Luo Zheng stares at the "living dead" and looks for the familiarity in his heart.

Sometimes Luo Zheng himself has a lot of confusion

Is the father and Luo Xiao the same person?


Luo Zheng has no action, Li Luoshui has stepped out a lunge, rushed to Luo Xiao, and put Luo Xiao into his arms.


When she embraces Luo Xiao's body at the same time, the surrounding array has a reaction.

A very powerful force is pressing down on Luo Xiao

"Soul suppression..." Chen Huangyi's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

It is not easy to suppress a saint, especially a saint like Luo Xiao.

With a flash of cold light in Li Luoshui's eyes, he was about to destroy the prison.

The eastern horseshoe crab at the gate of the prison quickly said, "I can't, I can't, if I destroy this battle, Luo Xiao will die immediately."

The reason why Luo Xiao didn't die was because of this battle.

"How?" Asked Lilo in a low voice.

"When I get rid of the way that suppresses the soul in this array," said the horseshoe crab.

Then he went to the edge of the formation, reached into the eyes of the formation, and controlled the formation.


The big array on the ground suddenly sparkled, and the power of suppressing Luo Xiao's soul gradually disappeared.

When this power disappeared, Luo Xiao's body was shocked

After a short time, Luo Xiao woke up. There was still confusion in his eyes. After staring at Li Luoshui's face for a long time, the light in his eyes became more and more bright.

"Luoshui Luoshui Am I dreaming? "

A dry voice came out of Luo Xiao's throat.

His body has been suppressed for such a long time, his whole body's function has been extremely decayed, and his soul has been suppressed for such a long time, which is also very decadent.

"Husband..." A line of tears rolled out of Li Luoshui's eyes. "You didn't dream that Dongfang Chunjun had been killed. Even his world was broken."

Luo Xiao's eyes became more and more brilliant, and his voice became more powerful. "Is Dongfang Chunjun dead? Who killed him? "

Although liluoshui was crying, a happy smile was on her lips. She looked up at Luo Zheng at the gate of the prison and said, "it's your son It's our son. "


Luo Xiao almost exhausted the last trace of strength stored in his body, looked up at the prison door.

He had not been active for many years. When he looked up, his back made a series of strange noises.


Luo Zheng's mind was also extremely agitated.

When he first saw Luo Xiao, he felt very strange.

I can't put the candle in my father's memory.

The impression he had from his father was endless vitality and generous shoulders

But now when he saw Luo Xiao's eyes, he finally overlapped with his father in his memory.


Luo Zheng stepped over and knelt down in front of Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao looked at his son with a look of relief. He nodded slightly and said, "since we were young, we should It's not the first time we've met. "

"No Luo Yanyu said, "I've seen you before.

Luo Xiao took a breath and then said, "good. When Gu Bei made this proposal, I still had some doubts. I didn't expect you to do better and better than I thought..."

Luo Xiao, Gu Bei and Hatoyama's hope is not so much hope as desperation.

However, Luo Zheng's subsequent series of performances far exceeded the expectations of all parties.

Even Yu Taibai never thought that Luo Zheng would kill Dongfang Chunjun in the abyss.

Luo Zheng holds Luo Xiao's rough hand, and his face is also very excited. "My father's teachings from childhood, I dare not forget..."

Luo Xiao shook his head. "It's hard for you. If you are a father, I will make you a dandy who has no worries on the floating island. After you are born, there will be countless adversities on you, tormenting you. Don't blame me as a father..."

"How can I blame you..." Luo Zheng looks like choking without saying anything.

From the eastern regions, Luo Zheng has indeed suffered too many hardships, but these tribulations are not a great experience. He is like a jade that has never been beaten. In those tribulations, his experience turns into a sharp sword.

A family of three gathered here, murmuring, three people are called emotion.

After a stick of incense

Luo Xiao just said: "Luoshui, kill me..."

Hearing her husband's request, Li Luoshui's eyes flashed slightly, "why?"

"My body is rotten and it's hard to repair. It's better to be reborn in the world. That way, I can recover my strength quickly without spending anything..." Luo Xiao said.In addition, there is the memory of the soul in the world. Luo Xiao wants to find it back in the world.

Li Luoshui sipped his mouth, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Although she knows that killing Luo Xiao is just for rebirth, she still hesitates to let her end Luo Xiao's life by herself.

Li Luoshui looks at Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng is also hesitant

"Let me come, master," Chen huangyijian stood up at this time. He didn't care. Haha, he laughed. "At that time, elder martial brother Taibai will be responsible for killing his master at most."

Luo Xiao looks at Chen Huangyi sword and Hua Tianming not far away. He smiles and nods.

These people are made by him, these faces are familiar to him

Under the sword, he cuts the sword out of the prison.

The broken array can't provide Luo Xiao with the power of life. Luo Xiao's breath decays rapidly, which is the peaceful "fall".

Li Luoshui puts Luo Xiao's body in Xumi space. Although the broken body is not Luo Xiao when it dies, the real Luo Xiao will revive in Dayan, but she will not leave it here.

After picking up Luo Xiao's corpse, Li Luoshui gave a light look at the horseshoe crab, and then said coldly, "ZHENG'ER, let's go!"

Li Luoshui and his party were about to leave, and the horseshoe crab was relieved.

He was afraid that the evil spirits and evil spirits would see Luo Xiao's tragedy. In a rage, he would destroy the whole Fusang tree



The bottom of the abyss is constantly roaring.


A towering palace rises from the ground, just like a big tree growing rapidly, which grows such a palace.

The demons below were scared one by one. They didn't know why they had such changes.

"Isn't that woman gone?"

"What about the others? Is there anyone who hasn't come out of the ice palace? "

"And who is this man? How can he get out of the palace like this... "

All the demons look up

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