"Oh? This kind of thing is also met by Xiao Shuang? " The beautiful woman's face showed an unexpected color.

Old five then said: "it's no big deal. The sea of true meaning is just the beginning. He can rush a section of the line, mostly because he stayed in a section of the line for a long time. Xiao Shuang is the first time to enter the sea of true meaning. If he stays in the sea of true meaning for a long time, he can pass without soul pill!"

Xiao Shuang blinked her eyes and said, "but it's also the first time for people to go to the sea of true meaning!"

"That's really amazing," the beautiful woman nodded and said with a smile. "I don't know which family's little genius can surpass our family's little frost."

Who knows that Xiao Shuang shakes her head and says: "more than that, does aunt Ping know the rumor of taiyitian palace?"

"What rumors?" Asked the pretty woman.

"The guy swimming in the sea of true meaning," said Xiao Shuang.

Aunt Ping's eyes flashed slightly, her face was a little dignified, and she nodded at the same time.

It is said that someone can swim in the sea of true meaning.

The outside world is still unknown, but in a small range has attracted the attention of many people.

There are many people who question this rumor

No matter how powerful Yang soul is, it will disappear when it falls into the sea of true meaning.

Since ancient times, this cognition has never been broken.

But the children in taiyigong vowed that after all, they saw a lot of people.

So someone came to the second conclusion that it might be the mirage in the sea of true meaning, which made the little guys look away.

But how could mirage smash their boat? This inference is hard to justify.

"Did you meet Xiao Shuang?" Aunt Ping asked in a hurry.

Next to the old five is also open mouth, "you won't say a strong dash of the line that guy can directly into the sea?"? If his Yang soul can really enter into the sea of true meaning and not be eliminated, then can the sea of true meaning walk horizontally for him

What yanghun is afraid of is the chill in the sea of true meaning and the new wind blowing.

People are not afraid of the sea of truth itself, and there is no threat to the two.

"It's really him, but different from the rumor, what I foresee is his Yang soul," Xiao Shuang said.

"His Yang soul?"

Aunt Ping and fifth are a little confused.

Xiao Shuang was also puzzled. "In fact, he seems to have two forms. One is the body of Yang soul. Like me, the body of Yang soul also needs to rely on the boat of true meaning. He also can't resist the new wind and the cold, so when he impacts a section of line, he faces a lot of pressure, while the other form can enter the sea of true meaning. It seems that it's not Yang soul, but flesh Body... "

It's hard to imagine the shape of Luo Zheng if you don't see it with your own eyes.

Then Xiao Shuang told her story.

"The flesh into the sea?" Aunt Ping's face is even more surprised. She really doesn't know what it means to enter the sea.

The fifth said, "I'm afraid I have to report this to the Grand Palace master..."

At this time, an old voice came from the top of the palace, "Ling Shuang did a good job. Ha ha, it is said that in ancient times, there was no saying of" the sea of true meaning ". It was not a boat that crossed the sea of true meaning. Those who entered the other side with the ancient god's cultivation method entered the sea not the soul, but the body! Therefore, the ancient god crossing the other shore is not crossing with the Yang soul, but crossing with the body! For some unknown reason, the flesh in the sea of true meaning could not enter, and the ancient gods gradually declined. Later, there was the great world cultivation method, and then there was the practice of Yang soul, crossing the other shore... "

"Grandma!" Ling Shuang looks up and calls.

Then at the gate of the palace, an old woman with a bent figure came in slowly.

"See you, master of the palace!"

Aunt Ping and old Wu meet the old woman together.

The palace master nodded and then said, "if it wasn't for Ling Shuang's eyes, I'm afraid I can't believe that anyone can enter the other side with flesh."

The palace master knew a little about what happened in ancient times, but she didn't know the real reason why the ancient god cultivation method couldn't cross the other side.

"Has that man ever revealed his identity?" The palace master asked Ling Shuang.

Ling Shuang shook his head and said: "he should not belong to the mother world. He doesn't even know the most basic things such as soul pill and broken magic spell."

Although the magic breaking mantra is mysterious, it is the most basic soul secret in the mother world. It is something everyone should master before entering the sea of true meaning.

"Not in the mother world?" The palace master's eyes were slightly fixed.

In the chaos outside the mother world, there are also some small races and forces, which are too broad.

"Well, he once asked about the war between Jiuli and Youxiong, and he was very concerned about Chiyou's life and death," Ling recalled.

"Concerned about Chiyou's life and death, he is from Jiuli?" Five blurted out.

Aunt Ping rolled a white eye, "it's hard to make a conclusion just by this?"The Grand Master also nodded, "only this point can't be determined. If he can enter the sea physically, Ling Shuang will benefit a lot if he can follow him. As for what it means to enter the sea physically, I need to go to Luofu Mountain."

Ling Shuang is their favorite in this palace, and everyone hopes that she can safely get through the sea of true meaning.

Ling Shuang tilted her head to think for a while, and suddenly said: "grandma, do you have the true magic power to follow nature?"

"What do you need to do with the true power of Tao and nature?" The chief of the Imperial Palace was puzzled.

Ling Shuang can't use it to cultivate her sword and carry her eternal true meaning.

"That man is practicing the natural and true meaning of Taoism. I don't think he knows anything. He probably doesn't have the true meaning magic power. I want to give him one," Ling Shuang said.

The grand master nodded slightly, "although my master repaired the sword and carried it forever, there are still some other real powers. Just let your fifth uncle give them to you."



Ling Shuang guesses very correctly, what she casually asks is indeed what Luo Zheng lacks.

After the fall of the Li nationality, there was almost no real power left in the divine realm. Even if it was left, no one could practice it.

Because the premise of cultivating the true meaning is to comprehend the true meaning of a way completely.

Over the years, if those Xuanyuan guards are excluded, the place where yuan Chengdao's idea of good and evil turns out to be not a place of attack is a true supernatural power, and the eastern Chunjun's world of yin and Yang is also a true supernatural power.

Moreover, even Eastern Chunjun's "Yin Yang world" was also painstakingly sought by him in the sea of true meaning.

Luo Zheng took a long breath as he retreated from the sea of truth.

Although he can bear the pressure in the sea of true meaning, as long as he is in it, that pressure exists all the time.

After quitting, the pressure of Yang soul disappears completely, and Luo Zheng naturally feels more relaxed.

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