Hatoyama was standing on the top of the mountain. There was a space wave escaping from his eyes.

He can see any detail thousands of miles away, which is a very small change.

The silver light on the surface of saint mountain is more and more powerful, as if countless silver poured down from the top of saint mountain after melting


There was also a vibration from the inside of saint mountain.

Just below the saint mountain, there is a huge gate with a height of 100 Zhang.

The sub saints at the bottom of the saint mountain, the grand circle, were excited when they saw the giant gate.

"The door is open!"

"Come on! Try to be the first to enter


Just as these people rushed to the huge door, a small flame suddenly appeared in front of it.

This flame bloomed in an instant, and suddenly turned into a hundred Zhang high fire snake, which was in front of the huge gate!

A sub Saint rushed to the front. This time, he had to take the lead. Just before the fire snake covered the whole gate, he made a big move to rush in.

But just as he moved to the door, the fire snake had blocked the last dead corner, and the sub Saint bathed in the fire snake.

There was almost no struggle and no scream from an Asian saint, but he was burned clean by the fire snake

"What kind of flame is this?"

"Why do you want to stop us from entering saint mountain?"

People's faces changed greatly.

The power contained in this flame is far beyond their imagination, and even Tang Lun, who is most proficient in the Shinto of young fire, can't compare with it.

"Hey, don't be alarmed. When it's time, you'll be let in. If anyone rushes through this door, don't blame me for not warning. The end is just that guy!"

Suddenly flame stands in front of the door sneer.

All the big round full true God and sub saints are Lengleng floating in mid air, a look at a loss.

"This is the legendary strong man on the other side, the one standing behind Han's home," a insider whispered.

"These strong men are much more powerful than saints..."

"I don't know why he sealed the door. Does he want to stop it?"

Although they were depressed in their hearts, they heard that after this man's cultivation, they didn't dare to say more. They had to stop in the same place.

Hatoyama, thousands of miles away, frowned at the scene.

Although this point has been considered before, it is very difficult for a Xuanyuan guard to block the gate of saint mountain

At this moment, the North Bank of the time sea suddenly appeared a change.

The sea level on the north bank began to drop strangely, as if there were some huge things on the bottom of the sea. They opened their mouths and swallowed all the water.

When the sea level dropped to a certain extent, it began to rise rapidly again!


Colorful time, the sea rolled out, into a ten thousand feet high tsunami.

These big round full true God and sub saint are not to have never seen the world, can see this scene, one by one is still stunned!

This is the sea of time. Under the sage, if you touch it, you will die!

"What's behind this tsunami!"

"It's emperor hate! Evil things in the sea of time, Emperor hate

"Run! Splashed by the sea of time, the body will be torn to pieces! "

As depressed as these people are

After waiting here for several months, I was about to rush into the saint mountain one by one. Suddenly, I ran to a strong man on the other side of the river and blocked my way. Then, there was such a big tsunami in the sea of time.

Fortunately, the tsunami just rolled to the height of ten thousand feet.

This height for these people, a big move can easily avoid.

Before the tsunami came near, everyone had moved away

The flash standing in front of the huge gate, looking at the oncoming tsunami, has no change in the look.

The sea of time can't tear up the sage, and even more can't tear up Huyan, but Huyan has some accidents, because he saw a person on the head of "emperor hate", that is a strong man on the other side.

"I didn't expect that there was another Li people hiding in the sea of time. Hey Pu Zhe, it's your turn to do it! " Suddenly there was an accident.

Huyan's voice just finished, the sea water of time sea has submerged him, this huge tsunami has even submerged saint mountain for a little half, but time sea can't tear up the silver light on the surface of saint mountain, and can't tear Huyan himself.


With a wave of space, Pu Zhe's crazy laughter came, "ha ha ha, I don't know which nameless mouse of Li nationality! Come and fight with me

As the voice fell, Pu Zhe's strong figure turned into a sharp arrow, shooting directly at the head of "emperor hate".


Emperor hate issued a deep roar, raised his hands, a thick huge tentacles toward Pu zhe entangled and go.As for Yu Xiu, who was standing on the head of emperor hen, he had a long bronze dagger in his hand. He had been lurking for so many years and finally got the call of the king's daughter. Now that he dared to come out, he didn't plan to go back alive.

Puzhe's action was extremely fast. The emperor hated those strong tentacles. Although they were incredibly flexible, they still couldn't reach puzhe. In the blink of an eye, puzhe had rushed to Yuxiu.


The surface of Yu Xiu's bronze dagger began to boil.

He has been lurking in the sea of time for so many years, and his strength has made great progress!

Without any hesitation, he carried the bronze dagger to meet Pu zhe

As for the emperor hate, he began to attack Huyan in front of the gate. He wanted to drive Huyan away.

Although the strength of Huyan is the weakest one in xuanyuanwei, his strength can't be ignored after all!

"Evil animal! I want to die

Suddenly flame hands a push, a pengpeng blazing ring of fire spread out in circles.


Although the skin of emperor hate is rough and the flesh is thick, but under the burning of the ring of fire, the tentacles are suddenly burnt.

"Woo Ouch

Di hen uttered a sad cry and suddenly opened his mouth full of sharp teeth.

Under the roar of madness, a thick and big poisonous blood arrow shot at Huyan. The poisonous blood arrow was enough to cover the whole gate. If Huyan wanted to avoid it, he had to leave the gate.

Huyan didn't move a step. When he saw that the poisonous blood arrow was only one Zhang away from him, HouBo's figure appeared beside Huyan. He only saw HouBo spit out a word, "Yu!"

An oval ball of light immediately envelops Huyan and HouBo. This is the divine power derived from the divine word to destroy the true meaning, and is also the way that HouBo is proficient in.

The light ball easily blocked the poisonous blood arrow outside.

Thousands of miles away

The tsunami caused by dihen has flowed here, destroyed many villages along the way, and even submerged a small God city. Except for a few upper gods, others were torn to pieces and fell into the gap of time.

Hatoyama and Shi Xiaoxiao are floating in the air. At the moment, Hatoyama's face is full of anxiety.

That suddenly flame has been stuck in front of the door, he simply can't find a good time.

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