It was just after a big setback that he became obsessed with what he had done that he had a dilemma that he could not get over.

At this time, those setbacks will turn into demons, constantly give themselves a hint, so as to bring greater harm to their soul.

In this case, it is difficult for others to intervene and crack.

Ouyang Tang, sitting outside the competition, looks very ugly at the moment. Wang yanmiao is his chief disciple and Ouyang Tang's greatest pride. However, he didn't expect that Wang yanmiao not only lost to Luo Zheng, but also went crazy!

But he didn't have a better way at the moment, but he knew that if a person was on the verge of being possessed, the more comforting he was, the opposite effect would be aroused, and he would be completely pushed into the abyss of being possessed.

It's like many women can endure when they are angry, but once someone comforts them, they can't help crying!

But Luo Zheng slowly walked on the white lotus. Wang yanmiao had no time to take care of the white lotus. Without the supplement of Zhenyuan, the white lotus was slowly collapsing.

But Luo Zheng went up step by step, standing on the top of the white lotus, overlooking Wang yanmiao.

"I can give you a chance, a chance to follow my steps! You can fight me in three years! But you are doomed to be unable to surpass me, but if you don't have the courage to chase me, you'd better die, because your talent is outstanding, but your heart of martial arts is far from solid. It's just a little frustration that makes you hard to extricate yourself. Even if you haven't met me, you can't go too far... "

"The world is so big that there are trillions of human beings in the eastern region. It's said that the central region is ten times larger than the eastern region. The gifted disciples who were born in the middle region have been warming up with all kinds of miracles since childhood. They have practiced skills far beyond the level of heaven. Their masters are immeasurable. They also inherit their parents' talents. Maybe some of them can defeat you at the age of ten or even younger Even now I am inferior to them. Your so-called pride is just a lie of arrogance... "

"If you understand these, you should understand that your pride is just vanity. Smash it and practice down-to-earth. You may have a chance to catch up with me. Otherwise, you are nothing but a waste in the world. No, you are not only a waste in the future, but also a waste in the past."

Luo Zheng's words were like a knife into Wang yanmiao's heart and ran through his mind.

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, Ouyang hall could not help but sit down. He suddenly roared: "Luo Zheng! You have won Wang yanmiao. Don't deceive others too much! "

It's really too bullying. Wang yanmiao is on the verge of being possessed. Luo Zheng has to step on it.

Although most people were optimistic about Wang yanmiao before, and Luo Zheng easily reversed the situation and defeated Luo Zheng, in fact, many people still stood on Luo Zheng's side.

After all, Luo Zheng is the inferior one in their eyes. He was born in the grass roots. Wang yanmiao is a scholar's son and a disciple of Ouyang hall. He is very strong in himself. What's more, he also tries to get in touch with Luo Zheng's sister Luo Yan. The subconscious of the public generally likes to stand on the weak side against the strong.

But after Luo Zheng said that, the situation immediately reversed.

At such a time, falling into the well is tantamount to pushing Wang yanmiao into the fire pit. It's too much.

However, Luo Zheng turned a deaf ear, just standing in the gradually disappearing lotus, looking at Wang yanmiao like a spring breeze. At the moment, even though Luo Zheng's face is wearing a faint smile, it seems that it is endless irony.

Many people sigh at this moment: Wang yanmiao is over, and I'm afraid I will never see the talented disciple who has been doted on all his life again. I'm afraid Qingyun sect will have an idiot.

But at this time, a lotus shadow suddenly appeared at Wang yanmiao's feet. At the same time, the blank and sad color on Wang yanmiao's face had been swept away, and replaced by the ethereal color. He seemed to look at all the people, but he didn't seem to look at anyone. This strange situation lasted for several breaths, and then he closed his eyes.

At the same time, a huge lotus shadow appeared at his feet!

Then, a holy, elegant and fragrant white lotus grows up quickly, and the white lotus will wrap him up as soon as it appears.

"This is..." Ouyang Tang took a deep breath, but he was surprised and speechless.

Shi Jingtian also suddenly stood up from his chair. Although he expected that Luo Zheng might defeat Wang yanmiao, he never thought that this kind of thing would happen. He was stunned and looked at it for several times. Then he shook his head with a smile and said, "I didn't expect that Luo Zheng was underestimated. He knew that Wang Yanyao was on the verge of being possessed by the devil, but he used words to excite him, just to help Wang Yan It stimulates Wang yanmiao to regain his martial and Taoist heart, but the effect is surprisingly good. Wang yanmiao suddenly realized it! "


Elder Xu was staring at the huge white lotus, and his eyes also showed envy.

All of a sudden, it's a chance for Every warrior. Elder Xu has lived for so many years, but he has never experienced an epiphany. The more powerful he is, the deeper he knows about martial arts. It's more and more difficult to have an epiphany. After all, Epiphany stresses that only when he has a certain ignorance of martial arts, can he suddenly understand it. If he has finished most of it, it's better It's not easy to have an epiphany.That Wang yanmiao has stepped into the state of light God. After this epiphany, I'm afraid there will be a lot of improvement in his strength!

Who could have thought that Luo Zheng's words would have such an effect?

What's more terrible is that seeing Luo Zheng's calm expression, it seems that he had expected this kind of situation!

"Wang yanmiao was originally at the top of the world according to God. Among all the disciples, his strength was higher. If this epiphany happened, I'm afraid no one among the disciples would be his opponent!"

"It's undeniable that Wang yanmiao's Epiphany will be greatly improved, especially this kind of despairing epiphany can break through his own bottleneck in an instant. However, it's better not to say that his disciples are invincible. The realm of martial arts is important, but look at Luo Zheng. He has already broken this common sense!"

"Yes, for example, Hua Tianming has not drawn his sword so far. Who knows how terrible it will be after he draws his sword? Maybe with the power of heaven's destiny, you can sweep over the disciples

The duel of reincarnation competition was suspended because Wang yanmiao entered the state of epiphany. After wrapping a stick of incense for about a long time, a crack appeared on the surface of the white lotus that wrapped Wang yanmiao. The pattern continued to spread and finally covered the whole lotus.

Finally, the white lotus collapsed, but Wang yanmiao sat in it and opened his eyes.

At the moment, Wang yanmiao seems to have a new look. A pair of eyes are full of vigor. His temperament has changed slightly after the epiphany. The fierce and domineering spirit in his momentum has faded away and replaced by a kind of quiet and noble momentum!

"All the time, I thought that Quanfeng Dabi was in my bag. I just need to search for it. I thought it would be easier to meet you in the first fight. I didn't expect that I was defeated like this, and it was unbearable. Just now I can't figure out why I lost to you like this, but now I understand!"

The world is so big, even if it is the most powerful genius, we should have the consciousness of frog in the well!

It's not terrible to be a frog in the bottom of a well. What's terrible is that he has a narrow vision, but he can't stand the stimulation from outside, leading to his own obsession.

Wang yanmiao's instant understanding of the people broadened his mind countless times, and even vaguely felt a trace of Zen in his lotus treasure.

Ouyang Tang Zuo once told Wang yanmiao that although lotus treasure mirror is a Tianjie skill, its power is far beyond the ordinary Tianjie skill, and it can't be compared with the ordinary Tianjie skill.

Because "lotus treasure" is handed down from a super power in the central region, if you want to play its full power, you need to understand a trace of "Zen".

Now, Wang yanmiao has touched the Zen in it, and he believes that he only needs to give him time to fully understand it.

"Thank you!" Wang yanmiao bowed to Luo Zheng with a cool face. Then he walked down from the competition arena and came to Ouyang hall to sit in front of him. Wang yanmiao bowed deeply: "master, I'm afraid I can't take part in the competition because I have a deep feeling and want to practice behind closed doors."

"This..." Ouyang Tang's face shows a trace of hesitation. After all, Ouyang Tang still attaches great importance to Quanfeng Dabi. If Wang yanmiao can get the top three of Quanfeng Dabi, his face as a master will be bright. Besides, the top three of Quanfeng Dabi can take Qingyun road once, which is also of great benefit to Wang yanmiao.

But seeing Wang yanmiao's appearance, Ouyang Tang's expression was also moving. Maybe Wang yanmiao's Epiphany just now realized some extremely important things. In this way, it must be the best to close the door and practice to digest those things. After all, this Qingyun road can be taken three years later, and epiphany is a big chance. Many people don't meet it once in their lives

So Ouyang Tang sat and nodded, "yanmiao, I allow you to shut up."

The battle between Luo Zheng and Wang yanmiao is also an unusual twists and turns. Who could have thought that Wang yanmiao had sacrificed ancient immortals when he was in the dominant position, and Luo Zheng was turned over inexplicably. Up to now, no one can see that Luo Zheng used the power of vibration to beat Wang yanmiao's sword.

After the battle, Wang yanmiao fell into a state of infatuation. However, he was stimulated by Luo Zheng's words and finally realized his epiphany

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