Luo Zheng can also condense a flame in the sea water.

But the sea water of the sea of true meaning is not the ordinary sea water at all. This candle still burns silver light, which is a bit strange.

The end of the tornado is just above the silver flame, which means that the vortex is made by the candle.

Most of all, the candle is not natural.

"These candles suddenly appear here, and when they are lit, a great whirlpool will be created, which must be man-made," Luo Zheng said, staring at the candle.

"Hey hey, they are willing to spend money, which is a good thing," said 9527 suddenly.

Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly and asked, "who are they referring to?"

"It's not the right time for you to know, a bunch of false guys," replied 9527.

Luo Zheng moved a few feet forward and approached the candle quietly. His face was also cautious.

No matter who put the candle here, I'm afraid it will be protected. Judging from the tone of 9527, it's absolutely impossible for the other party to be a nobody.

If he wants to destroy the candle, he must be very careful.

"Don't worry, they certainly didn't think that anyone could enter the sea of true meaning with the body," he concluded.

"That's what I said!"

Knowing that Yang soul would die if it fell into the sea of true meaning, Luo Zheng would not worry too much about the safety of the candle.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng reached out and grabbed the candle.

But when Luo Zheng touched the candle, a force of resistance pushed his hand away.

Around the candle, a dark green light appeared. The dark green light circled around the candle and split into four spheres. The surface of the sphere was constantly raised and concave. It turned into four bats that were more than one person long!

These bats exude a strong power of soul, as well as some special truth of Tao!

When there was an abnormal moment, Luo Zheng began to retreat quickly, "these bats are also Yang spirits No, they are much more powerful than Yang spirit! "

When he made this judgment, he was also confused.

This is the depth of the sea of true meaning. Any Yang soul falling into the sea of true meaning will be instantly melted away. Why are these bats not afraid?

Now is obviously not the time to think about these problems, the bats spread their broad wings, waved their wings in the sea and rushed to Luo Zheng!


Green bats fly far faster than Luo Zheng and can't escape at all.

In the blink of an eye, a green bat rushed to Luo Zheng. Two sharp tusks appeared on the bat's face, which was the size of his fist. He bit them off toward Luo Zheng's head.

Luo Zheng tilted his head slightly, and the bat bit him on the shoulder.


The fangs were not as powerful as Luo Zheng imagined. This bite could not bite through his skin!


Luo Zheng was also slightly stunned, with a smile on his face. He twisted his backhand and buckled the huge bat in his hand.

When the soul grows up to a certain level, it can crack rocks. Especially when it comes to the Yang soul state, the touch of the soul is similar to that of ordinary objects. Although these bats surpass the existence of the Yang soul, their strength can't be compared with the real flesh body, especially Luo Zheng's flesh body after a lot of training!

With his hands suddenly under the force, this huge bat was directly torn into two pieces by him!

However, the torn bat quickly turned into two green balls of light. These balls of light floated away from Luo Zheng, but slowly merged into one, and turned into the big green Bat again.

Luo Zheng has no time to take care of this situation at the moment, and the other three bats surround him in turn.

These green bats obviously have no wisdom. Knowing that their attack is invalid, they still don't have the slightest timidity. They rush up one after another and want to tear Luo Zheng to pieces with their tusks.

As a result, he was easily torn in half by Luo Zheng and turned into the green ball.

"Don't kill these bats at all..."

Although Luo Zheng is not afraid of bats' biting, these bats are not only immortal, but also give Luo Zheng a headache.

"How could it not be killed? Do you take a closer look at the size of these bats? " Nine five two seven reminds a way.

Luo Zhengning looked around and found that three of the bats were significantly smaller

This scene suddenly let Luo Zheng understand, these bats regeneration is not without cost, each regeneration should be a sharp consumption of their soul power!

It's easy

Luo Zheng rushed up and let the bats attack in turn. Every time a bat came over, he would tear it in half with his bare hands.

A little half an hour later, the bats had been reduced to the size of fists from the height of one person at the beginning.

Perhaps the power of the soul is not enough, the speed of their formation is getting slower and slower, and the final green light can no longer be formed and completely dissipated in the sea!"Didn't you say the candle was unprotected?" Luo Zheng asked.

Ninety five twenty seven said with a faint smile: "if they are really against you, you may be dead now. These Yang spirits should be against those creatures who don't have eyes in the sea of true meaning..."

Luo Zheng nodded slightly.

No matter how powerful these bats are, they are only souls after all. If Luo Zheng's Yang soul meets these green bats, I'm afraid they won't win. The souls of bats are comparable to those of those who are strong on the other side.

But no matter how strong the soul is, it can't be Luo Zheng's opponent.

It shows that those who decorate candles are not really aimed at Luo Zheng.

After solving these bats, Luo Zheng approached the candle again. When he grasped the candle in his hand, the flame on the top of the candle also fluttered, and the thumb thick waterspout above the flame also moved!

At the same time, the position of the whole vortex also began to move!

Ling Shuang and others are leaning on the edge of the vortex. With a slight movement of the vortex, Ling Shuang's face is slightly solidified, "eh? It's like Did you move? "

And then others noticed.

"The whirlpool moved a few feet!"

"No way! Once the great vortex is formed, it will be permanently fixed... "

"I've never heard of the great whirlpool moving!"

Seeing this scene, even a few genuine boats of different races made strange noises. They were also discussing this phenomenon.

"Is it Luo Zheng?" Ling Shuang blinked and thought.

It's just speculation. They have expectations in their hearts, but they also know that it can't be so simple to solve the vortex.

Under the water Luo Zheng holding the candle cruising, the straight water tornado also followed him.

After a little thought, he stretched out his finger and twisted it on the silver flame, which was extinguished by Luo Zheng.

And as he snuffed out the flames, the waterspout disappeared.

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