"I didn't know before," Luo Zheng replied.

The woman was even more strange. "Aren't you from the mother world?"

"Well," Luo Zheng answered.

In any case, in the sea of true meaning, there is no need for Luo Zheng to hide himself, and the other party can't guess his origin.

"Let me see, you are from Tianlu state, or the ghost chopping people. No, the ghost chopping people are bigger than you..." The woman guessed.

Naturally, Luo Zheng couldn't tell her his origin. He had another idea in his mind.

Since these guys dare to plunder other people's soul Dan in the sea of truth, Luo Zheng can also plunder.

But he obviously can't do it alone.

If you want to let your body step into the sea of true meaning, then your soul must first exit the sea of true meaning.

Even the soul elixir robbed by one's own body cannot be delivered to one's own soul.

Through this woman, it's a way

Once this idea came into being, it could not be stopped. His eyes fell on the distance. The speed of those people was not slow. Fifteen small boats had turned into small black spots and floated in the blue sea of stars.

This woman is still tirelessly guessing the origin of Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng said: "we follow up, catch up with those people."

"What? Do you want them to rob you? " Asked the woman.

"No, I will find a way to return the soul pill," Luo Zheng said.

"Return my soul pill? No more... " This woman light smile way, with her position, just a few soul Dan pour also didn't put in the eye.

Luo Zhengze said, "I will get more soul pills, but I need your help. Can you cooperate with me?"

What he said made her confused.

Mingming is a guy from outside his mother's world, and he is still poor. How is he going to get hundan? It's impossible to rob, isn't it? Is he the only one to rob?

"What are you going to do with hundan?" Women are also interested.

"Then you will know..." Luo Zheng said.

In this case, the woman did not ask much, but urged the boat to follow Luo Zheng.

The two boats, one in front of the other and the other behind, were also very close to the sea of true meaning.

With the continuous progress, the waves of the sea of true meaning are getting bigger and bigger.

A gust of new wind blowing over, is to let Luo Zheng's body surface produce a trace of pain, but he still stands in the bow, follow the front of those fleets.

"It's said that those guys outside the mother world are all reckless men. Their souls are generally not strong. It seems that you are different from them. Just when you enter the sea of true meaning for the first time, you are sure to cross the first line," the woman said curiously.

"Maybe," Luo Zheng responded.

"It's not far from the first line," the woman said.

After a long journey, the starlight in the sea of true meaning becomes more and more intense, and the chill in the sea becomes colder and colder.

"Almost," Luo Zheng said immediately, "keep up with those guys. I'll leave for a while."

"What?" The woman was slightly stunned.

"Just wait for me, by the way What's your name? " Luo Zheng asked again.

"I Just call me Xiao Shuang, "she replied.

People who come to the sea of true meaning are more or less on guard against outsiders, and she obviously won't tell Luo Zheng her real name.


Luo Zheng nodded and asked 9527 to drag himself out of the sea of truth.

The common way to get out of the sea of true meaning quickly is to cast a magic breaking spell, but this magic breaking spell is obviously a unique means in the mother world. With the help of 9527, it can achieve the same effect.


With a tremor, Luo Zheng and the boat disappeared in front of Xiao Shuang.

Xiao Shuang doesn't know what medicine is sold in Luo Zheng's gourd. She wants to see what tricks this guy can play. She is obedient and follows behind those guys and continues to get close to the first line.


After Luo Zheng got out of the sea of true meaning, his mind moved slightly.

The red eyed girl has appeared beside her.

The last time Luo Zheng entered the sea of true meaning through the burning of the red eyed girl's flame.

But this forging Luo Zheng has tried many times. Why can he enter it only this time?

Even 9527 can't explain why.

Although 9527 has the memory of the Lord, it can not be as wise as the Lord.

Now Luo Zheng is just trying again

"Meet me!"

The girl's eyes blinked twice, and a red lotus had circled around Luo Zheng, which completely wrapped him.This training tower should not be able to bear the girl's flame, but she is almost a natural fire controller. She can completely gather the hot breath and will not burn the training tower.

The burning breath directly poured into Luo Zheng's body, and his body surface produced amazing changes again.

He was surrounded by golden swirls, and the red lotus wrapped around him had turned into a sea of red fire

Luo Zheng soon found that he had entered a unique state. He clearly realized that he only needed to go further to enter the sea of fire, and step back to return to reality!

"It turns out that there is no mystery. It seems that after the body enters this state, I can step into the sea of true meaning freely," Luo Zheng said in his heart.


Without any hesitation, Luo Zheng has fallen into the red sea of fire.

When the Yang God steps into the sea of true meaning, he feels the cold of the soul, while when the body steps into the sea of true meaning, he feels the hot and sour feeling, as if he were jumping in summer and winter.

"Last time, I have crossed the first line. If I want to catch up with those guys, I have to go down smoothly..."


Luo Zheng's arms spread out, like a flexible swimming fish, smoothly down, but also on the surface of the water two or three successive bounce, this speed is amazing, without two or three breaths, he has crossed a line.

"Look! There's a fish coming from a line

"How can it be that there are two worlds on the left and right sides of a line!"

"It's not like a fish, but a person..."

"It's even more impossible..."

They are more likely to believe that it is a fish than a person.

A section of line is an insurmountable bottleneck for all the great perfect gods. Do you want to go back after crossing this bottleneck? They've never heard of anyone doing this.

What's more, this man didn't have a real boat, so he swam naked in the sea, which was totally beyond their common sense. All the people wandering along the line grew up and watched Luo Zheng leave.

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