Shi Xiaoxiao and Jiusheng looked up together.

When they feel their breath, their pupils open slightly!

It's xuanyuanwei!

The strength of these two Xuanyuan guards, they have seen before.

So the moment I saw them, there was only one thought in my heart: Escape! And to escape into the world!

They have moved so many times that these two strong people from the other side can follow. They must have some secret skills of tracking. It's unrealistic to want to play cat and mouse in the divine realm, so the only place to go is Hatoyama's universe, which is the forbidden place where Luo Zheng once practiced.

After all, the world has the protection of the rule of ruling the slate, and even the Xuanyuan guards dare not invade at will.

Hatoyama hardly hesitated. With a slight wave of his hand, a circle of ripples appeared in the space in front of him, and they were about to disappear.

After the air uncle sneer, gently spit out a word, "seal!"


The space within the radius of thousands of miles was immediately sealed.

The gods and people living around here, and the living beings are still not aware of the abnormality, but the ripples in front of Hatoyama and Shi Xiaoxiao quickly calm down and disappear without a trace.

"Run away in front of us? Do you think too much? "

Pu zhe stretched his body very easily, and the power gushing out of his body was rapidly gathering, just like a hidden cheetah, which could burst out a fatal blow at any time.

Hatoyama and Shi Xiaoqiao's eyes narrowed slightly. They did not expect xuanyuanwei to find them. They knew that after Luo Zheng entered the saint mountain, they should flee to the world, or even go abroad.

After uncle is also a light smile, "any to our xuanyuanwei hand people, have to pay the price."

Two xuanyuanwei slowly come down and walk towards Jiusheng and shixiaoxiao. In xuanyuanwei's eyes, this saint and a big full true God are lambs to be slaughtered.

However, Hatoyama and Shi Xiaoxiao didn't plan to wait to die. Their minds were also spinning wildly, and their thoughts came out one by one, trying to solve the current situation.



Luo Zheng's body fluttered gently and soon came to the gate of saint mountain.

Without stopping, he took a step out gently and integrated himself into the silver channel.

The saints in the divine realm are floating around the saint mountain, and the result of saint mountain is also very important to them. They also want to know who is successful in canonization and who will fail.

According to the truth, there is still a long way to go before the closure of Shengsheng mountain. Generally, no one will choose to quit halfway.

But just then, the silver light on the surface of the gate at the bottom of the saint mountain appeared a circle of ripples, and a figure stepped out of it.

"Is it Luo Zheng?" Tang Lun frowned slightly.

"He was not canonized?" Mu Haiji was also surprised.

The sages of the rich and powerful alliance have seen the power of Luo Zheng, and they have no problem competing with those sub saints with his strength.

Now that Luo Zheng has entered, there must be a holy spring for him. Mu Haiji and his party have already discussed this issue

"Since he has not been canonized, it would be extremely miserable for him to come out like this," Fang Shixing said lightly.

Xuanyuan guards are also staring at Saint mountain. How can they let Luo Zheng go like this?

However, these saints did not expect that Pang Miao and Hanqing emperor thought more deeply than they did. They had already carved the rule of death for Luo Zheng on the ruling stone.

This rule was activated at the moment when Luo Zheng stepped into the divine realm from the saint mountain.

In the center of the stone slab, the most striking rule flashed a touch of golden light, and even the mountain carrying the stone tablet began to tremble.

A powerful heavenly power began to gather.

"Crackle, crackle..."

The blue lightning gathered from the slate is thousands and thousands of times of the past!

The power of the terrible lightning came down from the sea of time and covered every big house.

The rich and powerful floating island can't bear the huge pressure, just like a sailing boat on the sea, it begins to shake wildly. Some of the rich and powerful children on the edge of the floating island are accidentally thrown out of the floating island and fall into the sea of time.

But most of the disciples of the floating island lay on the ground for the first time. It was not that they were willing to do so, but that they could not resist the pressure from above! This terrible pressure directly pressed them to the ground!

All people's faces of the children of the floating island appeared the color of fear.

"What is this, the end of the world?"

"Who knows It's not two years since I joined the floating island. It's really not peaceful these two years. I knew I wouldn't come! "

"I, how can I feel the floating island sinking?"

The floating island is indeed sinking, and the terrible pressure is still increasing. The huge pressure is like an invisible hand pressing down the floating island.These floating islands float in the air by virtue of the array arranged by the rich and powerful families and the buoyancy of the floating islands themselves. However, under the increasing pressure, the floating islands can't bear it and will naturally fall into the sea of time.

The first one to fall into the sea of time is Luo's floating island.

Since the last floating island ranking was decided, Zhou's floating island has sunk into the sea of time, and Luo's floating island has been ranked last.

If there is no accident, Luo's floating island will fall into the sea of time in the next ranking.

However, the sudden pressure accelerated the process and pushed the bare floating island of the Luo family into the sea of time ahead of time.

Almost no suspense, such a large floating island in the sea of time was quickly decomposed, torn, quickly disappeared without a trace.

Luo's floating island falls into the sea of time, and other floating islands are also hard to escape this fate, ranking second from the bottom. Xiejiafu island and liujiafu island are close behind, and they are about to enter the sea of time.

These two floating islands are different from luojiafu island. There is no one over luojiafu island. These two floating islands are full of rich families!

Some quick reaction real gods find something wrong and want to escape through the teleport array. However, it is extremely difficult for them to move under the great pressure. Only some of the guards guarding the teleport array can escape through the teleport array.

When Xie's floating island was about to fall into the sea of time, Xie Fantian, the sage of Xie's family, finally appeared.

Seeing the situation of his own floating island, Xie Fantian's face changed and his figure appeared under the floating island.

At the moment, the bottom of the floating island is only a few feet away from the sea of time. Almost half of Xie Fantian's body is submerged in the sea of time, but he finally holds the floating island on his shoulder.

Under the power of the sage, the floating island began to rise slowly against the pressure

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