi Jingtian saw such an important thing. Is this holy book Is it really so difficult to practice the step skill?

Naturally, Luo Zheng doesn't know the dialogue between them. With his current knowledge, Luo Zheng is only limited to the eastern regions. He doesn't know what is involved in this book, but now he chooses to use it to break Zhou Dan's defense!

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