Blink of an eye time, this brocade box already crossed 200 billion Li distance, appeared in Luo Zheng's hand.


The brocade box cracked, exposing the fire of memory.

Luo Zheng got the reincarnation Horcrux in the place of reincarnation, but he couldn't find Hanqing emperor's memory at that time. Luo Zheng also knew that Hanqing emperor must have done some means to hide his memory fire. As for where it was hidden, Luo Zheng naturally couldn't know.

But now he is fully aware of the divine realm. Luo Zheng only has a little doubt about a problem in his heart, and he already knows the whole truth.

"I'm not Dongfang Chunjun, and I'll give you the chance to roll the earth. Your memory will die with you..." Luo Zheng said softly.

When Hanqing emperor saw the brocade box, his face showed a strong color of fear.

He is not afraid of the collapse of the world, nor is he afraid of the destruction of the body. As long as the fire of memory still exists, everything can be rolled up.

At the beginning, he kept the fire of memory and knew that he would be invincible.

His talent is very high, and he has the experience of being a saint for two generations. Even if he falls, he can be reborn again and again!

How could emperor Hanqing think that Luo Zheng could easily find the fire of his memory!

"You, how do you know?" Han Qingdi's voice trembled, and the fierce hatred in his eyes disappeared.

"The realm of God has no secrets relative to me," Luo Zheng replied.

"Let me go, please, give me a chance, my two daughters, I can let them accompany you, let them serve you..." Han Qingdi begged with a trill.

Hanqing Emperor didn't mention the tassel and the first month of Hanqing. When he mentioned it, Luo Zheng suddenly felt angry. With a little twist of his finger, the green fire of memory was extinguished.

The world collapses, the soul and the form are all extinguished, and even the fire of memory is extinguished. Hanqing emperor is the real fall.

Under this multiple protection, ordinary people can't really kill this person, even Xuanyuan Wei can't do it.

Seeing the end of Hanqing emperor, the saints could not help shivering.

In fact, the death of Hanqing emperor was exactly what the saints expected. Even Tang Lun and muhaiji, who had a festival with Luo Zheng, were the same.

But Luo Zheng can break up the whole world easily, which makes it difficult for saints to calm down. This shows that the fate of all saints is under Luo Zheng's control. Whoever he wants to die, he has to die!


Pang Miao not far away is still struggling against the thunder penalty.

This Pang Miao's ability is really beyond Luo Zheng's expectation. Pang Miao seems to have exhausted all the blood food in the Chahai tooth, and his whole body is dripping with blood, which seems to be able to pollute the thunder punishment.

Every time that thunder punishment hit him, the power of thunder and lightning was dim. Soon after, the thunder punishment was finally eliminated.

But now Pang Miao was also very embarrassed, his whole body was burnt, his breath was decaying, and his face was pale.

The chahaitooth was also thrown on the ground. The surface of the fish bone was dry and full of cracks.

"It's really good to carry a thunder penalty, but it's a pity that your mace seems to have been abandoned," Luo Zheng said.

Without the help of chahaichi, Pang Miao can't break through Shi Xiaoqiao's silent scepter, and Luo Zheng can use the power of soul famine without limit. In addition, Pang Miao's current state can't be the enemy of Luo Zheng.

Pang Miao's face was as gloomy as water, staring at Luo Zheng.

However, in one hour, the four Xuanyuan guards who have followed him for so many years have all fallen, and his reluctance can be imagined.

"It's a pity that if master Weixian enters the divine realm ahead of time, he will be able to prevent you from entering the saint mountain..." Pang Miao murmured.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng is slightly stunned, "comfort leisure adult? Who is that? "

When Pang Miao saw Luo Zheng's reaction, he felt a little happy. "That's because we have the people of the bear family, who have joined the strongman of Tianshou Pavilion. Now he should have slaughtered those guys outside the territory, right? Ha ha ha

Luo Zheng's face suddenly changed.

He knows everything in the realm of God, but he has no knowledge of what happens outside the realm of God.

His mother and father are both outside the territory, but they are protected by Jin Lao and Ming Wei. Luo Zhengli should think that they are absolutely safe. However, according to Pang Miao, are there other Xuanyuan guards coming to the divine realm?

When Luo Zheng was distracted, Pang Miao's eyes burst out a trace of madness.

His figure suddenly flashed and he was close to Luo Zheng.

"Ka, Ka, Ka..."

Pang Miao's whole body sticks to Luo Zheng's back, and his hands jam him from under his ribs.

"It's OK to let me die, but you have to pay for your life, ha ha ha..."

From Pang Miao's body gushed out a little bit of blood, these soft blood immediately tied him and Luo Zheng together, an indescribable breath burst out from Pang Miao's body.

Luo Zheng is still young after all. After being distracted by Pang Miao, he let Pang Miao move his hand.His heart read a move, then called the power of the soul famine, want to imprison the power of Pang Miao's body.

But the power of soul famine has no effect at this moment, and can't suppress that breath!

"Luo Zheng, he is burning the keepsake on the other side," warned 9527.

"Other shore keepsake?"

Luo Zheng doesn't know what it is.

"It is the source of strength and the most important thing for those who are strong on the other side. Burning the keepsake on the other side will be punished by the truth, and his fate will become very miserable..." Ninety five twenty seven explained.

Pang Miao's eyes had become red, and his whole body was soaked in blood. The power that he burst out completely exceeded his own strength.

Since the power in his body began to expand madly, Pang Miao, who was a little thin, turned into a fat man at this moment

Not far away, the saints, after feeling the power of the vast, one by one, their faces were startled, and they moved away one after another.

"Luo Zheng!"

"Luo Zheng!"

Not far away Hatoyama and Shi Xiaoxiao want to rush up.

"Go away!"

Luo Zheng issued a warning.

He can't estimate the power of Pang Miao's burning the other shore keepsake. After all, he doesn't even know what the other shore Keepsake is.

Under the plot, Luo Zheng's mind moves and makes a big move directly. With the crazy expansion of Pang Miao, he goes into the channel of space and moves to the depth of the sea of time.

Shi Xiaoxiao and Jiusheng watched Luo Zheng disappear with Pang Miao in front of them. At the next moment, a dull roar broke out in the sea of time. The ground around the sea of time kept shaking and shaking all the time, and the center of the sea of time was also full of bright red blood.

Even the fragments of time can't swallow the blood, and a strong smell of blood rises to the sky.

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