After the saints were canonized, other saints would meet them in the synagogue.

It can be regarded as bringing the new sages into a new circle, although there are only dozens of people in this circle.

But this time, the situation is different. There are too many big things happening in the divine realm.

The essence of the elite League is xuanyuanwei. Before, it was also a competition with Luo Zheng. Now Luo Zheng has overturned all xuanyuanwei with one man's strength, and no one in the whole divine realm dares to fight against them.

Especially the scene that Hanqing emperor was killed left a deep impression in the minds of the saints.

Luo Zheng was not limited by the rule of ruling the slate at all. He could easily collapse the other side's world. It can be said that the fate of the saints was in Luo Zheng's hands. For a time, the saints also put themselves in a troublesome position.

What should Luo Zheng do if he really pursues the saints of the league?

"Revise the rules again?"

"It's extremely difficult to change any of the rules on the slate. Can he revise them at will?"

"Luo Zheng, let's go..."

The new saints, such as Leng Wujian, didn't know what happened outside the mountain. Did they hear that Luo Zheng asked many saints to come to meet him? He was also quite strange.

This Luo Zheng is fierce, but not to the point of ordering all saints at will, right?

Especially the holy emperor of his cold family, Tang Lun, Mu Haiji and others, can't obey this guy's orders

But the next scene still left Leng Wujian stunned.

A sage came one after another. At the moment of his appearance, these saints also bowed their hands to Luo Zheng.

"Why does this guy make saints submit to him..." A storm set off in Leng Wufeng's heart.

Tang Lun, Leng Yao, Fang Shixing and other saints' faces were very unnatural.

A thousand of them didn't want to come to the sage hall to meet Luo Zheng, but they had to come again!

These people used to fight Luo Zheng, but now Luo Zheng is in liquidation, and none of them can escape.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed over the saints' faces. He couldn't see the color of sadness and happiness. He just said faintly, "there's only one less person. Why didn't Mu Haiji come?"

"Muhaiji..." Tang Lun also had some doubts.

During this time, the sages of Tang, Fang, Leng, Qin and other former powerful alliance gathered together to discuss countermeasures, but they never met Mu Haiji.

Luo Zheng's voice just fell, with a wave of space spread out, a figure also quietly appeared, it is mu Haiji.

Mu Haiji and Luo Zheng looked at each other, then hardened his head and said, "I found an object in the great universe. I think Luo Zheng is of great use to you."

Having said that, Mu Haiji released a boat from Xumi's ring, which was exactly the Lingxiao boat used by xuanyuanwei.

Seeing the soaring boat, Luo Zheng said with a smile, "does it take you so many days to think about a flying boat? Or do you want to use this boat to escape

Hearing this, Mu Haiji's face changed slightly, and immediately said: "the divine realm is the fundamental place of our saints, and I have no idea of escaping!"

"It's a pity that you are a saint. The inner world and the world are integrated into one. You can't escape at all. If you are a great consummation or a sub saint, maybe the situation is different?" Luo Zheng asked.

Mu Hai's face changed slightly and he didn't dare to argue with Luo Zheng.

When Mu Haiji discovered the boat, he did have such an idea. If he could escape from his mother's world by using the roller coaster, it might be a way out, but he was a saint after all. The spiritual place of dajiyu not only made him, but also bound him.

After thinking about it, she can only obediently hand over the flying boat.

Mu Haiji doesn't know that everything in the divine realm is under the control of Luo Zheng.

At the top of the sea of time, from time to time, powerful thunder punishments will burst out. These thunder punishments will be shot in all directions.

No matter hiding in the deep underground or hiding in the space, they can't escape the punishment of thunder.

Among the remaining five Xuanyuan guards, three are dead, and there's Weixian and another Xuanyuan guard left. They all exert a very strong jiejie hard support, and Weixian even gets into the deep underground water.

However, the two Xuanyuan guards are already exhausted under the baptism of thunder punishment. In three or five days, they are bound to be cut clean by thunder punishment.

Luo Zheng knows the movements of these Xuanyuan guards anytime and anywhere. Of course, he also knows the existence of this flying boat.

Mu Hai wanted to escape with the boat, and Luo Zheng would stop him for the first time, not to mention he did not dare to do so.

Luo Zheng did not continue to pursue this issue, but said to all the saints, "today I summon you saints to tell you that the rules in the divine realm will be revised."

"Revise the rules again?"

"Can the rules on the ruling slate be changed at will?"


The sages immediately talked about it, which was the biggest doubt.

Those rules not only limited the power of saints, but also protected the killing of saints."All the rules on the ruling slate have been smoothed out by me," Luo Zheng replied.

Hearing this, the saints suddenly grew up.

Especially the new saints, Leng Wufeng is looking at Luo Zheng.

For saints, the rule of controlling the stone slab is an iron law, which can't be violated. This guy even smoothed all the rules?

"In the future, there will be no more powerful families. The only existence in the divine realm that can surpass the sea of time is the Li nationality," Luo Zheng announced.

When Luo Zheng said this, the saints were confused.

More or less, they also know some legends of the holy people, that is, the legendary Li people.

But isn't the holy people slaughtered?

While the saints were confused, Luo Zheng continued: "this divine realm originally belongs to the Li nationality. I just return what belongs to them."

The biggest dream of liluoshui is to wake up all the people of Li nationality.

Although these Li people have fallen for countless years, their fire of memory still exists. Only after Li Luoshui completely controls the reincarnation Horcrux, she can do it.

The only problem is the blood. After reincarnation, the Li people only have the memory, but the blood no longer exists.

But the problem of blood can be solved by Mr. Jin.

In fact, Li Luoshui's idea is more radical. In her eyes, everything in the realm of God belongs to the Li people, including the god people and the true God.

According to her idea, we can "wake up" all Li people, which is equivalent to forcing the fire of Li people's memory into everyone's mind. After all, these people are also the reincarnation of Li people.

But Luo Zheng, Luo Xiao and others are against it. After all, it's too inhumane to do so, which is tantamount to erasing the memory fire of all people in the divine realm.

So I chose a compromise plan, that is to let the new born gods and people in the divine domain carry the memory of the Li people.

After all, the means to recover the Li people are slower, but it will not take hundreds of years for the Li people to return to the divine realm.

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