The initial speed of a giant like Shenyu must be extremely slow.

Like a running elephant, it may turn its head slowly and slowly, but once it speeds up, it will be faster and faster.

When Luo Zheng pushed the two rings on his hands forward, the whole divine realm vibrated more severely.

The whole divine realm can feel the existence of this vibration, but most people can't feel the divine realm moving.


The God domain which has completely turned its direction starts to move forward towards chaos.

"Eh, the bottom of the divine realm..."

At this time, Luo Zheng felt a violent energy wave coming from the bottom of the divine realm.

After merging the will of the newborn, Luo Zheng can feel all the existence in the divine realm. It's just an idea, and he has already noticed this abnormal situation.

That's the hot tea flowing!

"Does the power of the whole divine realm come from this stream?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

People in the realm of God only know that the deepest part of the realm of God is full of this kind of green slurry, which is untouchable for all things in the realm of God. Even if the saint touches it, he will die without doubt, and there is no turning back.

At the beginning, Li Luoshui killed several saints with the cutting fire tea stream.

However, there is no record of the role and origin of cutting fire tea flow in the divine realm.

After all, in a place like the sea of time, sages can still explore it, but who can go deep into the stream?


As Luo Zheng pressed down the ring in his hands, the speed of the divine realm was faster and faster, and Luo Zheng also felt the boiling of the cutting fire tea was more and more fierce!

"This speed should be almost the same," Luo Zheng murmured.

Even if the bear family knows about the death of Wei Xian and others, it will take a long time to send people here to investigate.

At that time, the divine realm should have had a very high speed and escaped from here.

Shenyu has been activated, and Luo Zheng's control is no longer needed in a short time.

After breaking away from the ring, Luo Zheng still can clearly feel the boiling tea flow under the ground through his newborn will.

"This cutting fire tea stream can't be born out of thin air. If Chi You wants to drive such a huge divine realm, I'm afraid something has been planted in the depths of the earth. According to the truth, since I have inherited the newborn will, I can know everything in the divine realm. Why can't I find out the source of this cutting fire tea stream?"

Once this curiosity arises, Luo Zheng can hardly contain it.

He sat upright in the hall and spread his divine consciousness with his newborn will.

This divine consciousness crossed the sun, straight down from the sky, and went straight into the rock layer, then the gangue layer, the flint layer and the reinforcement layer, and finally into the cutting fire tea stream.

If it is in the past, when the divine consciousness comes into the stream, the consciousness will be lost.

However, after the fusion of the will of the newborn, the divine consciousness of Duanhuo Dala liunara Zheng was helpless.

God consciousness constantly shuttles through the stream of cutting fire tea, and Luo Zheng soon finds that the green slurry is almost everywhere at the bottom of God domain, which is more than Luo Zheng's imagination.

The underground fire tea stream is like a huge ocean, which is wrapped by the upper rock layer, and the area of the ocean is almost as large as the divine realm!

In such a huge green ocean, even if there are any strange creatures, it is not too strange.

But soon Luo Zheng found himself thinking too much.

After all, the fire cutting tea stream is a forbidden place for the living beings. Even in the sun fire, there are fire spirits born in it, which evolves strange creatures, but the fire cutting tea stream is dead.

"Gululu, gululu..."

With Luo Zheng's divine consciousness shuttling through it, he found that the boiling water around him was more intense.

Originally viscous flow of green pulp flow as boiling water in general, crazy boiling.

"The change should come from the front!"

After determining the direction, Luo Zheng's divine consciousness was a little faster. Soon after, he saw a strange scene.

There is a huge green whirlpool in the middle of the stream!

Whirlpool in the high-speed flying under, triggered the whole God domain cut off fire tea flow!

"Go in and have a look!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Zheng injected his own divine consciousness into the whirlpool, but when he injected his divine consciousness into it, it disappeared!

I lost contact with my divine consciousness

Luo Zheng was slightly stunned, and his face was full of inexplicable color.

It's very common for Luo zhengruo to be cut off. Even if he feels that other gods are searching himself, he can turn his soul power into a knife to cut off each other's consciousness.

To put it bluntly, divine consciousness is just the extension of soul, but the power of soul contained in divine consciousness is relatively small.

Luo Zheng could not restrain his curiosity and released a divine consciousness again.As like as two peas, he had already set the position, and the speed was very fast. He found the vortex in the blink of an eye, but the situation was exactly the same as last time. When his knowledge was injected into it, he was sucked away.

as like as two peas, he gave up the third attempt and estimated the result was exactly the same.

After pondering for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly made a inference that this vortex should be related to his activation of the divine realm.

Thinking of this, he once again put the seven rings on himself. After Luo Zheng pulled the rings in his hands back, the whole divine realm slowly stopped. Soon after, he was absolutely still and floating in chaos.

On the floating island, Ming Wei, Jin Lao and others naturally feel the movement, and their faces are full of strange colors.

"Luo Zheng has just started the divine realm. Why should he stop it?"

"Did he find something?"

When he stopped the divine realm, Luo Zheng injected the divine consciousness into the ground again.

Sure enough, as he inferred, the whirlpool in the stream disappeared, and the boiling stream gradually subsided.

"It seems that this great whirlpool should be the power source of the divine realm, but what is in the whirlpool?"

Although Luo Zheng proved his guess, he became more curious about this vortex.

After Luo Zheng started the divine realm again, he left the sun palace and returned to the floating island.

"Luo Zheng, why did you stop the divine realm just now?" Old Jin asked his doubts. He was afraid that Luo Zheng might encounter some thorny problems.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and replied, "I found some strange things at the bottom of the divine realm, but my divine consciousness can't get into it, so I plan to go there myself."

"The bottom of the realm?" Chi Yi's eyebrows gently raised.

They know that the bottom of the divine realm is full of cutting fire tea flow, but even the well-informed Chi Yi and Jin Lao can't judge the source of this kind of thing.

The strong on the other side can endure the burning and erosion of the stream, just as comfort leisure hides in the stream in order to avoid thunder punishment, but it also takes a lot of strength to protect his body.

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