The man kneeling on one knee at the door of the cloud hall is either another or an evil god.

Luo Zheng nodded slightly to the tassel and gave an unnatural smile, with a faint color of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing Luo Zheng's expression, it is very strange for Han Liusu and Mu Ning.

Seeing the appearance of Luo Zheng, the evil God raised his head, and his face became excited. Then he said, "I have never asked for anyone in this life, only for the creator you! Please also make the promise come true

Luo Zheng promised that the evil god would release him from the inner world.

But since he entered into the realm of God, he has been on the run, hardly staying at all. Naturally, this promise has not been fulfilled.

Now the evil god kneels here, which really makes Luo Zheng feel guilty.

Luo Zheng came forward and clasped the evil god's shoulders, trying to help him up, but the evil god was still, and didn't mean to get up at all. "If you don't promise me, I won't get up!"

"I have promised you, but now is not the time," Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Any time is OK!" The evil god insisted on Tao.

The evil god has great ambition since he was young. No matter how difficult it is in his eyes, he can solve it with his own talent and perseverance, but he can't do it without leaving this world.

When Luo Zheng said that, he thought that what Luo Zheng gave was another excuse for procrastination.

Luo Zheng laughed and then said, "I am in chaos now. With your current cultivation, if you step into chaos, you will surely die..."

In fact, Mingwei has the means to let the true God safely set foot in chaos.

When they were outside China, it was under the protection of Mingwei that huatianming and chenhuangqi could move freely.

But now it's meaningless to release the evil god. At most, he can only act in the flying boat, and it's impossible to throw him into the space channel and let him drift with the current.

The evil god looked at Luo Zheng's face, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

Luo Zheng then said, "I'm going to a bigger world. At that time, I will set you free."

The evil spirit stares at Luo Zheng, and his face doesn't fluctuate too much. After all, Luo Zheng has cheated him several times.

When he was young, he had dominated the whole world and helped Luo Zheng to maintain the development of the world. Now the descendants of the evil god have been scattered for generations. He is still here!

"Can the creator promise me?" There was a trace of cunning in the eyes of the evil god.

He is so clever that he has already guessed the identity of Mu Ning and Han tassel. If Luo Zheng can guarantee in front of his wife, he must be able to count.

"Yes, the first thing I do is to set you free when I step across the larger world," Luo Zheng nodded.

"If I had not been set free at that time, I would still kneel here!" The evil god is so threatening.

Although I don't know why Luo Zheng moved his wife to this floating island, the evil god is happy to see this scene. At least he has a chance to find Luo Zheng here.

Luo Zheng nodded helplessly. As his eyes passed the evil god, he said, "you How many Shinto have been built? "

Luo Zheng integrated three thousand Shinto with the help of immeasurable ruler, so there is a complete three thousand Shinto that can be cultivated in his divinity.

To some extent, the starting point of the warrior in this world has been synchronized with the divine realm, but Luo Zheng's inner world can not be compared with the divine realm opened up by Chiyou, unlike the divine people in the divine realm who can easily step into the divine realm from the birth.

"How many doors? There are only three thousand Shinto in this world. Naturally, three thousand Shinto have been accomplished, "the evil god looked at Luo Zheng strangely.

"Three thousand Shinto..."

After hearing this, Luo Zheng's tassel and Mu Ning are also shocked.

Han Liusu is a true God of great fullness, and Mu Ning's cultivation is not bad. Both of them are from rich families, but they know how terrible it is to practice several Shinto at the same time.

And this evil god has practiced three thousand Shinto

Even the holy emperor of the herdsman and Han family, Yasheng, could not have done what he did?

Luo Zheng is also stupid.

You should know that Luo Zheng himself was able to hold 3000 Shinto with no measuring ruler.

If he had enough time to practice Shinto with his own talent, he might be able to do it, but it would not be short.

Although the time flow of Luo Zheng's inner world is very fast, it is not long for Luo Zheng to accommodate 3000 Shinto, and the total time for the cultivation of evil gods will not exceed ten years.

However, ten years later, the evil god realized three thousand Shinto with his own talent?

Such talent even made Luo Zheng feel terrible.

But the evil god didn't realize how terrible his talent was. In his eyes, no one in the world can compete with him. This concept has not changed since he became famous. So the evil god's eyes are the larger world outside.

Only in that world can evil spirits find people who can match him.Naturally, evil gods don't know that even in the realm of God, even in the mother world, there are very few true gods who can practice so many Shinto.

In such a short period of time, it is not clear whether there is Luo Zheng in the mother world, but there is no such genius in the divine realm.

"However, I am oppressed by the rules of this world. The three thousand Shinto has been unable to be perfect, and I can't practice the perfect level magic power at all..." The evil god's face showed the color of bitterness.

When Luo Zheng became a great and full true God, the evil god could cultivate the middle true God. After Luo Zheng stepped into the sea of true meaning, the evil god immediately entered the upper true God.

Only when Luo Zheng set foot on the other side of the world, the evil god was qualified to be perfect. This was the limitation of the cultivation method in the big world, and even Luo Zheng could not violate it.

After all, if Luo Zheng's inner world is full of a true God, it may threaten the stability of his inner world. Therefore, the strongest living creature in the inner world is two levels inferior to the one who created the inner world.

As for the world of saints, the whole inner world becomes larger after they become spiritual places. Therefore, the living beings in the world can only cultivate heaven at most, and the strength of heaven lies between the world Lord and the lower true God.

When he heard that, Luo Zheng had an idea in his heart. If he allowed the evil gods to practice in his mother's world, what kind of existence would he achieve? Can he integrate three thousand Shinto?

"When you practice three thousand Shinto, have you ever tried to integrate them?" Luo Zheng asked again.

The evil god's face once again showed a strange color and asked: "these Shinto were originally used for fusion, right? Creator, you have merged Tao and Yun for several times. After several times of observation, I have merged three thousand Shinto into two thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Taoism.... "

“……” Luo Zheng stared at the evil spirit for a while, but he couldn't speak for a moment.

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