"All realms of God, kill all Xuanyuan guards! Never die, never stop

In fact, rules should be made on the stone slab, and the wording should be very strict.

For example, what does "xuanyuanwei" stand for?

There are so many people in Shenyu, what if a certain Shenmin happens to be called "xuanyuanwei"?

Luo Zheng made the rules for the first time, but he didn't think so much. He just engraved the rules as he wanted.

When Luo Zheng finished writing the rules, there was a golden light on the surface of the rules, which took effect immediately.


Blue thunderbolts swirled.

Under the terrible pressure, even Mingwei looks sideways.

"This piece of stone, can burst out such terrible power..." Chi Yi is also amazing.

Mr. Jin said, "it's made by the chief. Isn't it ordinary?"

This time, the authority generated by the control of the slate was even more terrifying than the last one against Luo Zheng, and the children of the rich families below were once again unlucky.

However, after the last lesson, those rich and powerful children also know that now the floating island is a place of right and wrong. Many rich and powerful children have rushed to leave the floating island, and they plan to wait until the sea calms down before they return.

The saints found that the floating island was crumbling, and each of them planned to do it again.

Luo Zheng stood on the top, looked down and waved his hand. All the floating islands were firmly in the air.

No matter how terrifying the threat of the control stone burst out, these floating islands will not waver. Of course, the true gods will suffer under this threat, but it is also a kind of experience for them.

"Boom boom boom..."

Six thunderbolts spiraled out in a row and ran away in all directions of the divine realm.

This stone slab also has considerable authority in the divine realm. If we talk about its influence on the divine realm, I'm afraid it's second only to Luo Zheng, who integrated the will of the newborn.

Since Luo Zheng wrote down to kill xuanyuanwei, the ruling slate naturally knew where those xuanyuanwei were hiding.

"Well, the ruling slate will kill them," Luo Zheng said with a smile to Jin Lao and Ming Wei.

Mingwei nodded, "the power of this stone slab is really strong, but it's more than enough to kill other Xuanyuan guards with only one thunder, but I'm afraid it's difficult to comfort them."

Before that, Ming Wei turned into a desolate God and sacrificed all her strength to kill Wei Xian.

This comfort leisure should have a unique blood refining secret, not so easy to kill.

"One thunderbolt can't do it, then there are ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand. Once the rule of ruling the slate is triggered, it won't stop until death. They have no chance to escape," Luo Zheng replied.

Luo Zheng was also able to evade the punishment of the rule of ruling the slate by exchanging blood in Dayan.

If you use other methods to sneak across the divine realm, once you touch the rules of the slate, you will face a steady stream of punishment.

Hearing Luo Zheng's explanation, Ming Wei smiles and nods to show her understanding.

Luo Zheng's eyes just fall on Fu Er. Fu Er has been in a coma, and his legs have been carried by Chi Yi after being cut off by Wei Xian.

"I don't know what's the injury of fu-2?" Luo Zhengning asked.

Chi Yi said: "it's not a fatal injury, just rest."

Luo Zheng nodded, "that should find a quiet place for you!" After glancing at the floating islands below, he said, "let's go to the floating island of Hanjia first."

Luo's floating island has fallen into the sea of time, but for the Luo family now, it's just a matter of Luo Zheng's mind to have a floating island again. It's not urgent. After calming down the internal and external troubles in the divine realm, there are still many things to deal with.



With the fall of the holy emperor of the Han family, the whole Han family is now leaderless. Even Han Tianxiao is still fighting for the position of sage in the saint mountain. There are only a few Han parents on duty in the whole floating island.

For fear of being implicated, many children of the Han family fled from the floating island and returned to the Liuren area, the ancestral land of the Han family.

With the arrival of Luo Zheng and his party, the old people of Han's family suddenly became very cold. During the period when Han Qingdi was in command of the rich family alliance, all the children of Han's family were arrogant and domineering among the rich families.

With the fall of emperor Hanqing, I'm afraid the whole Hanjia family is finished. Many of the children of Hanjia think so.

Chi Yi, Jin Lao and others find a secluded place to heal Fu Er, while Ming Wei has to repair her broken arm.

In contrast, Luo Xiao and Li Luoshui are in the best state among a group of people outside China.

Just under the gaze of the elders of the Han family, Luo Xiao gently unfolded his hands. With a wave of space, he built a space channel, which directly connects with a star in the Dayan universe.


With nine aunt, net unreal, Yu Taibai, and with early month, with tassel and others came out.

"Han Jiuyi!"

"It's Yasheng!""And Princess tassel..."

When the elders of the Han family saw these people, they were very excited.

Now even a fool can see that the sea of time is going to change.

If Han Jiuyi endorses for Han's family, the whole Han's family will be able to survive the disaster!

"Eh, why the floating island of Hanjia?" Han Chuyue blinks and looks curious.

With fringes also some doubts, a pair of big eyes staring at Luo Zheng.

"I can't find a safe place for the time being, so I have to choose here," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

When Yu Taibai and Han Jiuyi see Luo Zheng safe and sound, they have guessed the general situation of the divine realm. It's hard for them to hide in Dayan's universe these days.

Just as they wanted to inquire about the details, a Han's parents rushed up and cried to Han Jiuyi: "Jiuyi! At that time, the Qing emperor did not do things fairly, and we have no way. Now the Qing emperor has fallen, and the whole Han family still asks you to make the decision! "

Hearing this, Han Jiuyi's, Han Liusu's and Han Chuyue's hearts trembled slightly.

"Han Qingdi Is he dead? " Han Jiuyi asked.

"Yes! Hanqing emperor's connection with the world has collapsed, "the elder cried.

Luo Zheng said: "I broke the world of Hanqing emperor."

Before killing Hanqing emperor, Luo Zheng had some worries in his heart.

But such a man is not a father at all, that is, he has to coerce his daughter before he dies. Luo Zheng can't find any reason to forgive him.

With tassels, he pursed his mouth and shook his head, "everything is the father's fault..."

"What about my brother?" Han Chuyue knew that Han cangyan was still under the control of Han Qingdi, so she naturally worried about his safety.

"Hanqing emperor asked hancangyan to come into the saint mountain to kill me, and I wiped out Hanqing emperor's soul mark. He is here," Luo Zheng said. With a slight wave of his hand, hancangyan's body has appeared in front of the public, but his soul has no memory, it can only be regarded as a walking corpse.

Luo Zheng turned to Li Luoshui and said, "mother, please find out the fire of memory that contains the smoke."

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